Project 6 — 28 weeks no beer

Tom Hudson
Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2018

I don’t know why I’m doing this to myself. First caffeine and now beer - I didn’t think I was a masochist but here I am mid-January, widely acknowledged to be the most depressing time of the year, doing this to myself.

I have to remind myself constantly why giving up beer for 28 weeks seemed like a good idea. It’s partly because I’ve signed up to a triathlon in June, and I reckon giving up beer will help keep me motivated towards that. It’s partly because I decided this in the aftermath of an indulgent Christmas and partly because it’s just one alcoholic drink, it shouldn’t be hard to give up just one type of drink.

I’ve still got wine and spirits so I figured I should be fine. I’m not much of a wine fan, but I figured this could be the time to become one. Rather then a beer with a meal I’ll have wine — easy. And for a night out I’ve got many an option with the plethora of spirits available.

But sadly it’s not that easy, the reason beer is great is partly it’s versatility but also because you can sip it often. Something to wash some food down with, easy have a sip of beer. An awkward lull in a conversation, not a problem just have a sip of beer. Something to quench a thirst, easy, take a sip of beer. You can’t do that with wine of spirits, you’d die!

There’s always Cider I suppose but it’s so sweet you know you’ll be on track to get diabetes before you finish your pint. So that leaves you with one option, have multiple drinks on the go. Sip of wine, sip of water, sip of wine, sip of water, etc. I’m going to be so hydrated. What more could I ask for this year.

Luckily though I’ll have beer back just in time for the summer — which lets face it is when it’s best. I might even see if I can get it delivered by model train like I did in Prague (see gif), where the beer is actually cheaper then water!

I’ll keep you posted on this as and when.

