Top 3 ICON Benefits

Project Nebula
Project Nebula
Published in
3 min readJan 7, 2021

With a myriad of blockchains to choose from, why did we believe in ICON above all? It’s important to know just how vital ICON is to Project Nebula and why it brings value to our team, our players, and ICON itself.

No delay! The Top 3 reasons why ICON’s blockchain is the ideal solution for projects like Project Nebula:

Speed and Cost

While the soaring of Ethereum’s (ETH) price to over $1000 is great for its investors, the gas price (network transaction cost for sending ETH) became more than problematic as it paralleled the increased cost of the smart contract coin. The average ETH transaction cost shot up to over $10 per payment, rendering Ethereum virtually ‘unusable,’ to quote Crypto YouTube icon Lark Davis.

ICON’s blockchain provides near instant transactions that make gameplay seamless when players trade NFTs and make transactions, but the major difference comes in the ‘near zero’ transaction cost.

Did you know? The average transaction (gas, if you will) cost in Project Nebula is around 1/1000th of a ¢.

Creating a seamless, online experience is necessary for a strategic game like Project Nebula. Equally so, providing players with confidence as they make transactions and adding value through lower costs and faster speeds brings monumental impact to their overall experience.

Crossing the Crypto-Bridge

We understand that crypto-junkies jump into Project Nebula, but crypto-flunkies need some ease-of-access. A bridge between FIAT and Blockchain that’s so seamless, you’d swear it was Robert DeNiro’s custom suit.

ICX Station is building that bridge and naming it…Bridge. A name as simple and perfect as the hidden transition of Fiat to ICON will be for your friend Debbie who couldn’t be bothered creating a Kraken account, generating a USDT address, linking her bank account up for an ACH transfer, waiting three days (business days) and then sending the funds to a newly created external wallet for a game she hasn’t tried yet.

Bridge will allow new players to provide an email address and Fiat in return for an awesome NFT experience. Meaning the benefit of collecting and earning from digital investments is uniquely added to the awesomeness of strategic space exploration. Pretty ‘NFTy.”

ICON Contribution Proposal System

ICON Forge, the team behind Project Nebula, is proud to be in the top 30 P-Reps listed in a growing pool of over 130 contributors to the ICON ecosystem.

The ICON Contribution Proposal System (CPS) exists to benefit those who are benefiting ICON. A bit of a quid pro quo and in a way solely unique to ICON.

Did you know? Any contributor to CPS can receive funding without the need for verifying blocks or producing them.

By moving toward a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), ICON can rapidly build a fair and profitable ecoystem for a myriad of projects. Remember Bridge (from one minute of reading ago)? This creation comes from ICX Station, a Top 5 P-Rep with ICON CPS.

Thanks to ICON’s grant system with CPS, funding is shared between contributors like ICON Forge and ICX Station who continue to make ICON and its token ICX a more powerful blockchain.

Choosing ICON was a no-brainer for us.



Project Nebula
Project Nebula

A blockchain based game of interstellar exploration. Discover and own unique planets, artifacts, digital art, stories and more in an ever-expanding universe!