Wyvern Weekly Dev Update #1: 18/12/17

Project Wyvern
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2017


This is a first of a weekly update series, where we’ll cover what the Project Wyvern core team is working on and highlight community projects as they develop. Weekly updates will usually be published on Mondays.


  • Project Wyvern has contracted two independent auditors, SmartDec and ccashwell, to review our Solidity implementation of the Wyvern ERC20 token and Wyvern DAO. As soon as the audit is complete, we’ll set a date for the token port.
  • To interact easily with the Wyvern DAO — creating proposals, voting, delegating, and reviewing asset holdings — tokenholders will need an efficient interface, so we’re writing up a snappy web UI. Check out a live prototype at https://dao.projectwyvern.com/ (running on Ethereum’s Kovan testnet).
  • We’ve distilled our motivations in pursuing this project and the current schematics for the Wyvern Exchange into a whitepaper (working draft). Feedback welcome.
  • In parallel to the ongoing audit, we’re putting together the core Solidity contracts for the Wyvern Exchange, which you can read over here if you like. We anticipate being able to launch the Exchange in beta pretty soon after the token port is complete; we’ll set an exact date at that time.


  • The Project Wyvern Slack will be shut down later this week. We’ve moved to the far superior Riot.im, an open communication protocol with IRC-like moderation features (so we can kick scammers). Join #projectwyvern.matrix.org, click this webapp link, or search for “Project Wyvern” in the room directory.

Happy holidays, whatever, wherever, and with whomever you’re celebrating!

— The Project Wyvern Team

