Project 3 - 28 weeks of Vegetarianism - Update

Tom Hudson
Published in
1 min readJun 3, 2018

So by my calculations the 28 weeks no meat is complete. I actually completed it a few weeks back, but typing this up has taken longer then I thought.

As a kind of summary I would say it wasn’t actually that bad, in fact I actually found it enjoyable. The most difficult time was the Christmas period and not having the typical dishes but I got through it with no problems.

Do I feel different at the end of the 28 weeks no not really, I definitely think more about what I’m eating which I think is a good thing. I watched a few documentaries on Netflix during my 6 months which have furthered my meat free commitment. I don’t see myself going back.

During the 28 weeks I did eat fish here and there, but I want to cut back on this. I plan on doing 28 days vegetarian as a follow up project in the next couple of weeks to see what that will be like.

Time to make the most of this glorious day, hopefully some more posts to follow up soon.

