Super Smash Bros Power Linkage Episode 1: The Child From The Stars

Project Link Up
Published in
16 min readMar 10, 2024
This is a placeholder cover, so don’t be sad.

For all of the Nintendo nerds out there. You’re smashingly amazing!

Table of contents:


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7


Prologue: Escape From Galeem

Ever since the beginning of the very first civilizations, humanity has been blessed with a most otherworldly power called a Linkage. What’s a Linkage, you may ask? Well, it’s certainly not something you’d find in genetics textbooks- more specifically, the way in which two separate genes which are located close to each other on a chromosome are often inherited together! Instead, it’s the power to connect with individuals from other realms and share their powers via a powerful connection with them.

The tools needed for this undertaking are a Linkage Card or any other Collectible Item, which serves as the evidence of the Partner Character’s connection, and the Linkage Watch or any other item that allows one to transform, the very key to the Multiverse itself.

On a battlefield overlooking the ocean, the many fighters of Smash Bros and their allies were trying their hardest to hold back Galeem, the primordial god of light, and their unpredictable forces. “They’ve broke into the front lines!”, yelled Pit as he shot various arrows at once. “I lost contact with Mega City!”, shouted Mega Man as he tried to dial his home world. “There’s too many of them! We may have to retreat!”, added Simon Belmont as he swung his mace at various enemies.

At that same time, Mario was jumping and throwing fireballs at various enemies, all while fighting alongside his younger bro Luigi. However, something didn’t feel right. It felt as if they were going to lose the battle. “Where’s-a Kirby?” Luigi wondered. Then, as if answering his question, he saw a pink puff on a shooting star flying towards them, accompanied by a big blue penguin, a blueberry puffball with armor and bat wings, and an orange marshmallow with a blue bandana and a spear.

There was no doubt about it- Kirby, King Dedede, Meta Knight, and Bandana Waddle Dee had made it to the battlefield in time. Meta Knight swung Galaxia, King Dedede hammered down a mook as he threw a tempura shrimp into his mouth; Bandana Waddle Dee speared an enemy, and Kirby inhaled an enemy, only to spit it out mere seconds later.

“Sorry we’re late. So, did we miss anything?” Meta Knight asked as they approached the plumbers. Suddenly, Chrom of the Fire Emblem world tensed up, as if something serious was going to happen. “Uhhh… Dad…?”, his daughter Lucina questioned. At that moment, Galeem started unleashing beams of light as if they were meant to incapacitate everyone.

“Everyone! Fall back! We have to get out of here!” Fox McCloud replied as he, Kirby, and everyone else made way to the base. “You imperfections will be eliminated! None of you will escape!”, shouted the god of light as they aimed various beams in different directions. Luckily, nobody managed to be captured, yet they were on the brink of defeat.

“We may have lost this battle, but we’ll keep on fighting. Get to your worlds!” Sora replied as he and the other fighters made their way to their tele-porter style escape pods. “We have to find the legendary warriors known as Linkers. We have to find them to gain the upper hand.”, Sonic The Hedgehog replied as he ensured that everyone was buckled in tight for the bumpy ride back to their worlds.

“Sonic, these are our homes! We have to fight for them!”, added Ness as he strapped in. Bayonetta looked around. “We will fight on. But we must search for those Linkers.”, the umbral witch replied, turning to Kirby. Palutena then pulled up a hologram of Earth. “I found a world that might hold these legendary heroes- Earth. You are to head there first, and the rest of us will catch up. But you mustn’t let Galeem or Dharkon find you, or else all will truly be lost,” explained the goddess as she placed a Linkage Watch in Kirby’s little bag.

“You are our only hope, and the rest is up to you.” Meta Knight replied as he helped Kirby onto his Warp Star. “Poyo!”, said the tiny pink puffball as he took off for Earth. “Good luck, little buddy!” Bowser Jr. said as he and the Koopalings got into their escape pods. “You’re our final hope!”, finished Kazuya as he and the other fighters watch Kirby disappear into the sky… And they were off, too.

Chapter 1: Wishing For a Friend

Meanwhile, in the bustling city of Blossom Bay, in an opulent mansion in its very heart, a young girl named Celestia Haruno gazed upon the wishing star from her bedroom window. Her entire room was themed around cute things, stars, and the color pink.

A small corner of her room held a beanbag chair next to a shelf full of books, while a spot dedicating to playing video games was on a sturdy table. A menagerie of plush toys decorated her bed, while the crown jewel of her bedroom, a Nintendo Switch Lite, nestled on her nightstand.

“Starlight, Star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might… have this wish I wish tonight. I wish I could have a friend of my own.” She said to herself, her short black hair reaching her shoulders. Just as she said those words, she went back to bed, excited for her first day at Blossom Bay Middle School. The moment she woke up, though, she was greeted by what appeared to be a shooting star- and it was heading towards her open window!

“Gah! W-Was that a shooting star?!” She wondered as a small pink puff no bigger than a soccer ball crashed into her bedroom and tumbled into her menagerie of toys. “Poyo…”, the small pink puff said as Celestia made her way towards him. “Hold on a minute. This isn’t a shooting star!”, she realized as she picked up Kirby. “P-Poyo?”, said Kirby as his little blue eyes opened up- only to see Celestia gazing down at him with a smile.

“Wait a minute! You’re Kirby?!”, she said as she held the puffball in her arms. Kirby gave an excited nod as he relaxed in Celestia’s embrace… only for his stomach to start growling. “Celestia! Come down! First day of school breakfast!”, called a voice from downstairs. “Ok, mom! Lemme get dressed and ready first!” Celestia replied as she rushed to the bathroom.

After getting on her t shirt, overalls, brushing her teeth and hair, and washing her face, the young girl slid down the banister of her mansion towards the kitchen, where her family- aka her mom, dad, and younger brothers and sisters were waiting. “Good morning, sweetie! Your favorite- soufflé pancakes with maple syrup, whipped cream, and fresh berries!” Izumi Haruno replied, bringing out pancakes for each of her kids.

“Aw, man, our favorite!” Celestia replied as she helped cut up the pancakes of her siblings, with each of her younger siblings, namely Jiro, Hikaru, twins Yuudai and Yoko, and little Eiji squealing in delight as their sister helped with breakfast. “And you too, Kirby.” Celestia replied as she shared a piece of pancake with her new friend.

After breakfast, everyone had gotten their bags packed and were off to school. “Ok, sweetie- I think you can handle getting to school yourself, right?”, asked Masato Haruno, Celestia’s father as he watched his eldest child get onto her bicycle. “Don’t worry, dad. I can handle it, I love you!” she said as she made her way to school, with Kirby in the basket of the bike.

Chapter 2: First Day Follies

As the two of them pedaled through town, Kirby was amazed at all the sights Blossom Bay had to offer. The gleaming monorails, the cherry colored ferris wheel, the glass panels of the convention center all reminded him of the many things in his homeworld of Planet Popstar, and the cherry trees were readying their petals for the spring that would arrive in months, although they had leaves.

“Isn’t it awesome, Kirby?” Celestia asked her tiny friend as they made their way towards a crosswalk. But as they prepared to cross, Kirby tensed up and pointed at something. “What is it? What’s wrong?”, asked Celestia. She then turned to see Kirby pointing at a woman with blonde hair, with her bangs covering her left eye. “To be honest, Kirby, she gives me the creeps as well. Let’s probably get to school!” Celestia replied as she pedaled faster.

When they made it to Blossom Bay Middle School, Celestia raced to find her classroom. “Class 426, Class 426, where are you?” She said to herself as she made her way towards the 4 building. Seeing her struggle to find her classroom, twin brothers Drew and Vito Bianchi, animal lover Rami Banjarkasi, fantasy game fanatic Gilbert Watson, aspiring astronauts Rachel Woods and Walter Hutchins, and Pokemon fanatic Kiki Lennox approached her.

“Don’t worry, Celestia,” began Drew. “We know where Room 426 is.” Vito finished. As her friends led her towards her classroom, Celestia felt a tingle of excitement go down her spine. Never before had she been in such a welcoming place, and looking inside, she could see her neighbors Marcus King and Lance Pennington, alongside Marcus’ bodyguard Tyler Farrell.

“Hi, you guys! Sorry if I was a teensy bit late, but that doesn’t mean I get to chat with you guys whenever things get interesting!” Celestia replied as she sat down next to Marcus. As more and more students poured into the classroom, Celestia also noticed her friend Stella Katz, who was busy reading a comic book.

“Hey, Celestia! How was your summer break? Excited that we’re gonna be together at none other than Blossom Bay Middle School?”, asked Stella as her face lit up. “You bet I am. I think the first thing we should do in class… is discuss what we did over break! I personally spent the summer with my friends.” Celestia began, doodling in her notebook.

Soon enough, the discussion grew larger, with each student wanting to add something to the discussion- whether it be spoiled sweet Kiara Mack telling about going to broadway shows, sporty girl Poppy Willows telling everyone about playing tennis for charity, or just some other students being excited to share about their adventures, they continued even as their teacher, Cosmo Hoshizora, arrived in the room.

Chapter 3: Hungry, Hungry, Puffball

“Good morning, class!” Cosmo said with a grin on his face as he walked in the classroom, wearing both a green tie patterned with white flowers and a jacket that looked as if it had been waiting for such a day. “Good morning, Mr. Hoshizora!”, replied the class as their teacher entered. “It seems like all of you are discussing what you did on summer break, eh?” He said with a grin.

“Of course we are! After all, what can be better than getting to share your adventures from the summer?” Artie Collins said as he kicked back in his seat and relaxed. “Haha, I know that feeling well, Artie. After all, it’s hard to forget you have school coming up when it’s summer vacation!” Cosmo replied.

“And adding onto that, you know what I did during the summer break? Well, I decided to go to a tropical rainforest all the way in Costa Rica!” Cosmo revealed, showing off one of his pictures. “Whoa!!”, the class exclaimed. As the first half of the day went on, the kids excelled in their separate classes despite it being their first day. Drew and Vito made their mark in math, Rami answered every question in biology, and so on, so forth.

Come lunchtime, Kirby’s stomach was rumbling even more. His eyes turned towards the school cafeteria line, and thus he began to drool. “Poooyoooo…” he began, gazing longingly to get a meal of his own. “You hungry, Kirby?” Celestia asked as she looked at her tiny puffball friend. Kirby nodded as Celestia got up from her seat and hurried over towards the massive line.

Mere moments later, Celestia had gotten one of everything for Kirby, including pasta, sandwiches, vegetables, fruits, milk- even dessert! But due to being wealthy, this didn’t dent her bank account one bit. “Poyo, Poyo, Poi!” Kirby exclaimed with genuine ecstaticness. Jumping back, he began to inhale all the food into his mouth, causing everyone to hold their ground and ensure nobody got eaten, too.

“Whoa. You sure were hungry, that’s for sure!”, said Celestia as Kirby swallowed the food and ensured that he left no crumbs. Kirby giggled as Celestia picked him back up, but not before he took something out of his little bag- a shiny pink watch. “For me? Oh, thats adorable, Kirby!” Celestia said, placing the watch on her wrist.

Chapter 4: A Rising Shadow

The rest of the school day had gone on as everyone expects a first day of school to go- Classes, walking, and a few other things. As everyone began to head home for the afternoon, Celestia smiled as she placed Kirby in her bike basket and they pedaled off towards her favorite afternoon spot- that being a fine little gaming cafe called Pixel Lounge.

When Celestia parked her bike and brought Kirby inside, the tiny puffball gasped in amazement. There were so many things to do! There were Nintendo Games, Playstation Games, and Xbox Games as far as the eye could see. And for those who didn’t like video games, Tabletop RPG, board, and even trading card games were there as well.

“Kirby, I know you’re excited, but my family said I’d meet them here. Don’t worry, you can come as well.”, she said as she made her way to a cafe table. “Poyo, Poyo, Poi!” Kirby replied with excitement. As Celestia sat down next to her family, her siblings gathered around in excitement, as if to try and get a glimpse of cute little Kirby. “He’s so cute!” Jiro replied as he pinched Kirby’s cheek.

Hikaru, Yuudai, Yoko, and Eiji also wanted a piece of the tiny pink puffball, and began feeding sweets to him. “Poyo, Poyo, Poyo Poi!” He said and giggled, delighted by all the attention he was being pampered with by Celestia’s younger brothers and sisters. “I see your siblings like the new toy, eh?” Izumi asked. “I can see that they enjoy it.” Masato added on.

“Thanks, mom and dad. Can i go play some video games over there? Don’t worry, I’m not gonna go far.” Celestia asked. Her parents nodded, and Celestia and Kirby went off to try their hand at arcade games. But when they were halfway into the game, they heard a scream from outside!

“What the heck was that?!” Celestia replied, getting up from her seat and running outside Pixel Lounge. As the two of them headed outside, they saw a crowd of people running away- and from a strange man with gold wings, a red and blue jester outfit, and dirty blonde hair halfway dyed purple! “Wait… RASCAL?!” Celestia replied as she recognized her classmate by his brown eyes.

“Oh, this is only the beginning, Celestia. Marx, lets get this show started!”, replied the trickster as he and Marx locked their gaze on a nearby juice stand owner. “Fan the flames of your negativity!” Marx said, unleashing a Subspace Bomb that completely consumed the innocent man. “Awaken, Despairius!” Rascal finished and snapped his fingers. FLASH!!! In a burst of dark energy, the man had become a gigantic blender monster known as a Despairius.

This only made everyone in the surrounding area want to run faster from the danger, and even Celestia’s friends were running for their lives. “Celestia, it’s too dangerous! You could get hurt!” Kiki replied as she cleared a path for the civilians to follow alongside the others. “Hehehe… Now we shall ensure that the age of Galeem arrives for sure.” Marx said as he perched on Rascal’s head.

Chapter 5: Interstellar Change

“NEVER!!” Celestia screamed, knowing that she would never allow something to happen. Suddenly, a bright light flashed, and something akin to a trading card with Kirby on it appeared! “W-What could this be?!” Celestia replied as she took the card.

“That’s a Linkage Card!” Kirby replied. “Hold on, you’re talking?!” Celestia replied as she took the card. “Of course I am! Now all you have to do is scan the card in, then shout, “Power Linkage, Activation! And let the magic happen!” Kirby replied, ecstatically.

“Well, I don’t exactly know what you mean, but I’ll do it!” Celestia said. “Power Linkage, Activation!” She said, and a bright flash occured. When the light faded, Celestia’s friends and Rascal gasped in shock.

Their friend was now wearing a pink t shirt with a yellow star, fluffy pink casual shorts, red high top sneakers with stars, a pair of mismatched socks- One long pink one with stars and a short white one, soft pink combat gloves, and her hair had extended to waist length, with a pink halfway dye and shooting star hair ties to hold up her new pigtails! Was this really their friend?

“Celestia, you look awesome!” Vito said from the sidelines. “Thanks, buddy!” Celestia replied to her friend, just before Rascal and Marx ordered the Despairius to attack. “Ugh, enough chit chat! Get her, Despairius!” Marx yelled. As the monster made its way towards Celestia, the newbie Linker felt the urge to do one thing- jump!

“Whoaaaaaaa!!” Celestia said as she leapt above the town, to the point where all of the buildings looked like little dollhouses. “How did I get this high, Kirby?!”, she said. “Time to focus on the fight, Celestia! Lets get back to the ground first!” Kirby replied. “O-Ok!”, the newbie linker replied as she descended to the ground, doing a superhero landing in the process.

“Good work! now you know how I can copy abilities?” Kirby questioned. “Of course! What if we used some of the surrounding area to help me obtain a new power to fight this bad boy?” Celestia answered. “Oh, you’re a genius!” Kirby said with a smile. Then, Celestia turned her attention to a cosplay stand- with the headband of Ryu from Street Fighter on the stand.

Chapter 6: Turning The Tide

“Hold on, what is she doing, WHAT IS SHE DOING?!” Rascal yelled as Celestia placed the headband on her head. Her eyes lit up as she placed the headband on. The screen of her Linkage Watch read ‘NEW DATA: FIGHTER ABILITY.’ “You got the Fighting Ability! Smart move there!” Kirby complimented.

“Thanks, Kirby. Now lets see what I can do with this new power!” Celestia replied as she launched herself towards the Despairius, performing a series of jabs to its fragile body. “Hey! You stop that now, or else!” Rascal yelled as he held on for dear life- but one kick from Celestia’s leg was enough to send him and Marx flying.

“GAAAAAH!!” Rascal was sent flying into the waters of the bay that gave the city its name. Now the Despairius was even more agitated, and decided that it would take the fight to Celestia. “If you’re looking for a fight- I dare you to try me! Backing down is not in my vocabulary!” she said bravely, dealing a few Force Blasts here and there to counter the monster’s attacks.

“Keep going! It’s almost fully weakened!” Kirby replied as he and Celestia dealt damage together. Within mere seconds, the Despairius was weakened, tired, and panting! “This is our chance, Celestia!” Kirby replied.

“You bet it is, Kirby! Time to finish this.” Celestia said, seeing the words ‘LINK MOVE ACTIVATE” appear on the screen. “Here goes nothing! Activate Link Move!” Celestia replied, getting a running start as she leapt into the air alongside Kirby.

“Cosmic… STARLIGHT SHOWER!!!” She and Kirby yelled, focusing all of her energy into a singular punch that glowed with starlight. As they made impact with the Despairius, a massive explosion of starlight occured, disintegrating the enemy. “I see the light…!” The monster replied before it vanished for good. “Game!” Celestia replied as she posed, a grin forming across her face.

Rascal wasn’t happy. “Celestia, you may have bested me, but this won’t last for long!”, he shouted. “This is only the beginning!”, Marx replied as he and Rascal teleported away.

Chapter 7: Starlight and Fate

Celestia’s friends cheered as the monster vanished before their very eyes, with the foe vanquished, the only thing left to do was to free the victim! “I think I know just what to do.” Celestia replied as she walked towards the Subspace Bomb.

“Now let’s… Settle it in Smash!” She said, inserting her Linkage Watch into the hole and releasing the young man. But not only that, upon freeing the victim, the area around returned to normal “Sir, are you ok?” Celestia asked, concerned.

“I-I-I’m fine… Thank you for saving me, miss.” He said, full of gratitude. “Anytime!”, replied the Linker as she went into an alleyway and changed back to her normal self. “That was amazing, Celestia.” Gilbert said as he hugged his friend. “You totally handled it like a champ!” Brittany Chapin replied as she hugged her older friend.

“Poyo, Poi, Poyo!” Kirby said to Celestia. “Wait, there are more Linkers out there?” Celestia questioned the tiny puffball. Kirby nodded repeatedly as he pulled out his Warpstar. “So you’re gonna report back to everyone else, eh? Ok, thanks, Kirby! See you soon!” Celestia said to Kirby as he flew off into the sunset on his Warpstar.

“As I was saying, Celestia- Do you and the others wanna hit up my family’s restaurant?” Drew asked. “Don’t worry, it’s totally on us.” Vito replied. “Sure! I was definitely craving some Italian. I hope your grandparents’ spaghetti recipe is just as amazing!” Celestia replied as she caught up with her friends. To others, it was just an ordinary day. But to Celestia, it was the start of something even bigger.

Epilogue: Let’s-a Go Find Another Linker

As Kirby returned to the base, the others were more than relieved to see him back, safe and sound. “Did you end up finding your Linker, Kirby?” Master Hand asked, stroking the tiny pink puffball in his human form. “Poyo!”, Kirby replied, with a picture of Celestia in his hands.

“Now that’s what we’re talking about, Kirby. That is the sign that we’re ready to find our Linkers next.”, Captain Falcon said, picking up Kirby and letting him wear his signature helmet.

“And as I was saying, I was thinking that Mario and Luigi should be the next ones to find their Linkers.” Crazy Hand replied, diving into the database. “Alrighty!” Mario cheered. “Time to-a go find them!” Luigi finished. “Now, now, you two. Be very patient!” Master Hand reassured.

“Yeah! Soon, we might just have enough Linkers to stop Galeem and Dharkon once and for all!” Tulin yelled ecstatically. “But Tulin, some of our Linkers reside in other cities. Mine’s located in Kageshido City.” Kazuya replied. “The only things we know is that their names are Drew and Vito Bianchi, and they’re from Blossom Bay as well.” Crazy Hand informed.

“Guys, no matter what we choose, I think that as long as we don’t lose hope… We can succeed.” Corrin finished, taking Kirby as the tiny puffball yawned. Today had been quite the day for both the Linkers and the Fighters, as a new chapter was just being written.

Will Celestia and Kirby find the next Linkers? Will The Mario Bros try every type of pasta in Blossom Bay? And who will become a Linker next?! Find out next time on Super Smash Bros Power Linkage!



Project Link Up

I like relaxing in my own little world! I live on the blue planet and love video games, anime and more! Please support me by giving my stories likes! Love, Liv.