How LLMs Supercharge Data Scientists’ Analytical Skills?

Daivi Sarkar
Published in
4 min readJul 12, 2023

Do you want to know how to take your analytical skills to a whole new level? Join me as I dive into the extraordinary world of Large Language Models (LLMs). These models are here to supercharge your data science journey, unravel complex text data, and empower you with mind-blowing insights. So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready for an exciting ride as I tell you how LLMs can take your analytical skills to the next level!

Large Language Models

Are LLMs Powerful Enough To Make You An Analytics Pro?

Let me tell you how using LLMs boosts the analytical skills of data scientists and helps them with different aspects of data analytics-

  • Handling Natural Language Processing (NLP) Tasks

NLP is like the enchanted forest of data science, full of challenges and wonders. But fear not! LLMs are your trusted guides through this mystical land. They excel in various NLP tasks, like sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, and text classification. Think of it as having a magical translator that understands the complexities of language and helps you extract valuable information from text effortlessly.

Suppose you work for a customer support team and receive thousands of customer reviews daily. By leveraging the power of LLMs, you can quickly analyze the sentiment of each review, identifying happy customers and addressing the concerns of those who are not- just like having a team of language experts who can read customers’ minds!

  • Uncovering Hidden Insights

Text data is like a treasure box waiting to be discovered, but sometimes the gems are hidden beneath complex layers. That’s where LLMs come to the rescue! They can dive deep into the text and uncover hidden patterns, relationships, and latent themes. It’s like having a Sherlock Holmes of the textual world!

Imagine you are analyzing a large collection of online news articles to understand public opinion about a particular topic. LLMs can browse vast amounts of text, identify key topics, and even detect emerging trends. It’s like having your news analyst who can summarize all the news articles in a blink of an eye!

  • Generating Natural Language Text

Now, here’s where things get even more exciting. LLMs not only understand language, but they can also generate it! Yes, you heard that right. They can write articles, compose poems, and even draft emails. It’s like having an AI writing assistant by your side, ready to unleash its creative prowess.

Picture this — you are a content creator, and you are struggling to come up with engaging blog post ideas. Just give your LLM a nudge; it can generate a list of fascinating blog topics that will impress your readers. Who needs a muse when you have an LLM?

How Can Data Scientists Use LLMs For Data Analysis?

From sentiment analysis to language translation and content generation, LLMs are your secret weapons in the realm of data science. Let us take a look at a few real-world use cases where LLMs enhance data scientists’ analytical skills-

  • Fraud Detection

LLMs can be helpful in fraud detection systems to analyze textual data such as transaction descriptions, customer reviews, or communication logs. By understanding the nuances of language, LLMs can help identify suspicious patterns, fraudulent activities, or unusual behavior, enabling organizations to overcome fraud more effectively.

Take inspiration from this exciting Credit Card Fraud Detection Project and try building a similar Fraud Detection project from scratch using LLM.

  • Sentiment Analysis

LLMs can quickly analyze and interpret sentiments expressed in text data, such as social media posts, customer reviews, or survey responses. By understanding the context and tone of the text, LLMs can determine whether the sentiment is positive, negative, or neutral. This enables businesses to improve customer satisfaction, identify emerging trends, and make better decisions to improve products or services.

Check out this Sentiment Analysis Project Using BERT Transformer to understand how to leverage LLMs for sentiment analysis tasks.

  • Text Classification

LLMs can analyze and categorize/classify text data into predefined categories based on content. This is useful in various applications, such as spam email detection, topic modeling, news article categorization, or customer support ticket routing. By leveraging the semantic understanding of language, LLMs can automate the process of organizing and classifying vast amounts of text, saving time and effort for data scientists.

Here’s an interesting NLP Project for Multi-Class Text Classification using BERT Model to help you build a text classification project using LLMs.

Now that you are aware of the benefits of mastering Large Language Models (LLMs) in enhancing your analytical skills within the data science realm, you may be interested in expanding your horizons even further. Introducing ProjectPro, a comprehensive platform designed for data scientists seeking to elevate their careers. By engaging with industry-level end-to-end solved data science and data analytics projects available in the ProjectPro repository, you can acquire practical experience and deepen your understanding of advanced techniques like LLMs. Embrace the opportunity to enhance your data analytics skills and explore a world of limitless possibilities in the ever-evolving field of data science. Embark on your ProjectPro learning experience today!



Daivi Sarkar

Tech enthusiast, IT Geek, Content Writer, and Wanderlust! :)