Deploying The Future: How Google Puts Machine Learning Into Action

Daivi Sarkar
Published in
11 min readNov 21, 2023

Have you ever wondered how Google search results possibly know your thoughts before you even type them? Or how are YouTube’s recommendations consistently accurate? The answer is- data science and machine learning, and Google is a master of this powerful duo. Every time you enter a Google search query or watch a recommended video on YouTube, machine learning analyzes large amounts of data to deliver personalized and relevant results. This technology enables Google to operate more efficiently and offer users a more intuitive experience.

How Google Use Machine Learning

Photo by Nathana Rebouças on Unsplash

In this blog, I will take you on an exciting journey of how Google leverages the power of ML to optimize its products and services. I will dive deeper into how ML drives Google Search to offer accurate and relevant results, how it protects users by filtering out spam emails, and how it recommends content based on your interests. I will also discuss the various job roles and growing demand for data science and ML professionals within the company.

So, what are we waiting for? Let us get started!

What Tech Stack Does Google Use?

Before learning about the ML tools used by Google, it’s essential to understand that a robust and cutting-edge tech stack supports Google’s machine-learning capabilities. To support its AI and ML initiatives, Google leverages a combination of robust hardware, cloud infrastructure, and software frameworks.

  • Hardware

Google uses custom-built hardware, such as Tensor Processing Units (TPUs), to speed up machine learning tasks. TPUs supply the power required for quick model inference and training.

  • Software Frameworks

Google employs Kubernetes for container orchestration and TensorFlow, which facilitates effective management and scalability of machine learning systems. Google uses Apache Beam and Apache Spark for data processing and transformation.

  • Cloud Infrastructure

The foundation of Google’s IT system is Google Cloud Platform (GCP), which provides scalable, reliable, and secure cloud services. It offers the processing power and storage capacity required to perform machine learning tasks and handle large volumes of data.

This technology stack ensures that Google’s machine learning tools have a strong foundation and that an efficient, flexible, and robust infrastructure supports its AI and ML capabilities.

That’s all about the tech stack used by Google. Now, I will dive deeper into the various tools and technologies that help Google create the magic that helps make our lives easier and faster.

Google Machine Learning Tools

Google uses a powerful toolkit for sprinkling machine learning magic into its services and products, making our digital lives smarter and more convenient. Here’s a glimpse into the toolbox they use-

  • TensorFlow

Tensorflow is a free, open-source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. Think of this as the superstar of Google’s ML lineup. It is used for machine learning, deep learning, and other numerical computing tasks. TensorFlow is used by Google for several purposes, including-

  • Image Classification- TensorFlow trains and deploys image classification models, such as those used in Google Photos and Google Search.
  • Natural Language Processing- TensorFlow trains and deploys natural language processing models, such as those used in Google Translate and Google Assistant.
  • Speech Recognition- TensorFlow trains and deploys speech recognition models, such as the models used in Google Voice and Google Meet.
  • Recommendation Systems- TensorFlow trains and deploys recommendation systems like those used in Google Play and YouTube.
  • Keras

Keras is a high-level API for TensorFlow that makes it easier to build and train machine-learning models. Google uses Keras for various purposes, including-

  • Prototyping ML Models- Keras is a good choice for prototyping machine learning models because it is easy to use and has many features.
  • Developing ML Models For Production- Keras models can be deployed to production using TensorFlow Serving or Vertex AI.
  • Google Cloud AI

Google Cloud AI is a suite of cloud-based machine learning services. Google Cloud AI includes various services for training, deploying, and managing machine learning models. Google uses Google Cloud AI for different purposes, including:

  • Training ML Models- Google Cloud AI provides various services for training machine learning models, such as Cloud ML Engine and Vertex AI.
  • Deploying ML Models- Google Cloud AI provides various services for deploying machine learning models, such as TensorFlow Serving and Vertex AI.
  • Managing ML Models- Google Cloud AI provides various services for managing machine learning models, such as Vertex AI Model Management.
  • BERT

BERT is a bidirectional encoder representation from transformers, a natural language processing model developed by Google AI. BERT is used by Google for a variety of purposes, including:

  • NLP Tasks- BERT is used for various natural language processing tasks, such as machine translation, text summarization, and question answering.
  • Search Ranking- BERT is used to improve the ranking of search results in Google Search.
  • Recommendation Systems- BERT is used to improve the performance of recommendation systems, such as the systems used in YouTube and Google Play.
  • BigQuery ML

Think of it like a digital Sherlock Holmes. BigQuery ML is a machine learning service that is integrated with BigQuery. BigQuery ML allows users to train and deploy machine learning models on data stored in BigQuery. Google uses BigQuery ML for several purposes, including:

  • Training ML Models on Large Datasets- BigQuery ML is a good choice for training machine learning models on large datasets because it is scalable and efficient.
  • Deploying ML Models To Production- BigQuery ML models can be deployed to production using BigQuery ML Prediction or Vertex AI.
  • AutoML

Imagine teaching a computer to learn without needing a Ph.D. in computer science. AutoML makes that dream a reality, allowing people to create custom machine-learning models. AutoML is a machine learning service that automates the process of building and training machine learning models. AutoML is used by Google for various purposes, including:

  • Making ML More Accessible- AutoML makes machine learning more accessible to users who do not have machine learning expertise.
  • Accelerating ML Development- AutoML can accelerate the development of machine learning models by automating many tasks involved in model building and training.
  • Kubeflow

Kubeflow is an open-source machine-learning platform that makes building and deploying machine-learning pipelines easy. It’s like having a tidy studio to paint your ML masterpieces. Google uses Kubeflow for various purposes, including:

  • Orchestrating ML Workflows- Kubeflow can orchestrate machine learning workflows, such as the training and deploying of machine learning models.
  • Managing ML Resources- Kubeflow can manage machine learning resources like computing and storage.

Furthermore, Google also uses several other tools and technologies for ML, including-

  • JAX- It is a Python package for high-performance numerical calculation. It helps Google researchers create and evaluate new machine-learning algorithms.
  • TFX- It is an open-source end-to-end ML platform that teams can use to build, implement, and manage ML pipelines. In addition to being utilized by Google, its customers also employ TFX to run their ML pipelines.
  • TF Serving- It is an open-source tool used to serve machine learning models. Google serves machine learning models in production by using TF Serving.

Google’s ML tools are the gears that drive everything from Google Search to YouTube recommendations. They are the digital wizards behind the curtain, making our online experiences more innovative and intuitive. And Google keeps pushing the envelope, ensuring they stay ahead in the ML game. So, next time you search for a cute cat video on YouTube, just remember that Google’s ML magic is making it all happen.

How Google Uses Machine Learning?

Machine learning lies at the core of Google’s most popular products and services. From Search to Gmail to Translate, ML enables Google to deliver personalized and relevant user outcomes.

Let’s peek into how Google weaves machine learning into the fabric of our digital lives-

  • Search

Google uses machine learning to improve search result ranking accuracy and recommend more relevant searches. Additionally, Google employs machine learning to customize search results for every user based on browsing and search history.

  • Gmail

Gmail uses machine learning to filter spam and phishing emails and to recommend appropriate email responses. Google’s Smart Compose feature, which facilitates faster and easier email writing for users, is powered by machine learning.

  • Translate

ML makes text translation across more than 100 languages more accurate and seamless for Google Translate. Additionally, Google employs machine learning to power its Translate Conversation feature, enabling users to communicate with multilingual individuals in real-time.

  • Photos

Machine learning enables Google Photos to automatically categorize, organize, and build albums and presentations from images. Google’s Lens feature, which can identify objects in images and provide details about them, is also powered by machine learning.

Example of How Google Uses Machine Learning Or Artificial Intelligence

Users may store, organize, edit, and share their images and videos with Google Photos, a cloud-based photo and video sharing and storage service. Google Photos implements machine learning in several ways to enhance the user experience.

ML is used by Google Photos, for instance, to identify and organize images automatically. Google Photos utilizes machine learning to recognize objects and scenes uploaded by users. After that, the service uses this data to classify the images into albums while offering appropriate tags automatically. For instance, Google Photos will automatically categorize a user’s uploaded photo of a cat as a “cat.” Additionally, the service will automatically organize the photo into an album called “Cats.” Users find it very easy to locate and organize their images due to this feature, which also saves effort and time.

The Lens feature of Google Photos is another instance of how Google uses ML. With Google Lens, users can perform visual searches to get details about objects in images. Press the Lens button in the Google Photos app, aim your camera at the object you want to learn more about, and you are ready to use Google Lens. Then, Google Lens will detect the object and give details about it using machine learning.

When a user aims their camera at a flower, for instance, Google Lens will use machine learning to recognize the type of flower and display details about it, like its name, classification, and habitat. Google Lens is an effective tool for broadening our understanding of the world we live in.

We know that many of Google’s services and products, including Gmail, Photos, Translate, and Search, are powered by machine learning models. But what is the process by which these models go from development labs to billions of customers? Let me give you a peek behind Google’s machine learning deployment process.

How Does Google Deploy Their Machine Learning Models: Behind-The-Scenes

An ML model starts its journey with an idea, an issue to resolve, or a query to address. Engineers and data scientists collaborate to collect data, train models, and assess their performance. The model goes into the deployment phase once it becomes ready for implementation in real-world scenarios.

Deployment Strategies: A Choice for Every Model

Google uses different deployment techniques to meet the specific requirements of machine learning models. Some models, for example, are used in production environments where they respond to user queries in real-time. Others process massive datasets regularly while working in batch mode.

Online Prediction: Serving Models with Precision

Google uses a high-performance software framework called TensorFlow Serving for models that respond to queries in real-time. TensorFlow Serving effectively responds to incoming requests, runs the model, and provides users with the outcomes.

Batch Prediction: Processing Data in Bulk

Google Cloud Dataflow, a fully managed cloud solution for data pipelines, is commonly used to deploy models that analyze large datasets in batch mode. To ensure effective and scalable processing, Dataflow splits the processing task into manageable stages and distributes it among several processors.

Does Google Use Large Language Models?

Google employs various large language models (LLMs) for its products and services. These LLMs are crucial in optimizing user experiences and supporting cutting-edge features. Here are a few of the LLMs used by Google and their specific applications-

  • Meena

Meena is a conversational LLM that converses with users in an open-ended, informative, and fascinating manner. Google Assistant uses it to give users more interesting and natural-sounding answers to their questions.

  • LaMDA

LaMDA is a factual language model that is especially adept at generating creative text formats, such as scripts, emails, letters, poetry, code, and music. It helps Google products like Search, Gmail, and Docs respond to user inquiries more thoroughly and instructively.

  • PaLM

PaLM is a large language model that helps generate natural language, classification question-answering, translation, and other tasks. It is helpful in several Google AI research projects to investigate new possibilities in natural language processing and machine learning.

  • BERT

BERT is a bidirectional encoder representation from transformers that helps Google with several natural language processing tasks, including text classification, question answering, and sentiment analysis. It enhances the relevancy and accuracy of search results, spam filtering, and machine translation in several Google products, such as Gmail, Translate, and Search.

Besides these foundational LLMs, Google keeps adding new features to these models to bring advanced next-generation LLMs. For instance, in May 2023, Google introduced PaLM 2, a next-generation language model with better multilingual, reasoning, and coding features.

Oh, wait. It doesn’t just stop there.

Trained by Google’s health research teams, Med-PaLM 2 can provide answers and summarise information from various complex medical texts. It becomes the first big language model to perform at the ‘expert’ level on questions modeled after the U.S. Medical Licencing Exam and achieves state-of-the-art outcomes in medical competency. Currently, Med-PaLM 2 is accessible to a restricted group of Google Cloud users.

Furthermore, a potentially groundbreaking leap for cybersecurity analysis, Sec-PaLM is a customized version of PaLM 2 trained on security use cases. Accessible via Google Cloud, this model leverages artificial intelligence to evaluate and interpret the behavior of malicious scripts, enabling more accurate and timely detection of those scripts that pose an actual threat to individuals or organizations.

Who knows what other domain is Google targeting next? All we can do is wait and see what’s next in line from the tech giant!

Google Data Science Jobs

Machine learning and data science are the key elements of Google’s innovation engine. These technologies drive many Google services and products, including YouTube, Maps, Gmail, and Search. There are over 112,000 Data Science jobs in the US, which indicates that Google’s demand for ML experts and data scientists is growing significantly.

Here are some of the most common data science and ML job roles at Google-

  • Machine Learning Engineers- They design and develop the ML systems that drive Google’s products, boosting user experiences and productivity. Their work is at the core of Google’s innovations, from speech recognition to search algorithms.
  • Data Scientists- They drive decision-making throughout Google’s operations by gleaning valuable insights from massive datasets. Their duties cover almost everything, including optimizing search engines and advertising campaigns.
  • AI Researchers- Google’s AI researchers are at the forefront of AI, creating new machine-learning techniques that will impact technology in the future. Their research impacts several domains, including natural language processing and computer vision.
  • Product Managers- Product managers at Google oversee the development of AI-powered features and products, ensuring that the company stays at the forefront of innovations that prioritize users’ needs.

But how can you build a successful data science career at Google?

All you need is some solid hands-on experience that will give you a thorough understanding of data science and ML implementation similar to that in Google’s products and services. Try working on ML projects such as

You can find similar projects on GitHub, ProjectPro, and Kaggle.

So, as we wrap up this blog, remember — the quest for knowledge never ends, and Google is your best companion on this journey. Whether you are exploring the universe or searching for grandma’s secret recipe, Google can help you with everything. Keep searching, keep learning, and let your curiosity thrive. Happy Googling!





Daivi Sarkar

Tech enthusiast, IT Geek, Content Writer, and Wanderlust! :)