Introducing Yooo: a URL Shortener API based on Enferno framework

Project Enferno
Published in
1 min readDec 11, 2014

This article will show you how to run your own URL Shortener API (similar to based on Enferno (Flask+Mongodb)

1.Download the deployment script

git clone && cd yooo-ansible

2.Update the configuration

Replace the IP address inside the “hosts” file with your instance/server IP address. you should also change the domain name and/or the application username by editing the “vars.yml” file

3. Run the script

ansible-playbook -i hosts enferno.yml

4. Test the service

You can test the service by executing the following CURL command:

curl http://<domain|IP>/v1/url -H ‘Content-Type: application/json’ -d ‘{“longUrl”: “"}'

Congratulations! you have just installed your own shortener service, powered by Flask and Mongodb.

** Note that this deployment script currently only works on Ubuntu 12.x and 14.x , if you would like to run it on a different distribution, feel free to clone the Source Code and deploy it anywhere.

