Jason Zook
Project Galaxy
Published in
2 min readSep 9, 2015


9/22 Update: This project is now live at BuyMyFuture.com

I Am Nervous

There is a lot riding on this project. There is a lot going into this project. Doing things that matter are nerve-racking and scary.

Yesterday I received a long update email from the Project Galaxy developer. While she’s kicking a ton of ass and is sticking closely to her proposed hours and timeline, I am nervous something will go wrong.

Yesterday I emailed a few Project Galaxy partners who I haven’t heard back from in a few weeks. While they’ve committed, I know they have their own businesses to run and something could come up last minute.

Today I’m working with a video production crew on the Project Galaxy video. I flew to Vancouver Island just to work with these people. This video has to tell a compelling story and be worth sharing. Oh, and it also has to be edited and ready to go in less than two weeks.

Today I’m also working on a few technical things that are way outside my comfort zone. And I’m continuing to write and share about this project when I don’t feel 100% confident with all the balls I currently have juggling in the air.

But all of these things I’m nervous about are also what makes this project so exciting and fun to work on.

We’ve all heard the saying “if it was easy, everyone would do it.” It’s an unbelievably true statement. Especially when it comes to entrepreneurship. I see other people launch projects and marvel at how well they come together. But I’m certain those successful people dealt with the exact same feelings I’m dealing with right now.

I’m embracing the feelings I have right now, but not letting them slow me down or derail my progress. I want this project to succeed more than I am afraid of it failing.

This entry is part of a 60-day journal I’m writing that will share all my planning, strategies, pre-launch efforts, and marketing tactics leading up to a big crazy project codenamed Project Galaxy. Start reading here.

