Jason Zook
Project Galaxy
Published in
4 min readSep 16, 2015


9/22 Update: This project is now live at BuyMyFuture.com

The First Two Purchases

It has happened. I officially have the first two paying customers for Project Galaxy. Here are my current emotions as told by emojis šŸ˜±šŸ˜…šŸ’Ŗ

Let me set the stage for those of you who might be reading this Medium story before anything else Project Galaxy related:

About a month ago I decided to get on the phone with previous customers of mine. I chose a list of 135 customers who had purchased a product from me before (a much more qualified audience to get feedback from, because theyā€™d already paid me money!). From the list of 135 customers, about 50 people said they would hop on the phone to hear about my new project. Of those 50, I probably ended up talking to 35. Not a bad conversion and a heck of a lot of phone calls. Good thing I have rollover minutes! (Ha, remember when that was a thing!?)

So what are the chain of events that led to the first sales?

  1. I did the 15-minute phone calls.
  2. I put these callers in a Google Spreadsheet and rated their interest level in the project by: Loved it, mehā€™d it, hated it.
  3. I worked my ass off and the developer worked her ass off to get the Project Galaxy website up and ready one week early.
  4. I decided that I wanted to do some pre-purchases.
  5. I put time on my calendar to remind myself to send the pre-purchasers an email (yesterday).
  6. I emailed 30 people individually with an ā€œexclusive early accessā€ opportunity. That email was personalized to each person and included an extra incentive that the general public would not get.
  7. Also in the email I set a deadline for them to pre-purchase of Sept 18 and added a follow-up reminder (using followup.cc) so I could send them another email two days from now.

Boom. Two sales!

Iā€™m extremely excited. Yeah, Wells Fargo isnā€™t calling to tell me their safes are overflowing with my money, but Iā€™m pretty damn stoked that two sales have happened.

An interesting tidbit about the two buyers: One lives in Iowa and one lives in Austria. Thatā€™s pretty cool.

I will continue to add updates about the pre-purchasers. If I was a betting man, Iā€™d put money on 10 people buying by the Friday deadline. Weā€™ll see how that turns out.

Todayā€™s Tasks

More Calls: Today I actually have 6 more phone calls with people who have purchased previous projects from me to talk about Project Galaxy. Itā€™ll be interesting to share with them that people have already purchased and see what they have to say.

Bonus Guides: I mentioned this early on in the journal, but Iā€™m building in some ā€œsurprise and delightā€ items after people purchase. I have three bonus guides that Iā€™m pumped about. Theyā€™re essentially cliffs notes on three topics: Profit, Creativity, and Taking Action. Should be fun!

Slack Community: Ooooh, hereā€™s a little nugget revealed... Project Galaxy will have itā€™s own Slack Community (happy dance!). My girlfriend Caroline is going to help set this up today.

Book Giveaway: Iā€™m toying around with an idea of doing a secret book giveaway as a small marketing effort for this project. Not sure if I have the time to do it or if itā€™s worth the $500-$750 it will cost in books + shipping. Iā€™ll make a decision one way or another today.

Daily Podcast: I got some great feedback yesterday about doing a daily podcast during Project Galaxyā€™s launch (Sept 22 ā€” Oct 6). To be honest, itā€™s a good amount of extra work to do it at the level Iā€™d like to have it done. Iā€™m on the fence about this one still.

Podcaster Reminders: Iā€™ll be emailing the 24 podcasters who I did interviews with to make sure everything is on schedule for those interviews to be released on Sept 22 (or around there depending on their podcast release schedule).

Two Articles: I need to write two articles. These will be featured on launch day and you might even see one of them on a popular Medium Publication.


To end this entry, I leave you with the first sneak peek of some of the Project Galaxy video footage:

This entry is part of a 60-day journal Iā€™m writing that will share all my planning, strategies, pre-launch efforts, and marketing tactics leading up to a big crazy project codenamed Project Galaxy. Start reading here.

