The 10 Best Construction Project Management Software For 2020

Sarah Tolle
Project Manager News
3 min readAug 21, 2020
Graphics of Construction Project Management Software

This guide will help you out if you want to quickly compare and evaluate the best construction project management software on the market today.

You’ll find a list of the top project management software for construction. You’ll also learn what construction management software is, why the top construction companies are using it, and what we look for in the best software programs for managing construction projects.

Construction PM software is an application or platform that provides tools for project managers, project owners, and contractors to plan, manage, control, and analyze their construction projects.

The Best Construction Project Management Software List

Here’s a shortlist of the best construction project management software:

  1. Builterra
  2. Onware
  3. ConstructionOnline
  4. CMiC
  5. GenieBelt
  6. PASKR
  7. VPO
  8. Joist
  9. BrickControl
  10. Candy

What Is Construction Management?

Construction management is the practice of planning, managing, and analyzing construction projects from start to finish with the goal of completing projects successfully on time and on budget. Tasks include scheduling workers, assigning resources and equipment, aligning stakeholders and subcontractors, managing project files, handling RFIs, change orders, and purchase orders, and tracking project budgets and timelines.

What Is Construction Project Management Software?

Construction project management software is an application or platform that provides tools for project managers, project owners, and contractors to plan, manage, control, and analyze their construction projects. Common features include job costing, bid management, project scheduling, project tracking, accounting, document management, and collaboration features.

Why Use Construction Project Management Software?

The benefits of construction project management software include streamlining operations that allow you to scale your business, operating more efficiently, making more accurate estimates, easily managing shared files, and completing more jobs on time and on budget.

For example, a residential firm could use residential construction management software to track construction projects, schedule workers and equipment, and track project costs.

A midsize or enterprise construction firm would use a construction management tools, likely in conjunction with ERP and CRM software, to manage the firm’s portfolio of projects, manage subcontractors, analyze a collection of projects’ profitability and KPIs.

How Much Does Construction Project Management Software Cost?

Construction project management tools are offered in one of two ways: as a perpetual license or as a subscription (SaaS). For perpetual licenses, a more basic construction PM tool costs in the range of $800-$13,000, while a more advanced setup can cost upwards of $25,000. A SaaS construction PM software is often priced per contractor and can range from $15/month per contractor to over $1000/month per contractor.

What Is The Most Used Construction Project Management Software?

Procore is a household name in construction project management software products used by over 2 million subcontractors, GCs, and owners around the world.

Construction Project Management Software Comparison Criteria

What are we looking for when we select construction software for review? Here’s a summary of my evaluation criteria:

1.User Interface (UI): Is it clean, attractive, and clutter-free?

2. Usability: The best project management software is easy to learn and master, even for someone who isn’t used to using project management systems. Construction software users range from general contractors to building owners, independent construction managers, subcontractors, and others, so the software has to accommodate different types of users with good tech support, user support, and training.

3. Features:

  • Project scheduling: construction scheduling software helps finalize schedules, assign workers and resources, and equipment to projects, and set dependencies between project phases and tasks.
  • Job tracking: especially useful for contractor management, job tracking software help firm track tasks, and monitor project progress. It gives construction project managers an idea of when a project is about to go over budget with automatic notifications and provides useful tools like time tracking reports and dashboards.
  • File and document management: the best construction management programs provide a centralized repository where construction firms can store, search for, and share project files and assets. These include RFIs, change orders, project photos, contracts, blueprints, and diagrams.
  • Job costing: a key benefit of construction programs, job costing helps firms track project costs, compare them to estimates, and manage invoices, payments, and timesheets — all in one platform.

4. Integrations: Are there any pre-built integrations with other commonly used general contractor software? If you use separate accounting software, ensure that your construction PM software can integrate with it.

Learn more about The Best Construction Project Management Software For 2020. Read the full article here.

Originally published at on June 25, 2020.



Sarah Tolle
Project Manager News

I’m a digital content strategist, writer, and actor. I started working as a freelance writer on content projects, marketing campaigns, and websites.