PAI Updates 8/8 — So You Want to Speak A New Language

Project PAI
Project PAI
Published in
2 min readAug 8, 2019

Hello Project PAI Community. Here are the latest Updates!

Discovering a New Skill

Have you ever dreamed of communicating with anyone in their native language? Are you impressed when you see film and movie stars speak a variety of languages, showcasing their talents to amaze audiences?

In a recent update on their research page, Project PAI adopter ObEN showcased a new technology called “Voice Conversion”, which will soon be available for their PAI avatars . This tech basically enables your PAI to speak any language in the world by taking a voice recording of someone speaking any word or sentence in their language and converting it to your PAI voice speaking that same word or sentence. Basically, the technology makes you the perfect language mimic — just hear something once in a language and be able to repeat it in your own voice. In addition to being a powerful communication tool for users, the technology can also potentially be used by enterprises to dub movies and implement an actor’s voice in any language rather than hiring voice actors, or do the same for songs. If you want to take a look at the demo and other great research from the ObEN team, click here.

In the Headlines

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Project PAI
Project PAI

Project PAI’s mission is to create, organize and enable a Personal Artificial Intelligence (PAI) for every person in the world. Learn more at