BugSnax LinkSnax Episode 1: Cooking Up a Plan

Project Link Up
Published in
13 min readApr 12, 2024

For all the future entomologists who could one day discover something amazing.

Table of contents:


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7


Prologue: Trouble in New Grump City

Ever since the beginning of the very first civilizations, humanity has been blessed with a most otherworldly power called a Linkage. What’s a Linkage, you may ask? Well, it’s certainly not something you’d find in genetics textbooks- more specifically, the way in which two separate genes which are located close to each other on a chromosome are often inherited together! Instead, it’s the power to connect with individuals from other realms and share their powers via a powerful connection with them.

The tools needed for this undertaking are a Bugsnax or any other Collectible Item, which serves as the evidence of the Partner Character’s connection, and a trusted Bugsnax Partner or any other item that allows one to transform, the very key to the Multiverse itself.

In the ever beautiful world of Bugsnax, in New Grump City, an emergency meeting was going on in the city hall. Filbo Fiddlepie, the self proclaimed mayor of the somewhat successful civilization of Snaxburg, was in quite the pickle. “Everyone, thank you so much for coming- I have something we have to discuss today.”, he said to the other Grumpuses in the room.

“What could it be, Filbo? Keep it simple.”, replied Wambus Troubleham as he fiddled around with a stress ball. “Thing is, a company known as ShadowSnack Incorporated has been going around and kidnapping innocent Bugsnaks!”, Filbo said as he pulled down a screen, causing everyone to gasp at the sight- innocent Bugsnaks were being taken and corrupted into ferocious monsters against their will.

“What are we gonna do?!”, replied Gramble Gigglefunny as he held his pet Strabby close to him. “We search for the legendary heroes known as Linkers.”, replied Filbo as he switched to another slide in the presentation. “Linkers? What the heck are those?!”, Beffica Winklesnoot asked as she took a selfie, much to everyone else’s chagrin. “You see, Linkers are people with special powers and pure hearts- they’re the only ones who can stop ShadowSnack and save our home.”, Filbo replied.

“Filbo, can I go look for them first?”, replied Lillie Cosmofickle, a well seasoned journalist who knew more than a lot about the titular Bugsnax. “Sure, Lillie! You head to the world where they reside first, then the rest of us will catch up,”, Filbo said as Lillie’s faithful companion, a sweet little Strabby, hopped onto her shoulder.

After the gateway to our own world was installed, Lillie bravely looked at her friends. “I won’t let you down, I promise!”, she said as she went through, crossing over into territory that was much like Snaktooth Island- enigmatic, unpredictable, and waiting to be explored.

Chapter 1: A Sweet Day in Snackville

Meanwhile, in our world, the sun was just rising over the beautiful town of Snackville, where everyone shared food in any kind, shape, or form. But not only was it known for its culinary achievements. but it also had scientists researching the next big ways they could make food available to anyone, regardless of where they stood on the social ladder.

In a humble family home which was also their locally owned diner, a young girl awoke to a bright new day- her name was Ageha Saito, and she and her family not only ran the Saito Family Diner, but they also studied entomology. Her grandma was a famous chef, while her grandpa was a legendary entomologist- the best in his field by far. “Another day, another opportunity for adventures!”, she said to herself as she got out of bed.

Her bedroom was a mix of sweet and aflutter with excitement- literally. A window-front garden for pollinators lay nearby, with bees, butterflies, hummingbirds, and more often stopping by to visit it. Crystalline versions of the insects she so loved decorated the ceiling of her room, and various food themed decor was on a bookshelf. But the room it connected to was special- for it held insects from all corners of the world.

“Ageha! Time for breakfast!”, said her mom, Kiyomi Saito from downstairs. As someone who was just starting middle school a few days from now, Ageha leapt out of bed and rushed down the steps towards the table to munch down on breakfast. “What is it this time, mom?”, she asked excitedly. To her delight, pancakes with strawberry butterflies were on the table next to her plate.

“Oh, mom! You totally know what you’re doing!”, replied Ageha as she gobbled down the pancakes without a hint of remorse. “Anytime, sweetie. Now do you have anything planned today?”, replied her dad, Haruto Saito. “Nothing special- but maybe my friends and I could go get lunch together? Oh, and a little bug hunt in the park.”, Ageha said as she wiped her mouth with a napkin.

“Well, whatever you choose to do today- we hope you have fun, sweetie!”, replied Kiyomi as she watched her daughter sling her favorite tote bag over her shoulder and watch her go out the door.

Chapter 2: A Fruitful Outing

As Ageha made her way out the door from her humble abode and onto the streets of Snackville, her heart was aflutter with excitement. People were going about their daily lives, insects were buzzing on land and sky, and she knew her friends were excited to see her. As she made her way towards a bush, a small ladybug crawled onto a flower and onto her finger.

“Hello, little guy!”, Ageha replied as she let the tiny bug perch on her finger before letting it fly away. “That’s some good luck if I’ve ever seen it.”, she said with a smile as she continued on her way. Swarms of busy yellow bees flew towards the flowers they were going to pollinate, and various other insects flew through the skies of the city.

In a bush, a praying mantis ambushed an unlucky fly that became its lunch, and a trail of ants carried off crumbs from a sandwich. Ageha noticed them as well, taking out her favorite notepad to sketch them. “Those are some curious creatures,” she said to herself as she finished drawing, then went back on her way.

As she walked, she began to notice something very strange phenomena- pink butterflies leaving glittering trails! “That’s quite strange. Pink butterflies are very rare in nature.”, she said as she looked where they were flying towards- and it was a man consuming his meal- a tasty bowl of fried rice at a local Chinese restaurant. Around him, the pink butterflies danced as they left glittering trails.

Now that’s something you don’t see everyday., thought Ageha as she gazed at the butterflies fluttering about, then went on her way to meet her friends. As she walked, she could hear the joyful voices of her friends up ahead- and they were at a table with some snacks in tow.

Chapter 3: Lunch Rush

“Ageha! Over here!”, a joyous voice cried out. It was Brandon Blakely, the son of Snackville’s mayor. Even though his family was wealthy, he still loved living a normal life with the friends he loved. “Hi, Brandon! How’s it going for ya?”, Ageha said as she sat down; with more of her good friends coming over.

“It’s all good. My dad’s been busy at work, but he’s also making time for me.”, Brandon replied as he revealed a brand new sketch of the city’s soon to be built new area, which was one of the Botanical Gardens’ brand new areas, which had a massive butterfly space. As he showed off his new sketch, their friends Carl Brown, Danielle Santos, and Elmer Rays hurried over, excited and hungry after a long walk.

“Yo, what’s goin’ on, you guys? I’ve been tendin’ to the animals down on my family’s ranch!”, said Carl as he sat down, followed by Danielle and Elmer. “Whaddya thinking for lunch? It’s been quite the long walk here.”, replied Danielle as she flipped back her long hair. “I was thinking maybe somewhere all of us can get some grub.”, said Elmer as he put away his smartphone.

“I know somewhere we can all enjoy our favorite foods!”, replied Ageha as she got everyone back up. In mere moments, they were walking back the very way Ageha came- towards the Saito Family Diner. “You brought us back to your house, Ageha?”, replied Brandon as he scratched his head. “Mhm! This diner is small, but that doesn’t mean we get some of the best food in town here!”, she replied as she opened the doors, much to the surprise of her parents.

After sitting down, Kiyomi walked over with some menus, much to the delighted friends. “If you’re feeling really hungry, there’s our Lunch Special- where you can get an entree, side, and drink plus dessert for just 20 dollars!”, she said with a smile. “And by the way- Lunch is on me.”, replied Kiyomi as she ran to the doors of the diner, welcoming in yet another customer.

Chapter 4: Something’s Buggy

After taking their orders, the gang officially had their meals on their table. Ageha had gotten herself a slice of pepperoni pizza, a side salad, and a glass of water- mostly because she wanted to ensure her friends enjoyed their meals as well. Brandon had gotten cheesy lasagna alongside macaroni salad and soda, Carl ordered a vegetable burger, fries, and a Coca Cola; Danielle was going to chow down on French onion soup, baugette slices, and chocolate milk, and Elmer got himself a meatloaf sandwich, onion rings, and water.

“Itadakimasu!”, replied Ageha as she bowed down to the food. “That means thanks for the food in Japanese.”, she replied as he friends did the exact same. As they all chowed down on their grub, Ageha saw something else- the very same pink butterflies from moments earlier, now fluttering around her and her friends as they ate! That can’t be true..!, She thought to herself as she bit into her pizza.

But it wasn’t just Ageha who was seeing these strange pink butterflies flying around. Everyone in the diner had some sort of pink butterfly flying about, and with everyone enjoying their meals, things couldn’t be better- but that was all about to change. “Strabby! Strabby!”, replied a voice from outside. Ageha froze. Who or what was speaking to her?

Knowing that something had to be done, and after finishing her lunch alongside her friends, the gang hurried outside of the diner- only to find an upside down strawberry with googly eyes on it. “Strabby! Strabby!”, replied the little berry. “Awwww!! You’re so cuuute!”, replied Ageha as she picked up her new friend. But that silence would be broken by the sound of footsteps.

“Are you… Ageha?!”, replied the owner of the footsteps. Ageha nearly jumped back in shock. In front of her was what appeared to be a furry monster- wearing journalist and explorer clothing! “The name’s Lillie Cosmofickle, New Grump City’s top journalist!”, replied the friendly Grumpus as the Strabby ran towards its friend.

Chapter 5: DarkSnax on The Run

“Little guy, you can’t go that far sometimes. You had me worried sick!”, replied Lillie as she let her tiny friend hop on her shoulder. “Wait. You’re a Grumpus, right? And that’s a Strabby, isn’t it?”, replied Ageha, her eyes filled with wonder. “You bet! And there’s a reason this little guy and I made our way to this world to find you!”, replied Lillie.

“And what would that be, Miss Lillie?”, asked Brandon as he and the others looked on, still shocked that a Grumpus was in their world. ‘Thing is, an evil corporation called ShadowSnack Inc wants to do something horribly unthinkable- They’re capturing innocent Bugsnaks and turning them into monsters called DarkSnax!”, she explained. Everyone gasped in horror. What kind of people would be so heartless to do such a thing?

“And thing is- I think one of them followed me and my little buddy here!”, replied Lillie as she walked alongside the gang. “That sounds bad. But we’ll stop ShadowSnack, once and for all!”, replied Ageha, a determined expression crossing her face. But encountering a member of the evil corporation would become real- and very, very, soon.

A few minutes later, they saw a strange Grumpus all dressed up like a strict and demanding food critic, with an evil grin across his face as he began to lower an innocent Bunger into a mason jar of darkness. “Crisper, stop this at once!”, replied Lillie. “Well, if it isn’t the journalist. How brave of you.”, replied Crisper, his red tie complementing his green fur. His outfit was blue as the sky at night, and his cape fluttered in the wind like dark butterfly wings.

“Thing is, we Grumpus Rangers will put a stop to you and ShadowSnack once and for all!”, Lillie replied. But Crisper just laughed. “The taste of victory will be drained! Come on, DarkSnax!”, he said; eyeing a nearby picnic basket and changing it into a DarkSnax. “T-T-That’s a DarkSnax?!”, Danielle said as she saw the horrible insect-like beast. “Yes. And it’s up to us aka the Linkers and Grumpus Rangers to stop them and save those innocent Bugsnax!”, replied Lillie.

Strabby began bouncing up and down, and straight into Ageha’s arms. “So… Does this mean I’ve gotta transform to help you?”, she asked cautiously. “Oh, you bet, sugar! All you’ve gotta do is say ‘LinkSnax, Tasty Convergence! Let’s Snack!’, and the magic will happen!”, Lillie replied as she got out her own transformation device- a device with a jewel known as a Snax Crystal. Ageha nodded, ready for what was about to happen.

Chapter 6: A Delicious Metamorphosis

“LinkSnax, Tasty Convergence! Let’s Snack!”, shouted Ageha with energy in her voice, the tiny Strabby near her smiling even though it had no mouth. “Strabby, Strabby!”, it said, full of joy. In a few bright flashes of light, Ageha stood, defiant as ever. She was now wearing the ensemble of Lillie, with strawberry inspired elements such as earrings, bracelets, and even the hair tie that held up her hair! “It’s time to serve up something spicy!”, she said.

“I know that innocents will get hurt, so I have an idea- let’s bring the fight to a jungle, if you will!”, replied Lillie. In mere moments, Lillie used her Snax Crystal to transport everyone to a lush jungle, teeming with life of all kinds. “Now it’s real time we get cooking!”, said Ageha as she leapt into the air with all of her strength, knowing full well she could use the terrain to her advantage as a Linker. “Take this, Basket-Face!” she said, followed by a kick to the face.

“Now that is some fighting!”, Brandon replied, applauding. The others cheered as Ageha learned how to dodge, punch, and do various other fighting moves. “T-To be honest, the only fighting game I’ve really played… is Smash Bros!”, she said as she tried dodging attacks, only to almost get hit herself. “Think of it as a match in your favorite fighting game. Rack up a combo, if you will!”, replied Lillie with a smile as she deflected attacks.

“Now you’re getting somewhere!”, replied Lillie as she landed a few hits of her own. Cooperation is key. That should be in my school yearbooks!, Ageha thought to herself as she helped Lillie knock the foe to the ground, with the tiny Strabby squealing as the two of them battled. “No…! I’ve made the rookie mistake of underestimating your foe!”, Crisper replied as he shot a blast of dark energy, but it was quickly deflected towards HIM.

After a successful dual punch, Lillie smiled as a wristwatch appeared on Ageha’s wrist. “Say, Lillie, what could this be?”, she asked curiously. “That’s the Snax Band! You can use it to perform an attack to finish off the foe!”, informed Lillie as Ageha stood before the DarkSnax, which was writhing on its back, unable to get up. “Then let’s turn the tide!”, she said with a grin.

Chapter 7: Victory is Served!

“Activate Link Move!”, Ageha said as she used her Snax Band to charge up an attack. And since she was using Strabby as her main Bugsnax, it gave her a massive hammer. “Strawberry Smash!”, she replied, using said hammer to crush the DarkSnax into a pancake, which also purified it in the process. “So Delicious!”, replied the foe as it disappeared into light, leaving behind a picnic basket and a Bunger trapped in a mason jar.

But Ageha and co didn’t have to worry, as the mason jar cracked open and freed the trapped Bunger on its own. “Bunger! Bunger!”, replied the happy little burger beetle. It ran circles around Ageha to thank her for saving it. As the jungle around everyone faded, Crisper was furious. “This is only the start, you know!”, he shouted as he teleported away.

“You did a great job, Ageha!”, said Lillie as Ageha returned to her normal state, with the Snax Band still on her. “Strabby! Strabby!”, her new little companion chirped, perching on her shoulder before jumping into the Snax Band. “Oh, and by the way- the Snax Band also serves as a miniature ecosystem for the Bugsnax you’ve rescued!”, replied Lillie as she picked up the Bunger that Ageha had saved.

“Awesome! And isn’t this just the start of something huge?”, Ageha asked. “You bet it is! There are more Linkers out there! And speaking of which, My little buddies and I’ve gotta get back to New Grump City. So, see you next time!”, Lillie replied as her two BugSnax friends followed her through the LinkWay, with Ageha smiling as she saw her new friend off.

“That was amazing. Aggie!”, said Brandon as he clapped his friend on the back. “And I kinda want to hurry back- our cinnamon rolls are getting cold.”, replied Elemer as he thought of the pastries with cinnamon sugar and cream cheese icing. “You bet! Race you there!”, Ageha said as she took off for the diner. As her friends raced behind her, Ageha knew that a new journey of hers was only just beginning.

Epilogue: Dark Delicacies

Elsewhere, in a classified location, the terrifyingly tall office building of ShadowSnack Inc. loomed over the seemingly desolate grounds on which it stood upon. A defeated Crisper entered, much to the shock of his comrades. “Can you believe it?! I got defeated! By one of those puny Linkers!”, he replied as he showed his mission stats.

“Well, Crisper, it’s safe to say that we might have to quote unquote up our game. And boss may not be happy about this!”, replied Oregana next to him. She was wearing the outfit of a food critic, her fur colored green like the plant she was named after. The two of them boarded the elevator, and they went up towards the top floor.

After arriving on the top floor, the shadowy figure of a Grumpus stood before them. “So… You failed in succeeding, Crisper?”, said the voice. “O-O-Of course, boss. She put up quite a fight!”, he replied as he sat down, his arms folded. “Then there’s only one thing to do left, it seems.”, replied the voice of the shadowy Grumpus.

“And what would that be, boss?”, asked Oregana. “We bring out the big guns when we least expect it, of course!”, replied the strange voice before he let out a hearty laugh. It would only be a matter of time if ShadowSnack Inc conquerered the world… or our fellow Linkers saved it.

Will Lillie and Ageha be able to rescue more Bugsnax? Will ShadowSnack Inc take over the planet? And who will become a Linker next?! Find out next time on Bugsnax Linksnax!



Project Link Up

I like relaxing in my own little world! I live on the blue planet and love video games, anime and more! Please support me by giving my stories likes! Love, Liv.