Disney Dream Linkage Episode 1: The Dream Begins

Project Link Up
Published in
20 min readApr 3, 2024

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” -Walt Disney

Table of contents:

Prologue Part 1

Prologue Part 2

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7


Prologue Part 1: A Magical Gift

Ever since the beginning of the very first civilizations, humanity has been blessed with a most otherworldly power called a Linkage. What’s a Linkage, you may ask? Well, it’s certainly not something you’d find in genetics textbooks- more specifically, the way in which two separate genes which are located close to each other on a chromosome are often inherited together! Instead, it’s the power to connect with individuals from other realms and share their powers via a powerful connection with them.

The tools needed for this undertaking are a Dream Crystal or any other Collectible Item, which serves as the evidence of the Partner Character’s connection, and the Dream Smartphone or any other item that allows one to transform, the very key to the Multiverse itself.

Years earlier…

“I will do it!”, said a little girl with pink hair as she held a book and sniffled. Her name was Haley, and she loved Disney more than anyone in the world. “Nuh uh! You can’t follow your dreams in who knows how long!”, a kid teased her.

“Maybe I can’t… follow my dreams… like the princesses and heroes… and all of the characters I love…” Haley said as she looked at her Disney Encyclopedia of Characters, the cover of which was beautifully decorated with various characters. Haley sighed, knowing that she might never find a dream to chase down.

“Ya sure can!”, replied a mysterious voice. Looking up, Haley saw a boy her age, with dark hair, a blue t shirt with Mickey Mouse’s head on it, coral shorts, and a nice sunhat. “Is it your goal to follow your dreams?”, asked the boy.

Haley just nodded. “Huh? Yeah…”, she replied. “Ya sure can, pal.”, replied the boy as Haley began to stand up. “Really?” She asked. “Dreams are some powerful things. I’m sure your dream’s gonna come true if you keep believing.” The boy said as he helped his new friend up. Haley gasped. “T-Then I’ll do it!”, she replied with a smile.

“In that case… I’ll give you this.” The boy replied as he showed a star shaped necklace filled with holographic glitter. Haley was fascinated. “W-What is it?”, she questioned. “A charm to help you keep believing in your dreams.”, her new friend answered.

Haley took the necklace without hesitating. “It’s so cute! Thanks! I’m Haley! And you?”, she questioned. “I’m Morris.” he answered back. Suddenly, a car pulled up to where the two kids were, and Morris began walking in a very different direction.

“Huh? M-Morris?!” Haley said as she watched her new friend walk towards the car. “Haley… Never… stop following your dreams.” Morris replied as he got in, but not before winking at Haley. “Morris…” Haley said as the car drove away- but she quickly smiled. “OK! I will follow my dreams!” Haley replied as she held up the necklace, its star shape filled with glitter twinkling in the light.

Prologue Part 2: An Emergency Castle Meeting

Years Later, Present Day

In recent times, Disney’s greatest villains had been resurrected by Chernabog, and they had returned in a faction aptly named “The Order of Chernabog”, and had been creating monsters known as Negativians; which are born from stolen dreams. These monsters were to bring about havoc and chaos on the many worlds. Day by day, the number of Negativianized victims grew; and seeing how serious the situation was, Yen Sid arranged an emergency meeting at the Disney Castle…

Merlin sighed. “Oh, this is terrible! Something like this has never even happened before in the history of our many worlds!”, replied the wisened wizard. Queen Clarion, the fairy queen of Pixie Hollow, followed up. “Soon all of our realms will fall to darkness… we’ve gotta do something about the situation!”

Then, Aurora’s three fairy godmothers spoke up. “Yeah, obviously, we’ve dealt with evil fairies, sea witches, voodoo doctors, traitorous lions… but nothing like this!” Merryweather said. “We have absolutely no idea what to do!” Flora added. “I suggest we panic!” Fauna finished. The 3 fairies huddled together.

Mama Odie groaned “Put yourselves together, you three. We have to do SOMETHING! All of the villains… they’re all… they’re all part of the Order of Chernabog!”, groaned the Voodoo diva as she sighed. Genie began to grow impatient. “Yen Sid! We’re still waiting!” He said as he snacked on some popcorn. Yen Sid then replied, “Yes… we’ve sent word to our pal Sora for help, but… we’ve gotten no response.”

Suddenly, Sora’s voice broke the silence. “Wait, everyone!”, he said, the sound of his shoes growing closer. Fairy Godmother smiled. “Ah, glorious! I dare say Sora has finally arrived!”, she said as the Keyblade wielder rushed inside. “Sorry I’m late! Place is huge!” He said, wiping off sweat.

Star, who was looking at a picture of Asha, looked up. “Yen Sid… this boy is…Sora?”, he replied as he stroked his golden hair. “Hey, guys! Remember me? I’m Sora! Yen Sid sent word of trouble in all of the Disney worlds… so as someone who you can trust, here I am! Hey, everyone!”, exclaimed Sora.

King Triton was impressed. “Goodness! Such energy! Such heart! Such pure confidence!”, he replied. “So you’ll be able to simply take down the Negativians, then! Correct?”, asked Sun Yee as she drank jasmine tea. “Well, uh… we’re gonna need a little extra help,” Sora said.

After a lengthy explanation, everyone at the meeting was more than just confuzzled. “Hmm… if this so called “Extra Help” is from a world beyond our own…” Pedro Madrigal began. “Well, I did some research on similar worlds, but… this place called Earth is in a class of its own. It seems to be our only chance at getting help… if we could just find the right people, we’d have somewhere to start…” Sora said as he typed on his laptop.

Zeus frowned. “We’re doing what we can to access such a world…”, the god of the sky said. “But as far as we can tell, we can’t make a stable portal system…” The Blue Fairy, Evangeline, said as she pulled out blueprints. “We’ve all gotta do SOMETHING! This is a realm-wide emergency!” Mufasa finished.

Tinkerbell just smiled. “Thanks for the news flash! Obviously we wanna help!”, the Tinker Fairy replied as she finished working on a project. Sora then noticed someone in the corner of the room. “Uhhh, who’s that over there?”, he asked. The Enchantress from Beauty and The Beast just smiled. “The Master of Masters.”, she replied. Sora was puzzled. “The Master of Masters?”

The Master of Masters grinned from underneath his hood. “Yep, that’s me! I know everything, so don’t worry. I kinda couldn’t make it to the start of the emergency meeting, but I made it anyways.” He answered as Sora nodded in return. Tinkerbell grinned as she packed up her toolbox. “Well, I’ve got work to do, so you’ll have to excuse me.” She then flew back to Pixie Hollow as quickly as she came.

Merlin was still in a state of worry. “Gosh… Magic pros are stumped, this so called world of Earth is unreachable… who should we turn to?”, he asked. Sora had an idea. “Look, look, I have an idea, and I know it sounds dumb, but it’s crazy enough to work. What if we turn to the people on earth to help save our worlds?”, he asked. Everyone gasped in amazement. “Sora, you are a GENIUS!” Genie replied as he finished up his popcorn.

Fairy Godmother grinned. “Time to get that old portal system back up and running!”, she replied as she pulled out her wand. “YEAH!!” Everyone cheered. “Buckle in, Earthlings. You’re in for a wild ride.”, replied Sora as he stared at what would become the portal to earth, while Riku, Kairi, Goofy, Donald, and Mickey hurried in just in time. “Looks like we’re ready to go!”, quacked the healer duck.

But a few minutes in, an evil voice came out of nowhere! “Forgetting someone?”, it replied. Everyone gasped in horror. Suddenly, the room began to shake. Maleficent burst in with a flash of green magic, Queen Grimhilde and some of her allies lowered themselves down on ropes, and so on, so forth. “Well, having a little party without us, eh?”, Scar snarled as he showed off his claws, jumping down from a ledge. “Or is it just a simple gathering?” Ursula replied as she crawled out of a sewer pipe.

Mufasa grew angry. “This is NOT a party, Scar!”, roared the great king. Triton immediately activated his signature golden trident. “This is an emergency meeting, Ursula!” he shouted. Hades grinned. “Oh, really? Then have a taste of THIS!” He shouted as he shot a fireball at the presentation behind the group, causing everyone to gasp. Jafar laughed. “Hahaha! Time to get serious!” Dr. Facilier smiled back at him. “You said it, Jaffa Cakes!”

Sora was concerned. “Guys! Is the portal set up?” Fairy Godmother smiled. “You bet it is, you six!” She said as she pressed a button and opened up the portal to Earth. Kairi had a determined look on her face. “This is our only chance,” She said as she looked at the gateway ahead.

Mama Odie gave a thumbs up. “Good luck, kiddos!”, she replied. Yen Sid knew that the mission at hand was urgent. “Hurry and get to Earth, NOW!”, he commanded. “We’ll hold them back!” Merlin said as he shot a blast of magic at Madam Mim. “We’re counting on all of you!”, said The Blue Fairy as she shielded her friends. The six heroes rushed through the portal to Earth, and the magical journey to protect everyone’s dreams began.

Chapter 1: Off to Magic Kingdom

As the day broke over the magical city of Dreamburg, Haley Graham awoke with a smile. “I can’t believe it… A day trip to Disney World to cap off the summer!”, she said as she looked around her room. Her bedroom was filled with memorabilia themed around everything Disney- from the animated adventures to the live action flicks; to even Pixar, Disney XD and Channel, and even Marvel, Star Wars, Kingdom Hearts, and Twisted Wonderland as well as countless others- it was a Disney fanatic’s dream.

Her bookshelf was filled with stories- from the royal adventures of the princesses to the joyful journeys of Pixar’s heroes; each was a world just waiting to be visited. A model castle lay on one shelf, and pictures of trips to Orlando lay on the other, as well as a spot for video games- alongside a huge closet for Disney themed attire. But on her nightstand lay the holographic star necklace her dear friend Morris had given her all those years ago, and it never lost its luster.

At the same time, in Morris’ own house, he was looking around at the very sunrise that bathed Dreamburg in pink, orange, and yellow. “I can’t believe we’re going to Disney World for the day to end the summer off.”, he said to himself. Just like Haley’s, his own bedroom was filled with memorabilia themed around everything Disney- from animated to live action flicks; Pixar, Disney XD and Channel, and even Marvel, Star Wars, Kingdom Hearts, and Twisted Wonderland among others- a treasure trove of legends.

His bedroom was filled with memorabilia that resonated with various Disney movies- from the epic adventures of Mickey Mouse and his comrades to the bravery of the Star wars Galaxy’s heroes; each was a world just waiting to be opened. A model Mickey Clubhouse lay on one shelf, and pictures of trips to Orlando lay on another, as well as a spot for playing video games- alongside a huge closet for Disney gear. It was clear that although Haley and Morris came from different worlds, their love for Disney made them the same.

As both of them got dressed, ate their breakfasts; which was waffles for Haley and bacon and eggs for Morris, and got in the car with their parents, all that was left to do was to pick up their good friends. “Nathan! Goldie! I’m so happy you two could come to Disney World with me and my mom and dad!”, replied Haley as she helped her friends into the car, where both of them got excited.

At the same time, when Morris and his family were going to pick up Darren Waterbottom and Mike Alder, he caught sight of them before they could see the car he and his family were in. “Darren! Mike! Ready to go to Disney World?”, he asked, energy in his voice. “Yes we are!”, Darren said. “And I am hyped to go!”, replied Mike. And in mere moments, both families were off.

Chapter 2: A Magical Reunion

When they arrived at Disney World, the families couldn’t believe what had occurred to them- their cars were parked right next to each other, in the very same parking lot! “Wait a minute, does something feel weird?”, Haley asked her mom. “Yeah, it’s as if something about the car next to us makes us feel… A little special today.”, replied Randolph Graham, Haley’s dad as he began to get everyone out of the car alongside Haley’s mom, Mila Graham.

When Haley and Morris got out of the two cars, their eyes met- and something magical sparked inside them. Memories of that day when both were in kindergarten, exchanging encouraging words, came flooding back. “Morris! It’s you!”, Haley cheered as she hugged the boy who had given her the star shaped necklace all those long years ago. “And here I’d never thought I’d see you again!”, replied Morris as the two of them embraced; with Morris’ parents Denise and Royce Longbottom blushing.

“Haley, how do you know him?”, replied Goldie as she watched her friend hug the boy who encouraged her to follow her dreams. “Yeah, and since when?!”, replied Darren as he and Mike began walking alongside the others. Haley smiled and began to tell her side of the story. “Thing is, it happened waaaay back in Kindergarten!”, she said with a smile.

Even as they all made their way towards the main area of Walt Disney World, Morris and Haley continued the story of how they met. “And ever since then, we’ve stayed in contact via letters- and have been encouraging each other to follow our dreams!”, replied Morris as everyone made their way to the gates towards Magic Kingdom.

Soon, the friend groups were exploring the 4 Disney parks- Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios, and Animal Kingdom. They went on thrilling rides, got autographs from characters, and snacked on the most trendy foods to date. But however, what they didn’t know was that someone was watching them- An evil fairy cloaked in black, with her trusty raven flying through the skies of the 4 parks.

Chapter 3: Friends in Disney Springs

“That was probably one of the best rides I’ve ever been on!”, Mike replied as he and the rest of the gang were getting off Guardians of The Galaxy Cosmic Rewind. Suddenly, Haley’s phone buzzed. “You guys- It’s my cousin Jamie. He kinda wants to meet us in Disney Springs with their friend group!”, Haley said as she showed the message. “Yeah, and my mom and dad want to meet us there.”, replied Morris as he showed a text message as well.

“Then let’s not keep them waiting!”, replied Darren as the 6 friends made their way towards the exit of Epcot and into Disney Springs, where stores and other areas for shopping could be seen from miles away. “Cousin Jamie!!”, Haley said as she hugged her cousin. “Haley! Didn’t expect to meet you here.”, he said as they returned the hug. “And I see some of your buddies are here, too.”, Jamie replied, getting out a sea salt ice cream.

“Yeah, it’s crazy to think that summer’s coming to an end.”, replied Jamie’s good friend Erin as she tied her hoodie around her waist, so she wouldn’t fry in the Florida heat. “And I can’t believe we’re gonna make the most of our last day of vacation before school starts!”, Chris, Jamie’s other good friend replied as he did some jumping jacks in the area.

“Say, speaking of vacation- Do any of you guys wanna get some Disney merch? The six of us tackled all of the parks already, and I think the six of you did as well.”, replied Morris as he helped up one of the others, that being Riley Ashford. Their friends Brian and Phoebe nodded, with the former holding a popcorn bucket and the latter eating a churro.

“Oh, you bet I am!”, Riley replied, their hair in a nice bob. She always loved going shopping and hanging out with the ones she loved. Soon enough, the 12 kids were busy at World of Disney, grabbing some of the most amazing merch they could find- shirts, jackets, even collectible pins! But in mere moments, an encounter would change everything for the crazy.

Chapter 4: A Magical Encounter

Suddenly, the cawing of a raven could be heard- a whole flock of them. “Uhhh… I don’t think the crows are supposed to be acting like that.”, replied Goldie as she looked outside the shop. She was right- a flock of dark winged avians were circling the area, and it seemed as if they were waiting for something. “You’re right, Goldie- Maybe we should probably find someone to help us.”, Haley said as the gang went to go checkout alongside their parents.

After getting outside and seeing the flock grow bigger, the kids immediately decided to run for cover and wait until the flock moved on. “Hurry! Beneath there!”, replied Haley as she saw a table that looked like it could fit all of them. As soon as they dove beneath the table, two other figures noticed their bravery. “Sora, do ya think they might just be the Linkers we’re looking for?”, said the first figure. “I think so, Mickey. All we have to do is approach them.”, replied the other figure as they approached.

As the kids cowered beneath the table to hide from the nearby flock, the two figures that they didn’t see coming approached gently. “Fellas, are you okay?”, said one of the voices. “And if so- you’ve got some good thinking to be like that. What you did was a smart move!”, said the other. Peeking out, Haley and Morris immediately noticed who the people who found them were. “Mickey?! Sora?!”, began Haley. “But we thought you’re supposed to stay in the parks!”, replied Morris.

“Yeah, yeah. What happens in the parks stays in the parks; but we’re actually looking for you two!”, replied Sora as he helped Haley and everyone else get up. “After all, we’re looking for the mystical heroes known as Linkers!”, Mickey replied. “Linkers?”, replied the kids, dumbfounded by this nonsense. “So, ya see, Mickey and I were invited to an emergency meeting by Yen Sid, and I decided that our only hope to combat these guys called The Order of Chernabog was to find people in this world.”, explained Sora.

“What’s the Order of Chernabog?”, Darren questioned. “Ya know all the Disney villains like Maleficent, Scar, etc.? Well, Chernabog brought them back to life and now they’re serving him to take over the world!”, Mickey frantically explained. “A-And I think one of the members found us, right?!”, said Mike as he pointed to the massive flock of crows flying overhead.

Chapter 5: Maleficent’s Arrival

Suddenly, a roar tore through the normally peaceful area. “What was that?!”, replied Darren as he got everyone else in a group. To the gang’s horror, they saw a young girl riding a purple and black dragon. She had long, raven colored hair, and looked like she had walked out of a Hot Topic. Taking out a device that looked like a flip phone, which was purple and had green insignia on it; as well as a green crystal that appeared to be like a spinning wheel, she placed it in. “Linkage, Unleash The Nightmare!”, she shouted.

In a flash of light, Georgina was now wearing a gothic style skater dress inspired by none other than Maleficent- horned headband and eerie staff included. “Who the heck are you?”, replied Haley as she and the others stood defiantly. Behind Georgina, Maleficent stepped out from the spooky green flames, her trusty raven Diablo perched on her shoulder, his black wings echoing his master’s dark ensemble. “Georgina, I think it’s time we get to work,” replied the evil fairy with a sadistic smile.

Noticing an employee from World of Disney on their lunch break, they teleported over to them without hesitation. The gang watched on in horror as Maleficent and Georgina targeted the young employee. “Show us your deepest dreams!”, the evil fairy replied as the victim had a heart shaped hole in their chest open.

“I want to bring magic to all who visit Disney Springs.”, replied the victim, showing their deepest desires and wants. “And if you say so… then put your dream to rest, and never let it come true!”, replied Georgina with a smirk. “Go, Negativian!”, said Georgina and Maleficent, sending a lock of darkness onto the employee’s heart, encaging them in a cage of despair and darkness.

Before the gang stood a massive stuffed toy monster known as a Negativian- with the body of a stuffed toy, the claws and feet of a Heartless, piercing yellow eyes, and the insignia of a broken heart. “Guys, what do we do?!”, replied Morris as he looked at the foe. “We’d personally use this if you could. They’re known as Dream Smartphones.”, replied Sora as he and Mickey handed Haley and Morris two Dream Smartphones that looked like the ones Georgina had- except theirs were different. Morris’ was red with black Mickey heads, while Haley’s was red and blue with silver Kingdom Hearts crowns.

“And lastly, you need these, fellas- They’re called Dream Crystals!”, replied Mickey as he handed the two friends a pair of Dream Crystals- A golden crown for Haley and a black Mickey Head for Morris. “Now all you have to do is say ‘Dream Linkage, Awaken!’, and let the magic happen!”, replied Sora. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but we’ll do it!”, Haley said with a grin on her face.

Chapter 6: Unleashing The Magic

“Dream Linkage, Awaken!”, Morris said as he placed his Dream Crystal into his Dream Smartphone. “Linkage, Unlock My Heart!”, replied Haley as she did the same. In a flash of brilliant light reminiscent of fireworks, Haley and Morris stood in their Linked Forms. Morris now had white gloves, yellow and black sneakers, and even King Mickey’s outfit- a black top, jacket, and red pants with intricate details. His normal brown hair had gotten a black dip dye and a ponytail, alongside a Mickey ear headband.

Haley was now donning an outfit similar to Sora’s- a red ensemble with a stylish jacket, yellow and black sneakers, awesome gloves, and even a silver crown necklace. She even had her pink hair’s tips dyed brown and a Keyblade of her very own, as did Morris. “I-I-It can’t be!”, said Georgina in shock. “The legendary warriors… Known as Linkers?!”, Maleficent replied in disbelief.

“You bet! And there’s no way you’ll keep that dream for yourselves!”, Morris said defiantly. “So if you wanna get to them- You’ve gotta get through to us!”, Haley replied. “Enough chit chat. Get them, Negativian!!”, Georgina said as she commanded the hulking fiend to crush the team. Thinking quickly, Haley and Morris did a leap into the air, causing them to gasp in a mix of horror and amazement.

“I never knew I could do this!!”, Haley said as she looked downwards. The whole of Disney Springs looked so tiny now! “How are we gonna get down?!”, replied Morris as he gazed at the Negativian, which was going to unleash an attack. “How about you take advantage of this moment and land a flying kick?”, questioned Sora. “Yeah! That way, you’ll ensure a nice hit.”, instructed Mickey.

The two friends nodded in unison, then flew downwards and struck the foe square on the forehead. The other kids looked on in amazement as they saw their friends land a few punches and kicks, catch a hit that was coming towards them, and hammer throw the foe into Lake Buena Vista with a massive splash. “Woooo!”, cheered Darren and Mike. “You two are doing awesome!”, Nathan said in return. “Grrr… Don’t just lie there, get them!”, replied Georgina as the Negativian got up again.

“Looks like we’ve gotta find a new strategy!”, Haley replied as she slashed an incoming projectile in two with her Keyblade. “You said it, Haley!”, Morris replied as kicked back a few more attacks towards the Negativian. All of a sudden, their Dream Smartphones started glowing with an unnatural light. “Wait. Why are our Dream Smartphones glowing?!”, Haley said. “Does that mean something?”, Morris asked.

“It means that it’s time to finish off the fight!”, cheered Mickey as the two friends took out their Dream Smartphones from their carrying cases, and opened them. “Time to insert the Dream Crystals and take back the dream!”, Sora exclaimed. The friends nodded and smiled, then turned towards the enemy.

Chapter 7: More Magic to Come

“Activate Link Move!”, they both said, inserting their Dream Crystals into the Dream Smartphones. A bright flash of light filled the area, and Haley’s Keyblade was fully charged; whilst Morris’ gloves were glowing with light. “Blade of Tomorrow!”, Haley said, using her Keyblade and charging forwards at a fast rate. “Heartful Star Shower!!”, Morris replied, creating a star shape with his hands and firing an energy projectile at the enemy. Their attacks hit the Negativian with such precision, that it was defeated at once.

“My Dream…”, replied the foe as the marking on it turned white. The Negativian exploded in a shower of starlight, revealing the trapped victim within. “See ya real soon.”, Haley replied with a smile on her face. “This isn’t the last you’ve seen of us, Linkers!” Maleficent replied with a scowl. “We’ll be back for more- just you wait!”, Georgina replied as she and Maleficent teleported away in a puff of evil smoke.

The others cheered wildy as their two friends stood, victorious. “Yeah! We did it!”, Haley said. “Now, Fellas, don’t celebrate too early- We still have to free the trapped victim!”, Mickey replied as he pointed to the cage. “Your Dream Smartphone is the key to unlocking them.”, Sora replied with a wink and a smile. “Well, don’t mind if we do!”, Morris said, turning to Haley.

“It’s time…”, began Haley as she and Morris took out their Dream Smartphones. “…For your dreams to come true!”, They finished together as a key of light was conjured- it was a perfect fit in the keyhole, and the employee’s dream that had been stolen by Maleficent was now liberated at last. “A-Are you ok?”, asked Phoebe as she helped up the worker. “Uhhh… What happened?”, the worker said as the area went back to normal. “It’s a pretty long story.”, Goldie said.

“Hot dog! You two showed Maleficent and Georgina who was boss!”, Mickey replied. “Yeah. And thing is, this is only the beginning of something even bigger. So just keep that in mind.”, Sora said. “Don’t worry, Sora and Mickey. We’ll protect everyone’s dreams to the very end!”, replied Morris as he and Haley went back to normal. “And stop The Order of Chernabog from locking away all dreams, once and for all.”, Haley replied.

“With that being said, we’ll see ya real soon!”, Sora said as he and Mickey made their way towards a Linkway- hidden at the back of an alleyway. “Haley! Morris! Time to go home!”, rang out the voices of their parents. “Oh! Mom and dad! We’ve gotta get home!”, Morris said, causing the others to perk up. “With that being said…”, began Jamie. “Race you to the parking lot!”, Mike finished as everyone took off. What had begun as a day trip to Disney World had turned into something much more, and the journey to protect all dreams, big and small, had only begun.

Epilogue: Villains in Action

Back at the villains’ base aka Chernabog’s fortress of impenetrable shadow, Georgina and Maleficent returned, defeated. “Master Chernabog…”, began Maleficent. “We failed to stop them. Even when we made a Negativian that powerful!”, finished Georgina. The other villains gasped in shock. There was no way the evil fairy and her Linker could fall to two children!

“Ya know, Mal- I would suggest you and Georgina get a little stronger. At this rate, the Linkers on the side of the heroes WILL ALL BE RECRUITED IN MERE DAYS!!!!!”, Hades yelled, causing some of the other villains to duck due to his literal fiery temper. “Gee, Hades! Calm down! It’s not like it’s the end of the world or something like that!”, Dr. Facilier replied as he guzzled down a cup of coffee he had gotten from the break room.

“Oh, Please. It’s like you’re setting higher standards. Anyways, with that being said, I’ve heard that the duck prone to anger issues is gonna get his Linker next, as well as that oaf of a dog.”, Scar replied as he sharpened his claws with a nail file. “And not just that- Sora’s little comrades are getting their own.”, Captain Hook said as he showed off a picture of Donald, Goofy, Riku, and Kairi.

“Hahaha! We’ll show them what we’re made out of… once WE get OUR Linkers! Isn’t that right, Kronk?”, Yzma questioned, the evil purple advisor of Kuzco replied, with Kronk nodding as he came over with spinach puffs. “Personally, I’d wait for the right time to strike. After all, when their guards are down, they’ll be at their most vulnerable!”, Ursula said as she cracked open a cold one, passing one to Frollo, who was sitting next to her.

“Ah, Linkers on the goody two shoes’ guys aside, we are going to ensure all dreams will be captured!”, Syndrome said as he slouched down in his chair, with everyone else nodding. “Look out, Earth! There’s a NEW kind of evil in town!”, Hades said with a sinister grin. The villains burst into truly wicked laughter- their plan would be set in action soon, but what they didn’t know was that the heroes would be ready even sooner.

Will Haley and Morris be able to rescue everyone’s dreams? Will Maleficent and Georgina help Chernabog conquer the world? And who will become a Linker next?! Find out next time on Disney Dream Linkage!



Project Link Up

I like relaxing in my own little world! I live on the blue planet and love video games, anime and more! Please support me by giving my stories likes! Love, Liv.