The Big To Do


Angee Attar
Inner Power Academy
3 min readApr 28, 2017


Our service provides an opportunity for high school students to gain leadership skills and complete volunteer hours by leading children groups or teams to engage in a program about health awareness and management by participating in a series of solo and team asthma-friendly activities.

—Current Service Value Proposition

In class today we realized that until next class there is actually no time where all four of us can meet as a whole group, which means that group time in class was particularly valuable. We have made The Big To Do, the (growing) list of everything that must be completed before the 9th. We needed to go through the list and see which tasks are necessary to at least be discussed or planned as a group. Today in class we decided to tackle the video, to at least begin storyboarding and figuring out what specifically we want the video to communicate. At our normal standing meeting (Saturdays 11:00— 13:00) unfortunately Emma will be unable to join us as she has a mandatory volunteering responsibility. Shunta, Nehal, and I will meet and discuss the branding guidelines and possibly the website flow and booklet for the troop leaders, time permitting.

*Italicized Tasks must be discussed as a group, Bolded initials indicates a task in which a group member has agreed to work on independently

  • Finalize multi-layer blueprint
  • Branding Guidelines: Type, Colour, Illustrations, Logo
  • Journey Map NV
  • Case Study SM: What you did, What you tried, What did or did not work, Deck,
  • Video: Story Board, Animation AA, Narration Script SM
  • Website: Flow, Wireframes
  • Pre Quiz (Superhero) ES: Questions, Images, Format (Buzz Feed)
  • Pre-Quiz (Habits) ES: Format (Google Forms)
  • Post Quiz (End of everything) ES: Questions, Images, Format (Google Forms)
  • Booklet for kids: Finalize copy, Design format, Print AA
  • Booklet for troop leaders: Asthma Emergency Training?
  • Final Deck: Final Value Flow, Final Blueprint, Final Stakeholder map, Final Journey Map, Story Board / Personas
  • Pitch: 3-minute pitch with each member of your team pitching, Deck
Quick initial story boarding and communication guideline for video (time: 2:00)

During our meeting we discussed our purposed and style of our video. We have agreed on using entirely animation. We do not believe it is feasible within the next two weeks to obtain solid footage of children, parents, or other stakeholders. Very simple animations and good typography can convey a message very clearly and effectively. The illustrations used for the animation will be used in the website and the booklets, so it isn’t too much additional work.

In terms of our narrative, we discussed whether we should follow “Here is the problem. Here is our solution.” versus, “Here are is our mission. Here is the service.” After discussing the role of the video in our final presentation, we figured we should go with the latter. This will prevent us from sounding redundant (We are team 8, meaning the client will have listened to over an hour worth of presentations before hearing ours), and also create a concise and easily digestible mission.

We also discussed whether or not we should create a emphasis on distinguishing the experience of the service between children with asthma versus those without. Our service is for all children, and children with asthma are not treated differently. In our service, all children will develop skills to develop better healthy lifestyle habits, how to become self aware. However, if a child has asthma, they will learn how to better understand their triggers, and how to shift to self management. We don’t want viewers to be confused and think that children receive different activities, but we also want to ensure that the client understands that we’ve addressed the target issue.

Our finalized narrative flow:


  • Introduction: logo, slogan
  • Introduce stakeholders: troop leader (high school volunteers), coaches/community leaders with their group of children
  • High level description of the service


  • Explain Quiz/Superhero Narrative
  • Explain structure: 4 activities, starting out small and leading to a larger solution, inspired by Girl Scouts
  • Introduction Activity
  • Environmental Activity
  • Physiological Activity (Group)
  • Behavioural Change Activity
  • Award/Certificate


  • Service proposition
  • Outro



Angee Attar
Inner Power Academy

Designer from Montréal, Canada. Currently majoring in Design at Carnegie Mellon University and minoring in HCI.