Project 5 – 28 days without caffeine -Update

Tom Hudson
Published in
1 min readFeb 26, 2018

I’m writing this post from a cafe in Luxembourg whilst sipping a coffee — having my caffeine friend back feels great! My experience of not consuming caffeine probably wasn’t the most interesting of my projects. As it transpires, giving something up is far less fun then starting something new.

So what were the takeaways from those 28 days?

  • Caffeine wasn’t nearly as hard to give up as I thought, Yes there were times when I missed drinking coffee, but it was more the experience of a coffee then the caffeine it’s self.
  • Herbal teas are great and make a nice alternatives to coffee and tea — peppermint and liquorice in particular became my go to option.
  • People drink so much tea and coffee. Maybe it’s because I was continually having to rebuff coffee and tea offers, but I became a lot more aware of how engrained this habbit has become.

I’ve decided that whilst I will still be drinking coffee and tea I plan on doing so in a more mindful way.

So overall as projects go I would give this a 3/10.

