Party from home (1/2)

Make yourself ready for the times that are yet to come. Use internet efficiently to stay connected with outside.

Project Partyherd
2 min readMar 19, 2020


Social distancing

The term is a precautionary measure most used by epidemiologist to avoid the burden on healthcare systems so that the casualties can be kept under control and care can be given to the most needy. Social distancing not only help prevent the individual in catching the disease but also reduces the probability of spreading it via carriers.

Physical distancing

Social distancing per se is the term used in pre-internet era. Internet has helped in many ways —changing how people work, socialize and stay connected with the world. As a result, one can be social even without being physically present in one place.

Work from home

Even in the times of epidemic, internet made us capable of keep continuing our jobs reducing the adverse side effects on economy. But workplace not just gets the work done for the company, it also helps as a great socializing agent for the individual.

Party from home

It is true the essential activities are consciously managed in various ways to keep moving ahead in the times of shutdown/ slowdown, however, mental health might be at greater risk here.

…not anymore. Join the Partyherd — meet new people, discover fresh perspectives, connect with people socially just like in normal times.

Check out the Article Party from home (2/2) to know how to join the herd and party from home✨✨

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