On The Right Track

Project ECC
Published in
6 min readJul 15, 2018

from the ECC Team

“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” — Will Rogers

Sometimes being “on the right track” just isn’t enough. There needs to be a steady movement forward — A constant effort to progress. This is exactly what both the marketing and the developing side of ECC have been doing over the past two weeks, and will continue to do so going into the future. This project is all about growth and development, and with a community as supportive as ours, there is more than enough motivation to keep everyone and everything rolling.

Dev Update

After the news in the last update of our main Sapphire developer, Cristiano (@csmartins), having less time available to work on ECC we would like to show our appreciation to Dylan (@dolaned).

He has been on fire with his various improvements to Sapphire and ANS within the last two weeks. Specifically, he has been working on or has added:

  • The ability to search for transactions.
  • Transactions have been sorted and the toggle works again.
  • Transactions are indexed on the first boot up. This indexing system is to make sure that all the functionalities within sapphire work as expected (Includes the fix for the “coins visually lost when staking” bug).
  • General code clean-up and performance tweaks. This will help make the remaining of ANS integration easier going forward.
  • Fixed staking notifications to show the right reward amounts.

You can view the latest updates on the Sapphire Trello board here.

Big props as well to @bkcrypto who has been helping out, and @csmartins who continues to provide guidance on the project. ANS integration in Sapphire is getting closer.

Griff (@griffith) has also had some major commits to the ECC github in the past two weeks. Specifically, he has done a lot of rework to the daemon to bring its libraries and core systems up to date. He rewrote all of the daemons test suites to work with the new libraries and was getting a script working that auto-compiles for each platform.

Marketing Update

The marketing team has been hard at work the past 2 weeks and has quite a few updates to speak on so…

Ready. Set. Here we GO!

Time for Some (ex)Change

AntMEX exchange, brought to you by Antriex, has announced that they will be adding support for ECC. This new exchange is scheduled to go live on July 21st, with ECC being added at the end of the month. This exchange will also offer futures contracts beginning in August, which is a first for ECC. We encourage you to sign up for their exchange here.

Your Portuguese Vacation (A New Use Case for ECC)

Recently, the good people over at Mikassun, a vacation rental company in southern Portugal (Algarve to be more specific), have started to accept cryptocurrencies for payment including ECC. Check out the image that pops up when visiting their website below:

We think the ECC Logo fits right in.

We all know that it takes early adopters in the business world to help all cryptocurrencies succeed together and become mainstream. Thank you to Mikassun for being on the cutting edge. Big props as well to @yoseff for working with Mikassun to accept ECC.

Thank You for Your Participation in #WWSS!

As of today, the 2018 “What Would Satoshi Say?” survey is officially closed. We sincerely thank you for your participation. We received over 1,000 custom answers to our survey questions, and many where exceptionally thought provoking.

Reading through the answers shows the overall bullish long-term thinking of the crypto space at large. Yes, we acknowledge the short-term challenges we are facing, but that’s exactly what they are, short-term. And we are impressed by the answers and perspective you provided.

As you may be aware, 700,000 in total ECC coins will be awarded to the top three answers. The ECC marketing contributors are currently sorting through the answers and narrowing the field down to the top three to five answers for each question.

Once this task is complete, we will initiate a community vote to narrow those 50 to 60 answers down to the overall top three. The number one most voted for answer will receive 500,000 ECC and the 2nd and 3rd will receive 100,000 ECC each. Expect community voting to initiate by the next ECC Stand-up Medium post.

The Bull is Almost Ready to Charge!

The Crypto Bully, aka Lyndon (@MrCryproCarlton), Glenn (@BreakingDead), the podcast’s Digital Media Manager, and the rest of the team have been hard at work getting things ready for the launch of The Bull Pen Podcast including setting up more interviews, getting branding just right (i.e. see image below), website design, and creating social media communities just to name a few.

Promotional Art

We are also happy to announce that the podcast’s official Snapchat, Twitter and Facebook communities are live and there will be a LinkedIn, YouTube, Medium and Discord coming in the near future as well.

There hasn’t been an official launch date set just yet, but it’s coming soon. To keep up with the latest news and announcements from The Bull Pen Podcast feel free to visit the website at http://thebullpenpodcast.io/ and sign up via email for updates.

P.S. Remember when @MrCryptoCarlton mentioned potentially pairing up with a very well know podcast network in Slow, but steady wins the race? Well, he’s having another meeting with them this coming Monday and things are looking quite promising. *wink wink*

Community Donations

This past week we have had a number of community members offer to match donations up to a certain amount of ECC. One long time community member stated they would match up to 500k ECC for donations donated to the general development fund. This was matched almost immediately by a fellow community member.

But the giving didn’t stop there!

Another community member added to this challenge, saying they would match the next 250k ECC and this was also matched almost immediately. This helped contribute 1.5m ECC to the general development fund.

We also had another longtime member matching donations this week. This longtime member vowed to match up to 1m in ECC donations for those who donated to @Dolaned. As of this morning, 630k has been donated through this act of kindness. Those donating to @Dolaned wanted to thank him for putting in the extra hours this week to get us one step closer to ANS integration.

Thanks to the community for their selflessness, and a BIG thank you to those who contributed!

Come and get your ECC!

@Skywalker is giving away 100,000 ECC to two lucky individuals participating in his give-away on twitter. Follow the directions here to join in the contest.

Thanks to everyone for yet another successful two weeks and see everyone at the next ECC Stand-up Medium post.

Brent (@Mr. Plow), Kevin (@ECCbuddha), and Lyndon (@MrCryptoCarlton)

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