Project 1 — Write at least 28 Stories on Medium

Tom Hudson


One of my new years resolutions was to do more. Whilst I know it’s a ridiculously vague resolution, I think on the whole so far it’s been a success.

Highlights of the year include:

  • Finishing my thesis
  • Learning a 2nd language (Spanish)
  • Living and working in rural Nicaragua
  • Exploring central and eastern Europe
  • Growing my first beard

But it can be hard to maintain this, so in order to encourage future me to do more I’m creating Project 28.

Project 28 is a personal development activity that will see me carry out 28 projects within a year. Each project will somehow be 28 themed, why 28 you say? Well for one, 28 days is 4 weeks, which is roughly 1 month - the perfect amount of time I think to explore/test something new and start assessing it. More importantly though, the year of Project 28 coincides with me being 28 - in fact Project28 starts on my 28th Birthday (which is today) - Woo!

The first project is to write at least 28 stories here on medium, which works out ideally as one story per project. Public writing is something I find difficult though, but I’m hoping that with practice it will get easier.

I’m still figuring out the other 27 projects and how best to document them, but considering as it’s only day 1 things are looking alright.

If you have any advice on projects you think I should carry out or on writing posts, I’d be keen to hear from you.

Have a fantastic and spooky Halloween,


