Project DELTA at Bit! Forum, Fall 2018

We officially announced the completion of our mainnet prototype and created a Genesis Block.

Project DELTA
Project DELTA
2 min readNov 1, 2018


Pos Han, CEO & Founder at Project DELTA, introducing Genesis block containing the participants’ messages.

Last October 30th, our team attended the“Bit! Forum” held in Seoul, South Korea. This event was meaningful to our project as we revealed the completion of our mainnet prototype. We also invited over 300 participants to join in the creation of a Genesis block.

Many curious people approached our booth in the early afternoon to take part in the Genesis block creation. Participants could leave funny messages on the block using Kakaotalk (a text messaging app popular in South Korea) in real time and learn a little more about DELA Portal, Project DELTA’s blockchain platform.

Jaekyun Na, CSO and Strategy Director at Project DELTA, explained at the forum how existing protocols like Ethereum and EOS have slow processing speed due to node consensus and coin rewards mechanisms. Project DELTA, however, offers a solution by allowing DAPPs to function as a node (DAAN) and an innovative algorithm known as VOTA (Verification of Transcendence Spatial Autocorrelation) for real-time transactions.

Jaekyun Na, CSO and Strategy Director, introducing completion of Mainnet prototype.

Our CEO Pos Han also did an outstanding presentation on Project DELTA’s mainnet prototype and instructed participants on how to leave their messages on the Genesis Block. “ Leaving a message on a block that will be the first among numerous blocks it’s a meaningful event”- One of the participants stated.

“We have created the Genesis block today. That’s one small step for us, one giant leap for Project DELTA. We will strive to make a great beginning for our blockchain ecosystem” Mr. Pos Han concluded.

So make sure to follow us closely, as we intend to release more updates on our protocol development.

Stay tuned for more details and Project DELTA news updates!

