The Pitfalls of Hard Coding: Why Config Files Are Essential in Data Science Projects

Khushbu Shah
Published in
6 min readJul 6, 2023
Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

Config files, the data scientist’s guide,

Unleashing flexibility, where projects reside.

With a simple tweak, parameters unfold.

Flexibility enhanced, experiments untold.

No more hardcoding, no need to revise,

Config files empower, as innovation thrives.”

Read this blog to unravel the perils of hard coding in a data science project and discover config files as a data scientist’s ally.

Hard coding values, or directly embedding them within the code of a data science project seems convenient to data scientists at first glance. However, most data scientists claim it comes with several limitations and drawbacks that can hinder the flexibility, maintainability, and collaboration aspects of any data science project. Hard coding in a data science project is akin to etching instructions in stone, limiting the ability of data scientists to adapt and evolve as new requirements emerge in a project. Hard coding leaves little room for flexibility and hinders a data science project’s potential for growth among several other pitfalls listed below.

Limited Reusability

One of the pitfalls in data science projects arising from hard coding is limited reusability. When code is hardcoded, it becomes tightly coupled with specific parameters, making it challenging to reuse the code in different scenarios or adapt it to new requirements. This can result in inefficiencies and increased development time.

Let’s consider a data science project involving the development of a machine learning model for sentiment analysis. If the feature extraction and preprocessing steps are hardcoded within the code, it becomes difficult to reuse that code for different datasets or apply it to other natural language processing tasks.

Config Files — Backbone of Reusability in Data Science Projects

Config files are the backbone of reusability in data science projects. By separating configurations and parameters from the code, they provide the flexibility and adaptability needed to easily modify and reuse code across different datasets, experiments, and scenarios.

Embracing config files empowers data scientists to efficiently iterate, collaborate, and innovate, unlocking the true potential of their projects. By adopting config files instead of hard coding, data science projects become more adaptable, reusable, and easier to maintain over time. It enables efficient experimentation, promotes code modularity, and facilitates collaboration among team members working on the project.

Let's consider our sentiment analysis example from above, using config files, one can specify the preprocessing steps, such as tokenization, stop word removal, and stemming, in a separate configuration file. This separation of concerns allows you to reuse the code across different datasets or even apply it to other language-related tasks, simply by modifying the config file.

When it comes to maximizing reusability in data science projects, platforms like ProjectPro are the secret sauce. ProjectPro revolutionizes the way data scientists approach reusability. With their extensive collection of industry-grade projects and the flexibility of config files, professionals can accelerate their productivity and achieve remarkable results by customizing proven solutions to fit their specific project requirements.

Their industry-grade projects, combined with the power of config files, offer professionals practical experience and the ability to customize proven solutions to meet their specific needs.

By incorporating ProjectPro into your data science workflow, you gain access to an expert-curated library of reusable data science and machine learning project templates that empowers you to upskill, improve productivity, and achieve success in various industries.

Lack of Flexibility

Hard coding values can make it difficult to modify parameters or experiment with different configurations. Imagine you’re developing a deep-learning model to classify images. In this model, the number of hidden layers determines the complexity and capacity of the model to learn intricate patterns and features from the data.

In a hard-coded scenario, the number of hidden layers might be directly embedded in the code as shown below -

Now, suppose you want to experiment with different layer configurations to improve the model’s performance. For example, you might want to try a deeper architecture by adding additional hidden layers, or you might want to simplify the model by reducing the number of layers.

With hard coding, making such changes becomes cumbersome and error-prone. You would need to manually modify the code, remembering to adjust the layer sizes and positions each time:

As you can see, each time you want to experiment with different layer configurations, you have to manually modify the code, potentially introducing errors or inconsistencies if you miss updating certain parts. This manual process not only consumes valuable time but also increases the likelihood of overlooking or mismanaging the necessary changes.

How Config Files Empower Flexibility in Data Science Projects?

Data Scientists should use config files instead of hard coding to overcome these challenges. You can define the number of hidden layers as a parameter in a config file:

And then, in the model code, you can easily access and adapt the number of hidden layers based on the config value:

Now, when you want to try different layer configurations, you simply need to modify the value in the config file, and the changes will automatically propagate throughout the code. This approach saves time, reduces the risk of errors, and provides a more streamlined and flexible workflow for exploring different model architectures.

By leveraging config files, you empower yourself to effortlessly experiment with various layer configurations, enabling you to optimize your model’s performance without the burden of manual code modifications.

Poor Maintainability

Hard coding values can lead to code duplication and maintenance challenges. If the same value is used in multiple places, modifying it requires updating every instance. This increases the likelihood of introducing errors and makes the codebase harder to maintain over time.

Imagine you’re working on a data science project that involves analyzing customer data. Throughout your codebase, you need to reference a common threshold value, such as the minimum purchase amount for a customer to be considered “high value.”

In a hard-coded approach, you might directly embed the threshold value (e.g., $1000) in multiple places where it is used:

Here, the threshold value (1000) is hardcoded in several locations. Now, imagine that the business requirements change and the threshold needs to be increased to $1500. With hard coding, you would have to manually update every instance of the threshold value throughout the codebase, which can be time-consuming and error-prone.

The codebase might contain numerous functions and modules that reference this threshold, making it easy to miss updating a specific instance. This introduces the risk of inconsistent or incorrect results if some parts of the codebase are updated while others are overlooked. Furthermore, if the threshold value is used in additional places, it would require finding and updating all those instances as well.

How Config Files Enhance the Maintainability of Data Science Projects?

In contrast, by using config files, data scientists can overcome these maintainability challenges. Instead of hard coding the threshold value, store them in a central config file:

Config files empower data scientists to adjust parameters, switch algorithms, or experiment with different settings without modifying the code itself. This flexibility enhances the maintainability of the data science project and reduces the chances of introducing errors or breaking the code logic.

