Every experience is filled with exposure

Rashid Manav
Project Potential
Published in
2 min readSep 11, 2016

I recently came back home after traveling to many places. The things I experienced and felt during the yatra are very different than the situation here. To be honest, coming back home is also like a yatra for me! I am able to experience things in a new light in a place that used to be familiarbefore, I am able to see the situation from newer perspectives. Now I can understandfrom new lenses what’s right and what’s wrong with the society we live in. Since thetime I have arrived, my family has been asking me to take admission in a college, go and attend classes; so one day I decided to visit the college. The teacher arrived and the class began, he started discussing the value of a ‘degree’ in today’s day and age- he started instructingus on how to score more marks, things likeone must take notes and we should focus more on the questions which are more likely to be asked in the exam. I finally asked him one question- do we study for degree or for knowledge? He gave a straightforward answer saying that the world we live in demands a degree, so that’s why I advise the same thing.This made me realize that something is missing within us. It’s our own assumptionthat once we have a degree in hand, we have won the battle. This rat race, this entire system has been built by our own hands after all. We have created a system in which we care for no one- the environment, friendship, relatives, we don’treally value anyone or anything. We only care about the competition, we need to win. But the question is, who are we winning against, what are we winning against? Perhaps, nobody has the answer to that.

