Shonen Jump Power Linkage Episode 1: A Hero is Born

Project Link Up
Published in
24 min readMar 9, 2024
This is actually a placeholder image- some characters may be missing, but that’s no biggie for me.

In loving memory of Akira Toriyama. Thank you so much for inspiring me and so many others :)

Table of contents:

Prologue Part 1

Prologue Part 2

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7


Prologue Part 1: The Fall of The Great Ten

Ever since the beginning of the very first civilizations, humanity has been blessed with a most otherworldly power called a Linkage. What’s a Linkage, you may ask? Well, it’s certainly not something you’d find in genetics textbooks- more specifically, the way in which two separate genes which are located close to each other on a chromosome are often inherited together! Instead, it’s the power to connect with individuals from other realms and share their powers via a powerful connection with them.

The tools needed for this undertaking are a Linkage Card or any other Collectible Item, which serves as the evidence of the Partner Character’s connection, and the Linkage Watch or any other item that allows one to transform, the very key to the Multiverse itself. And so, throughout human history; many heroes, prominent and less known, were forged in the flames of victory. Born to help others in their darkest hour and protect the weak, they served their purpose nobly.

But among these heroes were a group called The Great Ten. They went as followed: Tiberius Maximo Shelby, an aspiring photographer; Ishmael Grayson; a determined fisherman, Muramashi Genjitsu, a modest calligraphy artist, Zane Uaminifu, a kind hearted witch doctor Ember Revalius, a devout Polynesian priestess; Gloria Hollyberry Andreas, a joyful musician; Nalu Scarbio Rayman, a budding archaeologist; Corina Kalauni, a girl who loved nature; Angelisa Mikron, a Russian noblewoman; and Kayasa Delphinus, an elegant young woman from the Greek Isles.

Thanks to what these ten noble warriors contributed alongside their Partner Characters, a golden age of peace, prosperity, and happiness settled over the world. But peace wouldn’t last that long. In the years that followed, a dark foe arose with a single goal in mind- plunge the world and all worlds known into darkness.

As the darkness began to settle over the world, The Great Ten were instantly called to action. “Do not worry. We’ll take care of this.” Tiberius replied as he went off with his Partner Character, Bardock. The others gathered their Partner Characters, namely Gol D. Roger, Hashirama Senju, Retsu Unohana, Kite, George Joestar, Pharaoh Atem; Kouka, Nana Shimura, and Pandora. But little did these ten heroes know, this battle would be their last one.

“We’re here, you guys.” A determined Muramashi replied as he stepped forward. “And this is for the fate of the world!” Hashirama chimed in, and the brave defenders rushed into the cold, dark, fortress without another thought. They fought their way against giant spiders, chopped through walls of toxic vines, and made their way to the harbinger’s throne room.

On a throne of darkness sat what appeared to be a man of fair skin, Raven hair, a sword of shadow, and a blood red tuxedo with a garnet medallion at his chest. “Well, well, well, it seems you’ve finally made it.” He replied with a malevolent smile. “Not if we have anything to say about it, Emperor Shadius!” Tiberius shouted as he and his fellow teammates powered up.

“You foolish heroes! I’ll show you the error of your ways!” Screeched Shadius. However, the heroes combined speed, strength, and noble hearts overpowered the fiend. The fight raged on for more than an hour, before the emperor finally snapped.

“Now you will learn!” Shadius screeched as he unleashed a beam of darkness. The Great Ten nearly weakened in the heat of the battle. “I-I feel my power waning.” Ember said, collapsing. “I won’t let you do this!” Tiberius screamed as he got up with what little strength he had left and punched Shadius with all his might. BOOM! A shockwave rolled across the land, but Shadius blocked the attack. But despite this setback, the Great Ten’s noble spirits weren’t lost, as they were instantly sealed away in the cards of their Partner Characters.

A woman with wheat colored skin, periwinkle hair, and a satin gown approached the battle scene. “Go… scatter yourselves into the multiverse and only seek those who are worthy!” she said, taking the cards into her hands, and they soon scattered themselves into the most remote areas of the multiverse, hiding themselves away forever.

“Director Lumi,” Shadius replied as he got back up with a smirk on his face. “Shadius. The time will come when the balance between darkness and light will be restored, when the planets Align in a century.” Lumi replied as she crossed her arms in a stern yet fair manner. “You say so?” Shadius replied with fires of anger still in his eyes. “Yes. And although a hundred years will pass… it will be worth it.” Lumi answered firmly. It wouldn’t be long before new heroes would emerge, ready to take action…

Prologue Part 2: A Beacon of Hope

100 Years Later…

A whole century had passed in seemingly eternal bliss, with the decades flying by faster than anyone had remembered. Come the 21st century in our world, with the events of the Great 10’s sacrifice seemingly forgotten and the threat of Emperor Shadius being seemingly gone from everyone’s minds. Everyone that is, except for a certain other director. As she watched from her window, the benevolent director knew she had to do something, as the aligning of the planets would soon commence.

I must do something about this, but I need help. I must seek the legendary warriors known as Linkers, but I can’t reveal myself to the public eye. She thought. Suddenly, an idea came to her- she needed someone to help! Without a doubt, Lumi sent out word of help into the multiverse, hoping that at least someone would answer the call.

And someone did- or rather, a bunch of someones. In mere moments, anime heroes from all corners of the Shonen Jump worlds had arrived at her base, confused as to why they were there in the first place. “Uhhh… why have we arrived here for some meeting?”, replied a blonde haired ninja as he scratched his head.

“Mr. Uzumaki, you and various others have been recruited by me for good reason.”, replied the benevolent director, turning to the others in the room. “I have sensed the return of a great darkness from a century ago, and I believe that all of you in front of me are worthy candidates to find the legendary warriors known as Linkers.”, Lumi explained.

“Linkers? What the hell do you think we’re looking for, some weird stranger we don’t even know about?!” Said a man wearing a black jacket whilist donning a hat of the same color. “Mr. Kujo, these are not strangers. They’re people with the potential to save the very planet that they call home- and quite possibly the entire Multiverse.”, Lumi explained to him.

“So, where exactly do we go to find these Linkers?” replied a man with spiky dark hair and an orange martial arts outfit. “Mr. Son, I believe that I’ll reveal that cruical detail… starting now.” Lumi replied, projecting a picture of Earth. “Hold on a minute, we’re going to Earth?!”, shouted a green haired boy wearing a superhero costume. “Haha, not your earth, Midoriya! Another Earth. One where you and the rest of your teammates will find your Linkers.”, smiled Lumi as she turned off the projection.

“We won’t let you down, Director. We’ll find those Linkers and ensure they’re more than worthy of the responsibility they’ll have.”, said a boy with a checkered hakama and a katana. “I have great faith in you and your teammates, Tanjiro.” Lumi replied, shaking the demon slayer’s hand. “Now, as I was saying… Good luck to all of you. You are the Multiverse’s final hope.”, replied Lumi as the Shonen Jump heroes made their way towards an unfamiliar world- our very own.

Chapter 1: Off to Prisma Middle School

In Brooklyn, New York City at the very same time, a young boy was having probably the most exciting dream of all- one of which where he was an anime hero in his own story. “Mr. Shelby, have you got the situation under control?” replied a voice from his headgear. “You bet I do, sir! I’m roaring to go!”, he replied, running across the sides buildings and making great parkour style leaps between them so he could get to the kaiju in the waters of the Hudson River. “Now eat this, lizard face! Kame… Hame… HADOKEN!!!!”, he yelled as he fired a massive ki blast from his hands. It seemed to be like the best dream ever, until…

“Wakey, wakey, Sleepyhead! First day of school,” his mother Cheryl said as she shook her younger son awake. “Okay, mom. I get it. I’m not a five year old.” Aaron said as he woke up in his bedroom, which was decorated with hundreds of anime and manga themed decorations. Above his bed were the anime posters for Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Hunter X Hunter, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Yu-Gi-Oh, Gintama, My Hero Academia, Saint Seiya, Yu Yu Hakusho, and Rurouni Kenshin.

On his nightstand were the figures of Tanjiro, Hinata, and Asta; the main protagonists of Demon Slayer, Haikyuu, and Black Clover. On his desk nearby, were Funko pops of various characters; and a laptop decorated with stickers from head to toe. And near his gaming chair was a miniature fridge that he often used to store snacks; filled with mostly chips and healthy food to keep his diet balanced.

But on his bedroom wall were his cosplays he had pulled off; most notably those of popular anime heroes. It was clear that the kid had quite the love for anime- the epic battles, the popular characters, the spine-tingling soundtrack- everything in general about the industry. In fact, he had loved it ever since his father Norman had gotten him into it as an 8 year old via one surprise trip to New York Comic Con. The sun was now fully up over the Atlantic Ocean, and it was time for NYC’s kids to start the first day of school.

Before rushing to the downstairs area of his apartment and after brushing his teeth, Aaron got dressed in a random hoodie he snatched from his closet, a t-shirt, a pair of pants, and his favorite sneakers. He grabbed the laptop from his bedroom desk and its charger, his books for school, a notebook decorated with anime stickers, and his pencil case; filled to the brim with stationery and a cherry flavored lip balm. “I’m ready.” The boy replied as he flipped back his short brown hair. He was still thinking about his dream. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation at the idea of potentially becoming an anime hero in the real world.

As he left his room, he couldn’t help but take one last look at his posters and figures, feeling a sense of pride in his love for anime. “Hey, kiddo!” His father Norman replied as he threw an egg-bagel sandwich across the room. Aaron caught it at once and was on his way to his first day at Prisma Middle School. “Thanks, dad!” Aaron said as he went out the door with his backpack. And so, after greeting his neighbors, Aaron was down the elevator and onto the sidewalks of Brooklyn.

“Have a great day, sweetie!” Cheryl said as she watched her son run down the street to Prisma Middle School from the Shelby apartment window. “Looks like today’s gonna be a perfectly normal day for me today.” Aaron said as he gobbled down his bagel sandwich. But little did he know that in a few hours, his life, and the lives of his friends, would change forever- and in the most unexpected way, too!

Prisma Middle School was full of life that morning, despite so many students having the first day of school as their least favorite day. Students from various ethnicities, from Whites to Blacks to Asians, wandered about the campus hall, looking for their friends and heading off to their classes. The school even had various accommodations, with a wheelchair ramp for those who had a disability and a support phone for those already missing their parents.

The moment Aaron got to the gates of the school, his eleven new friends he had made over the summer were already there, waiting for him: Max Eduardo, Lily Chun, Bruce Taylor, Isabella Harlow, Xavier Andreas, Timmy Rayman, Penny Walker, Jake Peterman, Emily Mufasta Steward, Hilda Van Djik, and Zoe Fai-Lung. His childhood friend Edward Cameron walked next to him by his side, with the 4 Star Dragon Ball keychain dangling on his backpack.

Chapter 2: First Day Otakus

“Aaron!” They greeted him with a warm embrace. The twelve best friends had known each other ever since they met at a nearby manga store not long ago, and due to that, they became inseparable. “I’m so excited about today.” Aaron said as he adjusted his backpack. “Same here! We’ll meet each other at Misako’s after all our classes are finished.” Lily said as she fixed her long black hair. “Ready to go, Amigos?” Max said. “Ready when you are!” Bruce grinned. The rest of the friends soon agreed. And with just that, the friends were off on their way to their first classes of the day.

As our hero made his way to his new classroom, his heart pounded in his chest. He wondered if any of the new kids in his classroom would share his love of anime- besides his new friends and his loyal childhood friend Edward. As he entered the room, he saw a group of various other kids- all of which looked very friendly and welcoming. “So, where do you want to sit, best buddy? Edward asked as he hung his backpack inside his locker.

“I wanna sit next to you, where it feels comfortable.” Aaron replied with a smile, his honesty showing through. “I like that response.”, replied the teacher, who was just coming into the room. His eyes were coal black, his tie was scarlet as camellia petals, and his smile lit up the whole room. “Good morning, and welcome to your first day at Prisma Middle School! I’m Marlon Josephino, who’ll be your homeroom teacher.”, he replied with a smile and a wink.

“Good morning, Mr. Josephino!” replied the kids as he walked over to each of their desks, often telling something he liked about their personality or their interests. “Hmmm… all of you look like a class with many interests, it seems! Looks like this’ll be a nice first year for all of you.” Marlon said with a grin.

In Aaron’s class, there were more than just Max, Lily, Bruce, Isabella, Hilda, Xavier, Timmy, Penny, Jake, Emily, and Zoe- there were also Jade Tan-Lawrence, the Suzuki Twins Charlie and Charles, Louise Hudson, Raphael Michaelis, Marvin Rey, Gerald Maraschino, Brayden Wade, Susie Glover, Elvin Kennedy, Delia Mason, Eligor Finch, Taliesin Bhattarai, Milly Heron, Alvin Hekekia, Pedro Rudolph, Gale Washington, Clyde Ellegard, and a few other students.

At the very same moment, Goku was watching Aaron from a tree he climbed himself outside the school. “Did you find your linker?” The voice of Director Lumi said. “Yep! I sure did.” The Saiyan answered. “But don’t reveal yourself. There are those who will kill to see you in this world.” Lumi warned. “Wow, I didn’t realize I was so popular here!” The warrior said with surprise, and he instantly instant transmissioned away in a flash.

Aaron, hearing the high pitched sound of the warrior’s teleportation, turned around towards the window to look, but no one was there at the time. Could it be?!, he thought to himself as he got back to reading the manga he brought with him. “Whatcha see out the window, buddy?”, replied Max as he got out his notebook. “Nothing! Nothing!”, Aaron replied hastily as he returned to his senses. “Just a bird that flew off from a branch.” He replied, scratching his head.

The first half of the school day went on as usual, with the groups going to their separate classes and such. Aaron excelled in Writing, Xavier had done really good for his first day in science (He even got to hold the class pet, which was a snake called Udon), and various others. That is, until the school’s lunch break- where Aaron’s strength to defend others would be shown.

Chapter 3: The Emperor’s Arrival

While Aaron and his friends were at lunch, Victor Nefario and his troublemaking group of friends were trying to sneak the lunch money out of a young student, with Samantha Bennington and Finley Sinclair pinning the unfortunate victim to the ground. But just as the bully was about to snatch the money, Aaron’s Spidey Senses turned on and he ran towards Victor. “Hey! Leave him alone!” Aaron yelled, standing up for the victim.

“What do you think you’re doing, Manga Boy?”, teased Victor as he invaded Aaron’s personal space. “I’m trying to do something for the greater good, that’s what!”, he replied, protecting the other student with his body. Behind him, the youngster whimpered as they watched Aaron stand up for them. “Either you leave them alone or I’ll report it to your homeroom teacher.” Aaron said defiantly, his eyes glimmering with a fierce light.

At the same time, Goku and Frieza were watching the entire scene unfold, with Aaron helping up the frightened student and giving them back their lunch money. “Now I’ve really found my Linker.”, the Saiyan replied as he looked towards Aaron, who was walking back to his lunch table without asking for anything in return. “Shut it, Monkey! What on Earth do you even see in that filthy Neanderthal?!”, snapped the alien emperor as he walked off. “Best you keep your mouth shut, Frieza. Unless you want to go flying through another shopping mall again.” Goku replied.

At the same time, a defeated Victor walked towards a neglected area of the campus, grumbling and muttering to himself while his friend group followed. Since when did he get so strong and stand up for others?! Oh, right. It’s all that manga he’s been reading, thats why., Victor thought to himself. “I will do anything… and I mean anything… To make him eat his heart out!” He yelled to himself. “Oh, he will. Once you become my Linker.” said a mysterious voice out of nowhere.

“W-What the legitimate heck was that?!” He wondered to himself as he looked around, only for the terrified expressions of his friend group to tell him that something was off. “B-B-Behind you!!”, screamed Francis Imari as he, Clancy Giovanna, Beaudoux Estillette, Allie King, Azraq Fakhoury, and even Samantha + Finley bowed down in horror. “Uhhh… Why are you bowing down?” Victor wondered in terror- just as a strange white hand tapped his shoulder.

“Oh, that would be me.” replied Frieza as Victor turned around to face him. “Oh no. Nonononono. I’m gonna die here, aren’t I?!”, he said to the evil alien warlord. “Oh, you’re not going to die. However, I’m giving you one simple request- Do you wish to become my Linker and help take over the galaxy?” Frieza replied as he took out what appeared to be a watch. “As long as it puts me above the ones I torment… Yes.” Victor replied with glee as he placed the watch on and felt something inside of him surge. A strange card, reminiscent of a trading card, then formed from the very Linkage between the bully and the evil alien emperor.

Chapter 4: Above and Beyond Heroism

The rest of the school day went on as usual. But after school, when the other students went to do their activities, the friends decided to hang out at their favorite manga store of all time: Misako’s, a quaint little bookstore that sold manga and of course, Weekly Shonen Jump magazines. In fact, the owner, Misako Kurosawa, had grown so used to the kids that she considered them as her favorite guests.

“Let’s take the shortcut this time.” Aaron replied as he pointed to an alleyway. But as soon as the kids went down that path; something glinted on the ground. Aaron gasped, and saw that it was a shiny orange watch. “I must be dreaming! This could go for millions!” Aaron replied as he looked at the watch. But just as the Aaron picked up the watch, a familiar voice interrupted the gang.

“Hey, Manga boy! Gimme that!” Said the voice. Aaron turned to see who was speaking and was shocked to recognize the very figure who said those words: Victor Nefario. Beside him was Frieza, with his white complexion, tail, and purple accents.

“Ohohoho! Well, if it isn’t those puny weaklings.” The alien warlord said as he approached the kids. Unlike Victor’s typical t-shirt with vest and denim shorts from earlier, he was wearing arctic white and ultraviolet evening wear with a tailcoat. Wait a second. Is that really Frieza next to Victor?! This can’t be real! Aaron thought.

“Huh?” Aaron said, still confused by this dream-like sequence. “Stop it this instant, Frieza!” Shouted a heroic voice from out of nowhere, coming from a rooftop. Aaron was still deeply confused. Wait a second. Goku?! Are those their voices? And they’re talking to each other in my world? Am I still in bed or something like that?! The freshman thought, then shook his head, adjusting his hoodie as the thoughts overwhelmed his mind.

“Take them down, Frieza.” Victor instructed his alien Partner, who shot a death beam out of his finger, aiming it at the kids. “With pleasure. Hope you see your fate,” Frieza said sadistically. But just as the group was about to be annihilated, Aaron rushed in front of the beam. “Don’t hurt my friends, you monster!” He shouted, taking the death beam himself.

“Aaron!” His friends shouted as they saw the vermillion blood coat his hoodie, which was all charred from the raw energy. His face and hair were also affected and it appeared as if he were close to death. “FRIEZA!!!” The same voice from earlier screamed again.

Suddenly, the owner of the voice from earlier appeared, and the friends could get a better look at him. “Oh, It’s you.” The white and purple alien said in disbelief. “Frieza, you know it’s not the best idea to mess with someone smaller than you.” Goku replied. “I’ll get your friend fixed up. Follow me!” The warrior said as he picked up Aaron, who was badly burned and injured, and ran all the way towards the nearest hospital.

“Follow that man, Amigos!” Max said as he and the others ran after the man towards the Hospital, which was only a few minutes away. “Great! The monkey just saved that wimp!” Frieza screeched in frustration. “And just when it looked like luck was on our side.” Victor replied in disappointment.

Once inside, Aaron’s friends surrounded him on a hospital bed, his shirt and hoodie were burnt, along with his pants. His shoes were on the hospital floor, and his entire body was scarred from the laser blast. Then, the Saiyan placed the Linkage Watch on Aaron’s chest and the wound caused by the beam quickly began to heal up.

“Ngh…” Aaron said as he tried to open up his eyes as he felt the strange force heal him up instantly and heal the injuries. “W-What happened?” Aaron replied as he got up, his consciousness returning.

“Are you okay?” The masculine voice said in a gentle tone. “Huh? What?! You’re the guy who saved me from Frieza and Victor?! I only caught a glimpse of you…” Aaron said as he woke up and rubbed his hair. “Easy, you might’ve got a good beating from those guys if you weren’t prepared. So I wouldn’t do anything reckless.”, he said as he comforted Aaron and caressed his cheek, the others watching on. “Can you believe it? This handsome stranger saved our friend’s life!” Penny swooned as she took down notes.

Chapter 5: A Golden Makeover

“Who are you? The last few things I remembered was taking this watch and this card, getting attacked by Frieza, then ending up here- and I guess I know who you are.” Aaron asked as he stared at the watch, which was thankfully undamaged.

Aaron then rummaged through his backpack; and was relieved to see that all of its contents were undamaged. But that was the least of his concerns, as what the warrior would utter soon would turn his world upside down.

“Oh yeah, I forgot. My name is Son Goku!” The man said, introducing himself. Aaron and his friends gasped in shock. They were shocked to learn that anime characters could actually exist in the real world, but there was no denying the reality of the Saiyan warrior in front of them. “The chances of an encounter like this ever happening again are… one in a billion.” Timmy replied as he punched the numbers in his calculator.

“I-I’m Aaron Shelby.” Aaron stammered, still in shock. “Nice to meet you, Aaron!” Goku said as he stroked Aaron’s singed hair, while the rest of the squad looked on in amazement at the conversation that unfolded. “Same here. But- my clothes and hair are all burnt from the attack from Frieza and Victor. Do you have anyone who can help with a spare set of clothes or hairstyling?” Aaron asked, staring down at himself. His hands were also singed, but his spirit remained noble.

Before Aaron could say another word, he was quickly cut off. “On it!” Said two grown women in unison as they entered the hospital room. “Time to make yourself look amazing,” the blue haired woman, Bulma said as she laid out the following: A purple Capsule Corp. T-shirt, a denim jacket with the Capsule Corp. Logo, and a pair of denim jeans.

“These clothes ain’t gonna put themselves on,” Bulma said as she led Aaron to the hospital changing room. Aaron’s friends watched in amazement as their friend’s clothes changed in a few seconds. “Aaron, that’s amazing!” Edward said in shock. “Cool, right?” Bulma said, grinning.

“Yep. It’s insane,” Aaron said. “Now for your hair to look as good as you!” Chi Chi said as she dragged Aaron to the hospital salon. After a few safe hair products were used, Aaron’s hair was looking like its pre-attack color of chocolate brown, just like how it had been moments earlier.

“Just one last touch.” Chi Chi said as she sprayed some Fresh Mist perfume into Aaron’s hair. “Much better,” Aaron said with a grin. His friends were amazed at the transformation from moments earlier. They could not believe that this was their very friend; especially after the attack from the evil alien emperor and Victor!

“Here’s a little present from us.” Goku said as he handed over the and the Linkage Watch, putting it on Aaron’s wrist. “Don’t tell anyone except those who you truly trust about this.” Goku warned Aaron as he slipped on the watch.

“No two Linkage Watches are the same.” the warrior said, tightening the orange strap. Aaron felt an immense power surge through his body, as if the watch had chosen him. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a bright light flashed as something akin to a trading card formed. “W-What the heck is that?”, questioned Aaron as he took the trading card of sorts.

“That right there is known as a Linkage Card. Now all you have to do is take it and scan it in!” Goku replied as Aaron took the Linkage Card, and scanned it in. “Wait a minute. Power Linkage Activation?” Aaron questioned the words on the screen of the watch. “Yes, But you need to say it with passion this time.” Goku explained.

“Okay. Here I go. Power Linkage… ACTIVATION!” Aaron said with power in his voice, and a bright glow filled the room. Everyone covered their eyes in shock. When the glow faded, Aaron was in a brand new outfit- it was similar to Goku’s, but with Aaron’s own twist and a different kanji.

Much to Aaron’s delight, he saw that his hair tips were dyed gold. “No way… it gives you hair color, too?! This is like cosplaying on steroids!” Aaron squealed, amazed as he looked at himself in the mirror. “I guess you could say your cosplay went Super Saiyan.” Replied Goku, causing Aaron to blush. The others laughed at the warrior’s sudden joke.

“Also, use the card to call on me if you’re in a tough spot. I’ll assist you in battle and we’ll fight side by side, with the form you’ll take on in combat being the one you’re in.” He said as Aaron slipped the card into his pocket. Just then, the sun was setting in the west.

“Oh! Misako’s is gonna close!” Aaron exclaimed. But as soon as he finished his sentence, another voice appeared. “Awaken, Despairius!” They said, “Feed off the Despair in her heart!” Said another. “What was that?!” said Isabella as she and the others left the hospital alongside Aaron.

Chapter 6: A Linker’s First Battle

At that moment, a blood curdling screech filled the air, and a monster appeared- but this was no ordinary monster. It had the appearance of a manga book, but had menacing eyes and limbs; and even a strange symbol on its forehead. “W-What is that?!” Stammered Edward as she saw what appeared to be a demonic monster.

“That’s not an ordinary monster. That’s a creature known as a Despairius. They’re born from the negative energy in people’s hearts- and it looks like your friend Misako got corrupted!” Goku explained as everyone gasped, save for Aaron.

“Everyone, stay behind Chi Chi and I. I don’t want to risk all of you getting hurt.” Bulma replied as everyone else backed up behind her while Aaron stepped onto the battlefield. “Come and get me. You aren’t gonna hurt anyone, no matter what!” The boy replied, powering up and launching himself into the sky.

“WHOAAAAAAAA!! HEEEELLLPPP!!!” Aaron yelled as he found himself miles above the ground. “Concentrate on the fight, Aaron! Divebomb down, now!” Goku yelled. As soon as Aaron heard tbose words, he dove down vertically, followed by a backflip onto the Despairius and landing on the ground on his own two feet.

The Despairius, simply brushed it off and launched ink blobs at Aaron as he dropped down. “Dodge them, hurry!” Goku replied as he watched his linker dodge the bullets in time, diving to avoid them. “Ok. Now knock them back with your fists and your feet!” The Super Saiyan instructed as Aaron did as he was told, this time knocking them back into the beast.

The manga Despairius screeched as she got hit with her own ammo, striking back in retaliation. Aaron, feeling a sense of newfound strength, grabbed the massive Despairius by her feet and did a hammer throw with her into a nearby road, the foe screeching as she landed in the path of a car..

“Wow! How’d you do that?! That’s amazing!” Aaron’s friends responded. “I just knew what I had to do.” Aaron said, scratching his head. “Ok, kid. She’s down! Time for the big finish!” Goku said as he stood next to Aaron as the words “Link Move Activate” appeared on his watch.

“Here goes nothing. Activate Link Move!” Aaron said with utmost confidence as he aimed at the foe in front of him.

“Kame…Hame…HAAAAAAAAA!!!” Aaron and his partner yelled as they both let out a powerful attack of blue light, which disintegrated the enemy and revealed the cage containing Misako in it. “I see the light…!” The monster replied before disappearing. “Victory!” Aaron said. Everyone cheered as the foe was taken down, while Aaron stood, flabbergasted.

Chapter 7: A Well Earned Victory

“That… Was… AWESOME!! I felt like an anime hero!” He cheered as he danced around. “Ya know, the job’s not done yet. You have to free Misako, you know!” Goku replied as he pointed to the cage. Aaron then looked at his Linkage Watch and then at the cage- the keyhole in the former looked to be a perfect fit for the latter.

“Don’t worry.” He said, rushing over. “Open up, Caged Heart!” Aaron replied as he inserted his watch into the cage’s keyhole and released Misako’s heart, leaving the store owner unconscious on the grass; but also restoring the area around the gang. “W-What happened? Where am I?!” Misako asked. “It’s a long story…” Hilda replied.

“Then again, thanks for saving me. I’m so gonna let you come inside before closing!” The Japanese woman said as she hugged Aaron, whose transformation had ended in the Nick of time. “Follow me, everyone!” She continued as everyone else made their way- save for Aaron.

“Thanks for coaching me on how to be a linker!” Aaron cheered before he caught up to his friends. “Anytime, bud! By the way, this is only just the beginning of something bigger. There are more Linkers out there, just like you.”

“More Linkers out there? That’s pretty cool. See you later, Goku!” Aaron said as he hurried off. “And I’ll see you when I have to!” Goku said as he winked at Aaron as he ran to catch up to his friends.

“I’ve officially found my Linker, Aaron,” Goku said as he contacted Lumi through his Linker Line. “Great work! One down, more than many to go,” Lumi said, knowing that Aaron was destined for something even greater than he could imagine.

The friends managed to get to Misako’s just as the last few customers were leaving the store. “Come back soon!” Misako said with a cheerful smile. She then adjusted her own Linkage Watch, and put her own Linkage Card into the drawer, so it could stay secret from the public eye.

At Aaron’s apartment, Cheryl and Norman were waiting at the door for their son, and when he came in, they were both very impressed by his appearance. “Son, where’d you get those clothes?” Norman asked with curiosity.

“I got them from my friend.” Aaron replied and allowed his father to make dinner, not wanting to reveal the events that happened. “I must admit you look very nice in them.” Cheryl said, smiling. For everyone in Brooklyn, it was a run of the mill work day- but for Aaron and his friends, their adventure was only just beginning.

Epilogue: A Royal Discussion

Elsewhere, with Director Lumi, another figure entered the room, this time, it was a man with spiky black hair, a royal blue tracksuit, and ivory armor. “Your highness. Prince of all Saiyans. What brings you here, Vegeta?”, questioned the director as she poured cups of hot chocolate for the both of them.

“So, I heard that Kakarot just found his Linker, eh? When do you think I’ll find mine?” the arrogant prince said as he sipped some of the cocoa Lumi had given him. “Technically, you might be the next one to do so! And I think I’ve gathered some data about him…” Lumi began as she uploaded the database.

“So he’s a rich boy, who is spoiled rotten by his parents and whines whenever he doesn’t get what he wants?” Vegeta questioned as he put down his cup. “Apparently, you could assume that- but he’s really a genuinely caring boy! He doesn’t whine whenever things don’t go his way and can take no for an answer.” Lumi informed.

“And what would this Earthling boy’s name be, exactly?” Vegeta questioned. “Edward Cameron. From Brooklyn, New York- aka the best friend of Aaron Shelby.” Lumi replied. “Edward, eh? Well, I look forward to meeting him. But given that he’s the quote unquote best friend of Kakarot’s own Linker… I suppose I’ll just have to wait and see.” Vegeta said, hints of his original personality showing. It would only be a matter of time.

Will Aaron be able to find out who will be a Linker next? Will Vegeta be shocked or satisfied by New York’s lifestyle? And who will become a Linker next?! Find out next time on Shonen Jump Power Linkage!



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I like relaxing in my own little world! I live on the blue planet and love video games, anime and more! Please support me by giving my stories likes! Love, Liv.