Project 5– 28 days without caffeine

Tom Hudson
Published in
2 min readJan 13, 2018
A Spanish Flat White

So it’s been a while since I gave a Project28 update. Now that’s not because I haven’t been doing things — quite the opposite in fact. It’s just that writing things up is proving to be a struggle.

Considering we’re now in a New Year, it’s not really a surprise to find that completing Project28 (which basically means writing more of these posts) is top of my resolutions.

Now that’s all said and done, my next project may come as a bit of a surprise — 28 days without caffeine. That includes coffee and tea, so there go my two most effective motivators for writing.

In the grand scheme of things 28 days isn’t too long, so it really shouldn’t be a struggle. Especially as I wouldn’t describe myself as a coffee fiend.

I’m writing this up 2 weeks in though and I have to say it’s proving more of a challenge then I initially thought. It’s not so much the caffeine that I miss, but more the time with the coffee if that makes sense. It’s time to myself, when I can read, write or just generally relax.

Take for example this post, I’m writing it up from a coffee shop whilst drinking an apple juice. Frankly it feels weird and I’m not sure if I like it.

I’ll write up a follow up post at the end of the month — hopefully with a flat white as good as the one I has in San Sebastian (see photo) in hand.

