"Project Delta announces the addition of Mr. Shakil Thaheem to its advisors' team."

Project DELTA
Project DELTA
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2018

We proudly announce that Mr. Shakil Thaheem will be joining Project Delta as an advisor.

Mr. M. Shakil Thaheem is the CEO & CO-Founder of Bandz Network and Co-Founder of RNS as well as JatBit. He works as a Blockchain expert at IdeoFuzion and is currently a Ph.D. candidate at KAIST University. He has been a formidable advisor for five successful ICO startups in the past two years. He is also an editor at IEEE (the world's largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology). Formerly, he worked as Deputy Project Director at the Cyber ​​Incident Response Team from the Pakistani government and as an IT consultant of the International Taekwondo Foundation. He has also completed eight certifications in security and has published three papers.

We warmly welcome Mr. Thaheem! With his talent and extensive experience, we are sure he will make a great addition to the Project Delta Family.


The Project Delta Team

Visit our website: projectdelta.io

Shakil Thaheem은 Bands Network, RNS, JatBit 의 공동 창업자 겸 대표 경영자이다.

그는 IdeoFuzion의 블록체인 전문가로 일하며, 현재 카이스트 박사과정을 밟고 있다. 그는 지난 2년동안 5번의 ICO 를 성공적으로 이끌어낸 탁월한 어드바이저였다. Shakil Thaheem은 IEEE 편집자이기도 하다. 이전에는 파키스탄 정부의 사이버 범죄 대응팀 북구장과 국제 태권도 재단의 IT 컨설턴트로 일했다. 그는 보안 분야에서 8개의 인증을 성공적으로 완수했으며, 3개의 출판물이 있다.

프로젝트 델타팀은 Shakil Thaheem을 격하게 환영합니다.

우리는 Shakil Thaheem이 프로젝트 델타에 큰 보탬이 될거라 확신 합니다.

델타 홈페이지에 방문해주세요: projectdelta.io

