Project Based Learning Playlist: Week of June 8th

Project Based Learning
2 min readJun 9, 2015

Your weekly guide to the world of project based and creative learning.

Add your own best reads and bits of information as a note or response.

PBL Playlist: What we are reading

  • Dos and Don’ts for Project Based Learning“Project based learning is filled with engaging and creative activities, hence help student to get deeper knowledge. So, if you are a teacher and thinking to start project based learning then here are some useful tips for you. Take a look at these dos and don’ts to get the best out of your students…”
  • An Example of PBL in Early Elementary: How I Started“As a teacher I have asked myself, “How do I integrate the Common Core Standards and start teaching these other highly desirable skills in first grade?” My answer to this question has been found in Project Based Learning (PBL)…
  • 42 Fill-in-the-Blank Prompts For Students To Design Their Own Projects — “Those legitimate concerns aside, the following series of fill-in-the-blank prompts can be used by teachers to create lessons, students to create projects–or teachers to collaborate with students to create lessons–or projects…”
  • Gold Standard PBL: Project Based Teaching Practices“When transitioning to PBL, one of the biggest hurdles for many teachers is the need to give up some degree of control over the classroom, and trust in their students. But even though they are more often the “guide on the side” than the “sage on the stage,” this most certainly does not mean that teachers don’t “teach” in a PBL classroom…”
  • Deeper Learning, Except for Math?-“As a scientist and engineer, I really like math. The fact that people believe math pedagogy is fundamentally different than other disciplines makes me crazy, and I’m done with the philosophical discussions and the quagmire of research. A few months ago I decided to just try something that feels good and write about it. This is my experiment…”

New On Our Blog: What we are writing

  • Why I Write a Personalized Note to My Graduating Students-“For each of my six plus years in the classroom, I have had at least one class of eighth graders. I have a little tradition going where I jot a personalized, hand-written note to each of my eighth grade students. I deliver it to them on their big graduation day…”

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