Bits of tracing!!!

Manu Gupta
Project Athens
Published in
2 min readOct 3, 2018

This week we were able to get tracing making our first steps towards observability in the Athens Proxy server. We intend to use tracing to:

A) Help new contributors understand critical code paths to get an idea of how proxy works.
B) Debug latency issues for production systems and fix performance bugs in our code.
C) See how the proxy interacts with user requests.

To try out tracing, we have a walk through that that you can use with a local development instance. The docs are at :

Let’s talk about observability in Athens!

Right now, the support for tracing is limited to the Jaeger exporter and if you have a different exporter, feel free to submit a PR or open an issue. We use OpenCensus as our library to collect metrics and tracing exports.

If you are looking forward to contribute to Athens and improve our observability (or anything else!), you can pick an issue from GitHub right over here.

We hangout at in the #athens channel on the Gophers slack channel. We look forward to waving us over here.

Our weekly development meetings are held at every Thursday @ 11am US Pacific Time. You can catch up with what we have been doing in our meeting minutes here(psst! we have screencasts in the docs also). Join us at our next meeting by using this link.

Until then!

