Ahmed Hassan
Project Jste
Published in
7 min readFeb 25, 2018


Today is a new milestone in the life of JavaScript Translated Edition or what is known as Jste as we would like to announce that we have been released Jste v0.5 officially in its Alpha stage with huge number of improvements and bug fixes and tons of fully new features and updated algorithms. This bumped release has come after 5 months from the official release of v0.1 Alpha as an important step of attracting contributors, funders and sponsors to support the project and accelerate its upgrading process from its current Alpha stage to the production-ready level.

The new Alpha version of Jste introduces various new algorithms of getting the commands and translating the properties and attributes and new ways and tools which are designed specially by Jste Team to help the contributors shaping the project core in an easier way than before.

A Universal JSON DB Includes All The Translations:

One of the facilitates that the new Jste v0.5 offers for the contributors is storing all the translations of every property, every attribute and every component name in just one JSON file which makes it easier for anyone to contribute to it and submit new translations or corrected ones using any basic JSON editor without the need for any additional skills rather than the ability of managing the computer and surfing the Internet.

All The Commands Are Listed In Easy-To-Read RiveScripts:

Instead of the complex way in which Jste used to process the commands and get their translations, Jste v0.5 Alpha processes commands and gets their translations from one RiveScript file for each language.

Migrating to RiveScript is a very important milestone in the life of Jste as it offers two important benefits for Jste which are:

  1. The ability of defining unlimited translations for the same command.
  2. RiveScripts are very easy to read by anyone even if this person is a noop.

Jste Command Studio:

Do you find it a hard task for you to contribute to Jste Commands and porting them to your own local language because you are too lazy to understand the syntax of regular expressions or RiveScript ?

Don’t worry about that as the fully new Jste Command Studio will solve this problem and make contributing to Jste Commands and translating them be a very easy work to be done by anyone like a piece of cake even by children who don’t know anything about computer rather than the way of playing video games.

The new studio is a block editor based on Google Blockly which lets anyone build, translate and submit his/her own commands using a group of visual blocks like those which can be found in MIT Scratch.

In addition, it also has a built-in JSON editor to make it easier to contribute to the translations DB and submit them directly to Jste Team who will review the contributions and approve them later.

Try Jste Command Studio now at: https://project-jste.github.io/command-studio

Alternative Translations For The Same Word:

Unlike Jste v0.1 Alpha, Jste v0.5 Alpha is more smarter and flexible as it can get many alternative translations for the same word thanks to its new algorithm which searches for all the translations of the called word, not just that, it also searches if any of the available translations is approximated to the word that the the developer has specified in his/her code.

Automatic Code Spelling Correction:

While coding in Jste, many developers may make a spelling mistake which may affect his/her website or application in the case that the mistake is in the spelling of the code itself or affect the user experience if those mistakes are in the entire application content.

For solving this, Jste v0.5 Alpha comes with a built-in spell correction which sends all the code of the website of application to Google Translate service and then gets it back from their after correcting the mistakes which increases the percentages of guaranteeing that the code will run properly as it’s expected.*

* This feature requires an active Internet connectivity.

Support For Multilined Coding:

Now, you can break the line at any position in your Jste code for a more convenient code typing whenever you want as it those breaks will be joined automatically once again in the runtime.

More Compatible:

Jste v0.5 Alpha is compatible now with every modern browser which supports the latest ES6 and ES7 standards and UTF-8 encoding.

It is advisable to update your browser to its latest version before starting using Jste or submitting an issue regarding its compatibility with a specific browser as Jste uses too much experimental web technologies like Web Components and Web Imports.

Two New Documentations:

Accompanying releasing Jste v0.5 Alpha, we have decided to translate Jste Documentation to two new languages which are Standard Arabic and Egyptian Arabic, in addition to redesigning Jste Documentation as we have migrated form Slate to Docsify in developing Jste documentations and user manuals.

You check Jste Docs now at: https://project-jste.github.io/docs

Nudity Detection Becomes Optional*:

As many folks has objected the idea of forcing nudity detection in every media placed on any site or application programmed in Jste due to the dispute of cultures and countries regarding this point, we have decided to make this feature an optional feature which can be activated or deactivated by the user through Jste Manger.

* This feature doesn’t available for Jste Live Version Users.

An Improved Loader:

Because downloading Jste framework Live Version file usually takes a considerable time to finish due to its size ( 2.6 MiB ), we have included a visual progress bar in Jste Loader to let the user be up-to-date to the status and the position of downloading the framework file, in addition to many other improvements and bug fixes.

Automatic Language Detection:

Unlike Jste v0.1 Alpha, in this version of Jste, you don’t have to specify the language in which your code is written anymore as it will be detected automatically thanks to Franc JS library.

All what you have to do before starting writing your code is setting the encoding of your website or application to UTF-8 using the meta tag and importing the loader script. By just doing that, you have finished setting your development environment up and making it ready to receive your code written in Jste.

Updated Web Components:

As usual, we are very careful about keeping our project up-to-date, so we have updated Polymer library to v2.4.0 and the rest of the web components to their latest versions. In addition to updating the Web Components, we have upgraded various other libraries like Materialize which has been updated to version v1.0 Alpha.

Calling For Project Managers & Maintainers:

As project Jste is brand new, it is fully owned, managed, maintained by just one Egyptian 17-year-old boy who is called Ahmed Essam Hassan, so we are calling for more managers, maintainers, developers and designers for this great project to upgrade it to the next level and accelerate its developing process.

For everyone who wants to be a part from Jste Team, feel free to contact us directly through our email at project-jste@outlook.com or through our official page on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/ProjectJste

If you can’t join our team due to any reason and want to contribute to Jste source code, feel free to make a pull request on our official repository on GitHub at: https://github.com/project-jste

In conclusion, we would like to say that we hope that our project becomes supported by various organizations especially Mozilla and Microsoft as we think that this project will lead the world to a new era of programming, an era in which everyone, every person and every citizen has the ability to join the crowded software industry world especially the Internet.

