Special Resources | Upgrade Slots

The current and future uses of special resources and upgrade slots in the Project Nebula NFT game.

Project Nebula
Project Nebula
6 min readSep 1, 2021


Protofungi? Ha! You’re gonna need something thicker than a vac suit. Nearly drove Luraksson mad in that shuttle landing. But the damn things have boosted our research out here so much, I couldn’t imagine not harvesting ‘em.

Special resources and upgrade slots are unique to planets in Project Nebula. They increase a planet’s value by aiding explorers and colonizers in their journeys. Current functions include things like…

🔬 Lowering fuel costs
🔬 Increasing resource production
🔬 Colonizing rogue, exotic, and gas planets
🔬 Evolving your gameplay…

Project Nebula’s crafting will kick-off with dozens of unique materials — needed for producing new items, ship modules and more. Advanced materials will be the backbone of crafting.

To craft, you’ll want a variety of planet types, upgrade slots, and resources available to you. Material production will be dependant on planetary types and will be affected by the upgrade slots available on them. Special Resources will affect your ability to extract advanced materials from your planets, and they will play a role in your construction of new NFTs — often more than one special resource may be required.

Upgrade Slots and their differences.

There are five unique upgrade slots available on planets in Project Nebula. They each have various properties which make them unique — some are more powerful than others, but all hold incredible value.

Basic upgrade slot

Grey slots are available on all planets types and can be used to build basic upgrades — such as a Rift Marker and Rift Generator.

This allows for some simple storage capacity upgrading and travel between planets (plus a few other do-dads)…

Credit upgrade slot

These beige babies are credit-based powerhouses and can be used to fully upgrade a planet’s storage capacity and production of credit.

Intergalactic Credit Exchanges and Secure Trade Routes will make your planet a monetary beast…

Industry upgrade slot

To be a true titan of industry, you’ll want to look for that orange upgrade slot.

A couple Orbital Storage systems and some updated Production Facilities will ensure that your worlds are putting out the absolute max in their manufacturing capabilities…

Research upgrade slot

If you’ve been playing Project Nebula for longer than a few minutes, you probably know just how important Research is.

From the colonization of Rogue planets to the ability to increase your planet’s upgrade speeds, incomes, and more. Research is a core asset of any player’s experience.

White upgrade slot (get it?)

The wonderful and powerful white hex.

The universal upgrade capable of everything its predecessors have been able to do. This upgrade slot gives any player absolute flexibility in making their planet(s) suit their needs.

Special Resources.

What do Biocrystals, Zeta Particles, Azurium, and Antimatter have in common? They’re part of an expanding group of resources designed to take your gameplay farther (and your ship!). Stacking resources can prove valuable in crafting, but your modifiers will also be boosted with a half increase for each — 5%, 7.5%, and so on.

5 separate compounds of biocrystals, Mr. Tennisson!? I guess we’ll have to play catch-up to your vessel after this meeting. Our analysis show an estimated 10% reduction in your ship’s fuel consumption with that kind of power.

With the implementation of Crafting coming up, special resources have a lot of unlocked potential.

Quartion Hybrids.

Unlocks the technology required to colonize Gas Giants. Of course, you’ll need to study some universally accepted colonization sciences and your crew will appreciate you having a knowledge of Effluvium Reduction too.


Wish your ship could fly further? Antimatter is a gem that’s absolutely worth obtaining. This stackable resource can push your active ship from at least 5% farther each day!

Diamond Deposits.

When Crafting drops, industry will become even more valuable than it is today. A properly balanced arsenal of planets will always be handy — Diamond Deposits are there to increase your entire planetary collections industry production by a base of 5%.

X-13 Compounds.

Unlocks the technology required to colonize Exotic planets. Exotics are a crazy category of worlds. Couple these with molecular biology studies and you’ll be keen on colonizing them.


Travelling back to visit a Quadstation? Revisiting an alien object? Planning a new route altogether? Azurium will get you there with less fuel (noice). This handy resource reduces movement cost (explored hexes) by at least 5%.


Closely related to Azurium, this is the prime resource for a true explorer. Travel into the void (unexplored hexes) at a 5% minimum reduction in fuel cost. Your ship will go further every day — it’s like getting a free day of travel every 20 days.


Love claiming planets, but want to do it for less money? Credits or ICX, it doesn’t matter — Polywater reduces the cost. Now you can spend at least 5% less for planets that you discover unclaimed.

Zeta Particles.

Unlocks the technology required to claim Rogue planets. Those hidden worlds floating in the darkest reaches of space are tricky to colonize, but Zeta Particles make it happen, for those well versed in Foundational Sciences.


This fabled and valuable resource is particularly present in Project Nebula GEN-0 lore. Quite a mysterious organism. This funky fungi will boost the research score of all your planets from 5% upwards. Faster research means cooler gameplay.

Clarion Powder.

Not to be used illicitly! The Gateway Committee would have you locked up for that. Clarion Powder is a valued resource that will ensure your planets are all raking in extra credits, starting at a 5% boost.


Speed is important out here — ever watched someone land their ship on a Rare planet right in front of your viewport? Awful! Forgium boosts your planetary upgrade speeds from 5% onward, allowing you to slap a Rift Marker down on your world faster than your colonizing competitors.

A dozen special resources, 5 upgrade slot variants, and 8 known planet types — you’ll want to claim what you can before Crafting comes to Project Nebula.

The introduction of dozens of advanced materials, components, blueprints and more will take current gameplay strategies to an entirely new level. The marketplace will thrive as players find ways to buy and sell NFTs that help them explore, dominate, colonize and earn.

It’s probably a good time to visit the MARKETPLACE and look for those precious resources and upgrade slot-combos.



Project Nebula
Project Nebula

A blockchain based game of interstellar exploration. Discover and own unique planets, artifacts, digital art, stories and more in an ever-expanding universe!