The Best Autocross Car According to AI

Kent Makishima
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2023
what is the best autocross car?

The debate on what is the best autocross car has been going on since the sport has been invented. The proper choice of car is a matter of preference for the driver, but there is a baseline of good cars based on data and competition of results. As a team with a background in tech and software development, we were curious how an artificial intelligence would answer this question based on past data. Our goal is to see if AI provides us with a different answer to what we have seen before and help us come to a conclusion of what is the best autocross car.

So we fired up OpenAI’s ChatGPT and got to creating prompts to find our answer.

Dialing in the answer

We first started with asking the age-old question: What is the best autocross car

As you can see from the first screenshot, it wasn’t a very helpful answer initially. It just provided the obvious response of, “well, it depends.” Further down in the answer, we got a few suggestions of popular choices.

The usual suspects

Miata, S2000, Mustang. These are popular choices, but nothing groundbreaking here.

To further improve on our answer, we prompted it with something more specific: What is the best autocross car based on results

what is the best autocross car based on past results?

As you can see, we got virtually the same “it depends” answer, but the recommended car list is more filled out.

More of the usual suspects but with more detail

While we have the usual suspects, we see the addition of the Corvette, Focus, and WRX. Still, this answer is not particularly unique, so let’s continue fine tuning.

what is the best autocross car based on national competition results?

We know that national results are the highest competition of autocross, so we can expect the AI’s answer to be more precise here.

More in-depth with classifications of cars

Not too different of recommendations from before, but we see new mentions of Lotuses and the Porsche 911, both very competent autocross cars.

Choosing the best autocross car is not so straightforward because of the existence of different autocross classes. A Mazda Miata will not in the same class as a Chevrolet Corvette, which in turn will not be in the same class as a McLaren 720s. So for our final prompt, let’s improve our ask to include classes.

what are the best autocross cars divided by SCCA classes?

Let’s look at the recommendations for each SCCA class.

Recommendations based on the SCCA classes

The AI does a formidable job of breaking down the best cars for each class. This list is comparable to Track Manual’s recommendations and our list of best autocross cars of 2023.

With this, let’s ask the AI to give us a single car to crown as the best autocross car across classes.

Trying one more time for the single best car: MIATA

Tada! It’s the Miata. You might’ve heard this before, Miata is always the answer.

However, the AI isn’t perfect. For example, we do believe it’s unfairly biased against the legendary Toyota Sienna.

Sometimes the AI isn’t correct



Kent Makishima

Co-founder Hypercars. Storyteller with words and code. I write about crypto, cars, and sometimes something random. (These are not always mutually exclusive)