How to pitch a campaign in only 4 slides

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3 min readSep 20, 2021
A neon graphic that says “How to pitch a campaign in only 4 slides”

The way we see it, communicating ideas effectively all comes down to thoughtful synthesization. How well you can deliver a message that’s just as clear and concise as it is inspiring and informative.

Enter: The 4-Slide Pitch.

In an effort to say more with less, we recently built this presentation template to help consolidate your next important pitch into just a few slides. Originally intended to aid with marketing pitches, it’s malleable and remixable enough for other contexts too. Feel free to add and subtract as you see fit.

Here are the four slides, and how we recommend making the most of them:

Slide 1 | Introduce your idea

An image of the title slide that introduces the campaign with the headline “Payback is a bliss”.

The age-old lesson of “showing not telling” is essential when it comes to presenting your “big idea.” There is often a tendency to want to over-explain or narrate an idea so your audience fully understands your vision. However, speaking more loudly with visual design and conceptual writing that is engaging and colloquial provides a more compelling story. Think of this kick-off slide as the ultimate meet-and-greet for your audience. This is your chance to bring them in quickly and excite them on what’s to come.

Slide 2 | Share insights and your “why”

An image of the second slide that shows learnings on one side and the result of those learnings on the other.

Slide 2 should completely encapsulate your reasons for pitching a campaign at all. Usually this is driven by a business objective or a piece of research that you found especially insightful. Think of this slide as a point-by-point, pragmatic journey through your methodology. Use Slide 2 to win over the naysayers!

Slide 3 | Bring it to life

An image of the third slide that shows the campaign coming to life on social media, television, and out of home.

A good idea is nothing without a clear execution. Provide the most comprehensive examples that you can possibly forge at this point in the development. Create assets that show the various mediums in which the entirety of your campaign will live. Don’t feel bound to perfection; use this slide to show how your idea will actually exist in the real world. This is where things can really click for your audience.

Slide 4 | Lay out the plan

An image of the final slide with a project timeline.

You’ve done all of the hard work of imagining your campaign activation. Slide 4 is for the joy of getting technical. While it might be tempting to linger on the creative, your teammates will need to see that you have a distribution strategy and a plan of action for next steps. Some things to consider are presenting a clear timeline, different marketing channels on which you’d want to advertise, and tactical next steps across teams. Surprisingly, this slide might take the most time to create, but it will likely save you the most time once things get going.

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