Project Clarify Demo Day 🎉

Christopher W. Beitel, Ph.D.
Project Clarify
Published in
2 min readDec 4, 2019

The contributors and affiliates of Project Clarify need time each quarter to get together and share and discuss what has been accomplished. The benefits of this are multiple including:

  1. Providing an opportunity for more dedicated contributors to showcase their work,
  2. Providing a checkpoint for project special interest groups (SIGs) to report on the state of their area as well as to communicate a plan for the future,
  3. Providing a regular extended period to gather during which other useful events can be scheduled such as panel discussions,
  4. Providing regularity and structure to help maintain the collaborative and otherwise social nature of our otherwise primarily technical community,
  5. Providing affiliates that are currently hiring an extended opportunity to get to know our contributors as well as to give our contributors cool new career opportunities that would be harder to source on their own.

Our first demo day will be held on Saturday, March 21st from 8AM to 7:30PM at the UCSF Mission Bay campus and will primarily feature project status updates, demonstrations, presentations of plans for upcoming quarters, and panel discussions to further inform our longer-term strategy.

We’re super stoked to get people together in March and even more stoked to see what our contributors accomplish between now and then!

Active contributors and affiliates will automatically be invited; otherwise please fill out an invite request form and we’ll work through the waiting list as the event gets closer:



Christopher W. Beitel, Ph.D.
Project Clarify

Director of ML Research @ UCSF Neuroscape; Founder, Project Clarify; DL, CV, Neurosci+tech, Metacognition, Meditation, Math, Music, Running, Open Source, Infra