Upcoming Hackathons!

Christopher W. Beitel, Ph.D.
Project Clarify
Published in
2 min readDec 7, 2019

Learn about the single-day development events we have upcoming.

We will be holding two hackathons in Q1 for the purpose of both further integrating our existing community as well as driving new membership (as well as having fun). If you might be interested please fill out the form below and share with people you think would be interested in attending.

Calendar of upcoming hackathons:

  • Saturday, Jan. 25th, 2020, 9AM — 5PM, UCSF Mission Bay
  • Saturday, Feb. 29th, 2020, 9AM — 5PM, UCSF Mission Bay

Request an invite: bit.ly/pcml-hack-q1-invite

We anticipate two types of work being performed during the hackathons. One is work that is compatible with the single-day scope, for example prototypes of user experiences that make use of state understanding or tweaks of existing machine learning models that can be re-trained on that time-frame.

Another is work that is a part of ongoing epics providing existing contributors and potential future ongoing contributors to complete a large block of work with the benefit of increased communication bandwidth and a deadline to showing off what they got done at the end of the day.

We are still don’t know yet whether our turnout for these will be medium or very large and knowing this relates to our various resource plans so for the time being we’re asking people to request an invitation to register (again bit.ly/pcml-hack-q1-invite). We will try hard to include everyone but this may involve there being remote satellite events that occur in parallel.



Christopher W. Beitel, Ph.D.
Project Clarify

Director of ML Research @ UCSF Neuroscape; Founder, Project Clarify; DL, CV, Neurosci+tech, Metacognition, Meditation, Math, Music, Running, Open Source, Infra