Jason Zook
Project Galaxy
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2015


9/22 Update: This project is now live at BuyMyFuture.com

I’m Sorry There’s Not More Drama

I’m not dumb. This 60-day journal doesn’t have a ton of drama. It doesn’t have a ton of stress-induced breakdowns. There aren’t stilettos and hair extensions being launched across rooms due to vodka-fueled arguments about nights at the club (is any of this even relevant to what’s on TV? haha, I have no idea).

While the title of this entry says “I’m sorry” the truth is… I’m not sorry.

When it comes to building a business, launching a project, or most actual “work,” there simply isn’t a ton of sexy-time. There’s a lot of time sitting at a laptop. There’s a lot of time solving moderately unimportant and uninteresting problems. Oh, and hold on to your top hats, the brainstorming and strategy sessions are riveting!

But this is reality. The things I’m writing about and have written about the previous 36 days are the truth. This is what it takes. This is real life. This is a business being built in a modern digital age.

  • Could I get way more views on these Medium stories if I fabricated some drama?
  • Could I get way more people signing up for my pre-launch email list if there was crazy scarcity, psychology, or some type of limited-time-offer?
  • Could I make up a bunch of random statistics that make me look really awesome?

Of course. But that’s not me and that’s not building a business aligned with and surrounded by people who share my values.

I’m not saying I don’t think about it…

Let me be 100% clear. I absolutely want more people to read these entries. I want more people to be super excited about Project Galaxy. I’d love to have a 1-on-1 sit down with the silver fox himself to break the news of this idea, in-studio and live, on launch day. But those are just thoughts. And spending time on those thoughts doesn’t get the work done. It doesn’t finish my to-do list items. And it certainly doesn’t get me any closer to putting this project out into the world.

The “exciting” parts of a project can often be the most distracting.

I’m laser-focused right now. Unfortunately I’m not Dr. Evil laser-focused. That would be way more entertaining. But I am building something important (to me at least). And I know some of you reading this are in a similar position with your business or see yourself working on a big project in the future.

It takes grit.

It takes hard work.

It takes consistency.

It takes drudging through the drudgery.

It’s not sexy and dramatic and super entertaining.

This is a business. If you’re on board with it, let’s keep on truckin! If you aren’t? Buzzfeed and TMZ are just a few mouse clicks away.

This entry is part of a 60-day journal I’m writing that will share all my planning, strategies, pre-launch efforts, and marketing tactics leading up to a big crazy project codenamed Project Galaxy. Start reading here.

