Jason Zook
Project Galaxy
Published in
3 min readSep 12, 2015


9/22 Update: This project is now live at BuyMyFuture.com

Does The Time And Effort Actually Matter?

Often times when you work on a project publicly, it can feel like there’s a lack of interest (even when there is clearly interest). Every single day I think to myself: “Does anyone actually care about this journal or my new project?”

That’s simply the honest truth. I believe a lot of people who are creators (or business owners) can relate to that feeling. When you’re working on something, even if you have validation of the work you’re doing, it can feel like there is a lack of public interest because the amount of interest could never possibly match your effort. I’ve poured well over 200 hours into Project Galaxy already. Not to mention the hours that other people have poured into this project. The small moments of public validation are fantastic, but it would take an insurmountable amount of them to match up to the hours that have been invested.

So how have I stopped myself from obsessing over the public validation?

I haven’t. I check my stats for these journal entries about 12 times per day. I check my Twitter mentions about the same amount of times per day. Because I’m investing so much time and effort into this project, the amount of time I spend checking to see if people are interested in it has gone way up (normally I check my Medium stats about two times a week and my Twitter mentions 2–3 times per day).

What I have done is tried to make a concerted effort to take time each day to really soak in the moments of positive affirmation. I’ve also tried to be grateful every day that I’ve continued to work on this project.

In the last 30 days (Day 20–50), these journal entries have been viewed nearly 10,000 times. That’s incredible. A sizable number of people are showing that they have interest in what I am building.

I’m forcing myself to do mental gymnastics every day to ensure that I appreciate those types of numbers and soak them in as validation of the work I’m doing.

As you can see, I do get mentions on Twitter about Project Galaxy. Mentions that reaffirm that the effort I’m putting in is resonating with people and is interesting to them. It’s not 100s of mentions per day, but the mentions I do get I am saving and looking at in my moments of self doubt.

Validation is simply a basic human need. It’s something we’re all wired to want. By accepting that and embracing moments of positive affirmation from others, I have the tools I need to do my mental pommel horse routine each day.

But wait! (cue the cheesy informercial voice)

The numbers are good motivators. The positive commentary from other people is great. But the most important thing that keeps me working on Project Galaxy is the fact that it’s something that I really want to put out into the world. It’s something that will bring me value, but that I also think will bring a bunch of other people value too. This project is removing a pain point in my life and hopefully removing a bunch of pain points for others.

You have to have your own motivation to continue to want to put in the work. Outside factors are helpful, but if there isn’t a driving force guiding you to invest the effort, no amount of praise through analytics, comments, etc will help.

(And now, my last photo to share from my trip to British Columbia this week.)

photo cred @pjrvs, beauty cred @Canada

This entry is part of a 60-day journal I’m writing that will share all my planning, strategies, pre-launch efforts, and marketing tactics leading up to a big crazy project codenamed Project Galaxy. Start reading here.

