Project 1 - Update

Tom Hudson
Published in
1 min readOct 30, 2018
My age as of tomorrow

So today is my last day being 28. I think it’s fair to say that I’m way behind on my Project 28 challenges. I was far too ambitious to think that I could accomplish all 28 projects within one year - and importantly write them all up.

Rather than just ending things here, I still plan on completing all 28 projects (but this time with no strict time frame in mind). The biggest challenge I’ve found has been trying to write regular updates. I hope that by removing the time constraint to my projects I’ll end up with posts of a higher quality. Time will tell.

On reflection though, Project 28 has been great. It’s forced me to move out of my comfort zone, tell others about my self-development plans, embrace new challenges and reassess what things matter to me.

For those interested in self-development I definitely recommend trying something like this.

P.S Plenty of people have asked if I’ll be doing a project 29. I can’t see myself having time to complete 29 new challenges as well as finishing off the existing 28. Time permitting I may tack on an extra project to the existing 28.

