7 Ways to Improve Your Events

From BizBash Live: New York

Project DRIVE
Project DRIVE
2 min readNov 6, 2018


Biz Bash collected commentary from its annual conference on event planning and marketing that covered the topics of how to make attendees connect at events, how to create data-driven and culture-changing experiences, how to reach millennials in interesting ways, and more.

Ken Madden, svp, digital engagement at George P. Johnson Experience Marketing was one of the panelists at the Event Innovation Forum, and you can find his comments below.

When creating event attendee data, think about three key areas: profile data, engagement data, and behavioral data.

Events generate a lot of data, which is important, but often event agencies aren’t clear on what they should be doing with that data and aren’t necessarily putting purpose behind it.

It’s helpful to think about data in the three key areas of a profile (building personas and knowing who attendees are), engagement (how attendees interact with the event), and behavioral (tracking attendees around the space, knowing where they go and when).

Always think about the user, and build objectives across the entire user journey. Remember, the event is just the middle of the journey. Prioritize the data with the biggest impact — what are one or two key pieces of data that will give me the most value? Create meaningful tests, deploy those, and evolve them.

For comments from other marketing leaders, read BizBash’s recap here.

