Designer Spotlight: Meet Carlos Salazar

Published in
3 min readAug 17, 2021
Designer Spotlight: A profile on Carlos Salazar

Meet the designers behind Projector’s templates. They all have different styles, backgrounds, and approaches, but one thing’s a constant — we just can’t get enough of their bold and beautiful designs. Up this week: Carlos Salazar, a Designer based in Miami, FL.

How did you get started? How has your background shaped the way you think about design?

Everything sorta fell into place. I never really went to school for design, so I didn’t have formal training (besides a few electives). However, through my interest in the arts, music, and pop culture, I was able to craft my own path — learning from peers, finding tutorials and readings, and looking at my cultural background and experiences. This gave me an appreciation for experimentation as well as collaboration.

What (or who) is inspiring you most right now?

The various cultural and social movements going on right now. We’re in such an interesting time where different voices are being heard and given opportunities that weren’t available to them before. There’s so much inspiring and important work being put out there because of this.

By being aware of this intersectionality, we can start to look into a more exciting future that is more colorful and equitable. (Ultimately informing future aesthetics).

A sneak peek of the “Underneath the Spotlight” presentation template designed by Carlos.

How did that work its way into the templates you designed for Projector?

Approaching the work with curiosity and without boundaries. Not tying myself to any particular style — making do with what I had and learning the tools to create something accessible to different audiences.

What do you wish everyone knew about working with designers?

We can’t read minds; feedback that is clear and specific is always valuable. It should also be a two-way street.

What advice would you give someone just dipping their toes into the world of graphic design?

  1. Absorb as much as you can from your peers. No matter their skill level or background, there is always something you can take away.
  2. Imposter syndrome can be discouraging. Acknowledge it, learn to move past it, and trust yourself.
  3. Recognize the value of your local design community and collaborate with others.
  4. Step out of your comfort zone.
  5. Get out there, make lots of stuff, and then slow down. Take time to refocus your energy.
A sneak peek of a space-themed presentation that Carlos designed.

What are some of your go-to resources (accounts, newsletters, blogs, podcasts, etc.) for refining your design skills, learning new things, or finding inspiration?

Accounts: @sascha_lobe, @fiskprojects, @ohnilisle, @boldtron, @dia_studio, @gianlucaalla, @lucaventer, @matmaitland

Podcasts: 99% invisible, Throughline, Design Matters, Invisibilia

Design: It’s Nice That, Eye on Design, School of Motion, Brand New, Pangram Pangram, Violaine et Jeremy

A GIF demonstrating how to fill a custom shape with media.

What’s your favorite Projector feature and why?

The find/upload media tool. You can use it to add images and videos to shapes or type layers as a way to “mask” elements easily.

Learn more about Projector, and check out our template library here.




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