How we use Cledara at Project Access

Project Access
Project Access
Published in
2 min readOct 7, 2020

Find out more about how Cledara supports the work we do at Project Access

Project Access’ Global Director of Finance & IT — Takashi Lawson — discusses how we use Cledara at Project Access.

How do you use Cledara at Project Access?

We have transferred all our software subscriptions over to Cledara. This has allowed us to keep track of all the SaaS we have in one place and ensure we are operating within budget, with no payment surprises.

I also like to add our free accounts to the list of applications, as the interface is very nice to work with. This has saved me a lot of time when we need to amend our SaaS accounts and I need a quick way of finding which team is responsible.

What do you like most about Cledara?

Having the ability to stop a subscription with one-click. Before Cledara, it was a nightmare to cancel software subscriptions on individual accounts, and control expenditure at a granular level. Especially when personal work emails were used as the login. Now, with Cledara we can set a spending limit on each individual software subscription and stop a subscription easily, giving me peace of mind that we will never be overcharged.

I am also a big fan of the Xero integration which has made the transition to Cledara simple and easy. There has been no change to our accounts reconciliation process when we implemented Cledara and everything just worked!

How has Cledara helped you at this time?

Cledara saved us a £19,000 charge when testing whether the billing on one of our SaaS accounts was set up correctly. It would not have been easy to do without the budget control functions in Cledara.

The lack of foreign card transaction fees in Cledara has also saved us money. Unlike typical banks, we don’t pay a mark-up fee on subscriptions charged in USD. In fact, with the Cledara rewards scheme, we have not only saved money but received some!

Did Cledara surface any information that surprised you?

How much SaaS we actually use! The overview of applications is very handy, so we can see what tools we have and who is responsible for them in one place — something that we found hard to keep track of previously.

Takashi Lawson — Project Access

Originally published on the Cledara Blog on October 5th, 2020.



Project Access
Project Access

Project Access is a startup nonprofit powered by over 3,000 volunteers. Read personal & informative experiences to guide you to top universities on our Medium.