[Sep 4th] Freaking Friday

Khemry Khourn
When You’re Bored
4 min readSep 8, 2020

Every Friday between 7:15 am — 8:15 am, I have a Toastmaster meeting at my office. I’m definitely not a morning person but I love waking up early to catch the meeting. I’ve joint Toastmaster for about 2 years now and I’m proud to say that I only missed the meeting twice!

As a Grammarian today, I chose “Articulate” as the word of the day (WotD). 80% of the members used the word during the meeting! Believe me, it’s hard to get people to use the word of the day in each meeting.

The meeting went well and was fun as usual. Oh, did I mention that I won the Table Topic contest in our club last week? It was a really big surprise for me as I thought I was the one contestant that was disqualified by the overuse of the speech time. Phew

My humble first place certificate ❤
All contestants and the contest chair (farthest to the right, aka my favorite grandpa)

Work was kinda slow today. Well, it’s a typical Friday I guess.

After work, I went out for dinner with friends. It took us about 1 hour just to wait for my friend to find a parking spot! It was a bad decision to bring a car to CBD on Friday night I guess. We had Chinese food at Majestic. I’m not a big fan of Chinese food in general but this one was great! On top of having a great dinner, we had an even greater talk! Love having them around. ❤

After dinner, we agreed to go home separately after we went grocery shopping at New World. However, something unexpected during the shopping. LoL.

While shopping, suddenly I felt like drinking tonight. Trust me this is not normal. I couldn’t drink at all before coming to New Zealand. HAHAHHA. I started drinking a bit since I get here, just because I felt like it’s about time to do so. HAHAHAHA. The first drink was Mimosa. I’m not a big drinker anyway. My best record was 2 glasses of champaign.

Anyway, I looked for the only champaign I could drink. While looking for it, my 3 other friends (who are not into drinking at all) help to look for it as well. All 4 of us ended up buying a bottle of champaign each. We laughed at each other while holding the bottles. It was really unbelievable for us. None of us would ever imagine that this could happen. LoL. So yeah we took a photo to celebrate this rare occasion. Other shoppers must have thought we were crazy but hey it felt right. HAHAHAHAH

One bottle each!!! ❤❤❤❤

By the way, we didn’t plan to drink just champaign but mimosa. So yeah we bought a bottle of fresh orange juice each. It was such a fun time shopping so we decided to have a sleepover and enjoy mimosa together instead of drinking at our home separately. It’s Friday night, it’s only right to be a bit wild. HAHAHHA.

So we went to Bong Han’s house and watch Catch Me If You Can while enjoying our mimosa. It was a great movie that we even watched Frank Abagnale Jr’s talk at Google. We agreed that the talk was actually even better than the movie. I think we finally got to sleep around 2 am.

