Notes from the Studios: Bettina Buck

Project Art360
Published in
1 min readJun 27, 2017

Mark Waugh

Bettina Buck, like many artists in contemporary Europe, has worked across borders both conceptual and material.

In her work, performance is often deployed to engage audiences in new questions around sculpture and exhibitions.

We were very interested to know what the particular challenges are for artists whose work is often collaborative in concept and execution. In the context of the Brexit vote, we were also concerned about how the material and conceptual borders of Europe, which have for a generation of artists been invisible, might disrupt and challenge their ways of working.

Being represented by the London-based Rokeby Gallery, Buck is positioned on a line which now seems volatile and archaic, but is a sign of our times.

Art360 has supported Buck in carrying out the digitisation, rationalisation and future-proofing of her existing archives; allowing images and metadata to be more rapidly deployed on a website and shared with others. Our support has included the purchase of a mega LaCie hard-drive, which is fast, stable and more suitable for working with video data.

We are delighted that the Art360-commissioned film on Bettina Buck and shot with Johannes Meier is now available — see above. To find out more about Bettina’s work, visit



Project Art360

Established by artists for artists, DACS is a not-for-profit visual artists’ rights management organisation.