Our new Global Leadership Team stands ready to battle unequal access to education

Project Access
Project Access
Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2021

Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve made some important changes in Project Access. One of them is introducing our new Global Leadership Team, who over the next year will work closely together with our CEO and our board to implement the best possible changes and new ideas in our organization 🧡

So, without further ado, here they are!

Chief Executive Officer: Ingrid Udd Sundvor

Chief Product Officer: Harrison Smith

Global Director of Finance and Legal: Edison Low

Global Director of Campus Operations: Andy Lee

Global Director of Partnerships: Jasmin Kaur

Global Director of Outreach: Liam Garrett

Global Director of Talent: Erona Tasholli

This new team of hard-working people have a crazy drive for widening access to top universities for less-priviledged students.

For one, Andy has thought that GLT members were Access Superheros ever since he joined us as a Campus Officer in May 2020. They ‘were leaders from across the world, each with extraordinary life stories, all of whom had achieved incredible things both in and outside of Project Access.’ Andy hopes to build upon the skills of the GLT and become a better leader in this coming year while coming together to build a better future for the organization.

Erona adds that she believes that, ‘the new GLT is going to be one of both stability and innovation.’ With the mix of experienced GLT members and new faces from across the organization, the new GLT will make for a compentent and innovative team. In addition to his, Harrison states that it’s ‘an exciting combination of optimism and passion that we believe will inspire our brilliant team of volunteers to build upon the foundations laid over the past year and scale Project Access’s impact globally.’

And what about this coming year? Edison expresses excitement: ‘I look forward to translating our new strategy into reality and achieving great things with this team.’ Jasmin agrees, saying that she’s ‘sure this year will be full of lots of balanced risk-taking, valuable learnings and meaningful connections.’

In conclusion, the next year will bring lots of exciting challenges, but we’ve trust in our new Global Leadership Team that we, with their help, will tackle them gracefully and achieve great things. All that’s left to say is: stay tuned! 🚀



Project Access
Project Access

Project Access is a startup nonprofit powered by over 3,000 volunteers. Read personal & informative experiences to guide you to top universities on our Medium.