ECC Community and Project Update

Project ECC
Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2018

from the ECC Team

Needless to say, it’s been a busy couple of weeks. After a successful launch of our new website, bringing to life a partnership with Amplitudo and Video4Commerce, and unwrapping a teaser of our new product, Sapphire, we are continuing to work hard by improving the ECC wallet and bringing ANS to testnet. The community has grown quite rapidly as well, and we’re doing our best to keep up.

For those who are new, welcome to our tight-knit community. We hope that you ask questions, enjoy interacting with each other, make recommendations, and help us grow.

For our long-time members, thank you for your guidance and commitment. Without you, the project wouldn’t be where it is today.

We’re very much looking forward to what lies ahead.

Community to us means coming together and working as a team in order to get the job done. Many different people from various backgrounds and countries contribute daily to make it all work.

And they do it all for free. Everyone who contributes is purely a volunteer. We hope that our work will one day pay off in the form of the project’s success.

ECC is and always will be a community project. That means an open-source codebase and a community of contributors. You’ll always have direct access to the entire core team through the chat channels. In addition to Slack, we’ve recently added Discord, an additional channel that was being requested by a large number of you. You’ll find that we’re frequently available in both. Feel free to use whichever one you like best.

This project has many facets to it, in addition to software development. From marketing and business development to support — they all need equal attention from talented individuals.

It’s important to make sure that we are focused in our efforts, efficiently working towards our goals, and accountable for what is promised and delivered.

Focused. Efficient. Accountable.

In order to better organize and ensure we can do all of these, we are going to be shaking things up a bit within the core team. Joe Melon is transitioning from leading the marketing efforts to a more consultative role, and we welcome Sean and David into consultative roles as well.

Over the next couple of posts, we’ll be introducing our full plan for reorganization along with all the core team members, providing updates on the current status of the product, and many other exciting things.

Cheers, and welcome to the ECC family.

