Life at Stanford University

Project Access
Project Access
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2020

Almost everything I said above is true of other top-tier colleges, like Harvard, Yale, or MIT. However, having visited all of the above campuses, I can confidently say that there are several factors that make Stanford unique amongst its peers.

To start, what they say about California’s weather is true! I’ve lived in 3 different countries and over a dozen US states, and I can confidently say that Stanford’s location in the Bay Area is one of the best in the world. Not too hot, never humid, and with just the right amount of rain to keep things interesting, the Stanford campus is a beautiful place to be year-round.

Another differentiating factor is the quarter system at Stanford. Most other US universities are on the semester system: that is, two academic semesters in the year that are 15 weeks long. In contrast, Stanford has three academic quarters that are 10 weeks long. This gives Stanford unparalleled academic flexibility when it comes to planning your four years of college. Most US students end up changing their intended majors once or twice; I ended up switching my major four times before deciding on International Relations, and I am still on track to graduating on time! Because of this, as well as the fact that Stanford is so strong across all academic disciplines, I think Stanford is perfect for students who have a wide range of interests and are not certain what they want to do after graduation.

Finally, I think Stanford is less preppy and (ahem) pretentious than other universities. At other colleges, students might wear suits and blazers; here, many people kick it in t-shirts and flip-flops, even as they’re killing their Stanford careers.

One of the less well-known details about Stanford student life is how much financial support its students groups receive. My freshman year, I joined an acapella group (for the first time!) and immediately found myself flying to Boston and New York City, shooting successful music videos, and performing for hundreds and hundreds of people. There are groups for everything from Bhaṅgṛā dance to jump rope to rocket-building to professional consulting; if you have a passion, chances are, there’s a student group for you at Stanford!

In terms of professional opportunities, there are companies that devote significant more attention to recruitment at Stanford than other universities. These companies include Google, Microsoft, Facebook, McKinsey, and more. In addition, there are myriad opportunities for service learning, study abroad, and research for whatever career you like!

If this sounds overwhelming, not to worry. Every freshman at Stanford is designated at least two advisers to guide you through your academic and professional careers.

Originally published at on July 11, 2020.



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Project Access

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