Website Framework


Shunta McDavid
Inner Power Academy
1 min readMay 3, 2017


Our service will have a website where new volunteers and potential users of the service can sign up. We decided to mock up the home screen and the individual paths that different users can take.

Site wireframe, with different paths for different users

The left most path would be for the high school volunteers who would like to become troop leader. They will have their own information, a calendar with their work schedule and hours worked so far. They will also be able to contact our service’s administration if they need help or they have any kind of logistical issue.

To the right of that wireframe is the coach’s portal which will look very similar but have some small differences. They will also have reference information as well as contact information in case of any problems. They will have access to their troop leaders information to contact them and learn a little more about their background.

Finally, at the top right is the wireframe for the children’s “find your superpower” section. This will involve a short questionnaire so each child can find out which superpower they are developing.

