Project PAI Wins Regional Startup Competition at World Blockchain Summit in Dubai

Dwight Sproull
Project PAI
Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2017
ObEN cofounders Adam Zheng (left) and Nikhil Jain (right) at the World Blockchain Summit in Dubai

Nikhil and Adam from ObEN attended the World Blockchain Summit in Dubai last week, to share how ObEN is developing peer-to-peer Personal AI utilizing Project PAI’s blockchain protocol. Their well-received pitch included a vision to enable every person in the world to create, own and manage their Personal AI and ObEN & Project PAI’s collaboration to build AI on the Blockchain.

ObEN cofounder and CEO Nikhil Jain and his PAI

The competition was very robust, but in the end we were chosen over 19 other projects who were pitching their blockchain ideas, and took home the top spot to win the regional round of the 2018 Startup World Cup! Observers of the competition noted that Project PAI’s status as a public utility application, as well as having a demonstration version of the product, impressed both judges and attendees. On May 11th, 2018 in San Francisco, we will go head to head with the other regional winners from around the world to compete in the Startup World Cup Finals for a $1,000,000 grand investment prize.

ObEN Cofounder and COO Adam Zheng celebrating the win!

Our time in Dubai was eye opening and it was impressive to see Dubai’s initiative to become the world’s first smart city by 2020. Not only has the Dubai government formed a Blockchain Council, they’ve also appointed a Minister of Artificial Intelligence. As a project that allows people to create Personal AIs on the blockchain, obviously this is of great significance and interest to us. Dubai is looking to integrate many civil service functions with blockchain technology to make them more efficient and effective. One example is real estate, where property deeds can be secured via the blockchain to prevent tampering, forgeries, and conflicts between competing interests. The government of Dubai has a grand vision for blockchain integration that goes far beyond real estate, but that’s a story for a different article.

It was an illuminating and all too brief journey to Dubai, but the experience was well worth the time spent there. The multicultural mix of startups, investors, creators, and blockchain enthusiasts made an electric environment for discussing the future of technology, and Project PAI’s place in it.

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Dwight Sproull
Project PAI

Blockchain enthusiast, metalhead, video game lover, rpg aficionado