Top 7 Chatbot Project Ideas Every Data Scientist Must Explore in 2023

Daivi Sarkar
Published in
6 min readSep 13, 2023

Are you a data scientist with a knack for creating digital companions that can chat, assist, and entertain? Well, it’s time to roll up your sleeves because we are about to embark on a journey into the world of chatbot innovation! This blog will discuss the top seven Chatbot project ideas for Data Scientists. Now, these aren’t your run-of-the-mill chatbots; I am talking about virtual assistants that can streamline businesses, revolutionize customer service, and make human-machine interaction more intuitive than ever before. From healthcare wizards to e-commerce concierges, these chatbot projects are designed to showcase your data science magic and impact industries across the board. So, if you are ready to dive into conversational AI and transform data into dynamic dialogues, let us begin this exciting journey!

Building Chatbots Projects
Image by on Freepik

7 Exciting Chatbot Project Ideas For You

Below are seven easy and fascinating Chatbot project ideas worth exploring by data enthusiasts in 2023-

  • Text Classification Chatbot Using NLTK

Our goal will be building the core engine of a chatbot, and you will be leveraging powerful machine learning text classification models, specifically the Decision Tree Classifier and the Naive Bayes Classifier, to make it happen. Text classification, a fundamental aspect of natural language processing, is our secret sauce. By tapping into the NLTK library, you can equip our chatbot with the intelligence it needs to understand and categorize user inputs. From there, it can generate contextually relevant responses, transforming conversations into meaningful interactions.

Imagine the possibilities! This project opens up a world of AI-enabled conversations, from customer service chatbots that understand and assist with user queries to recommendation systems that customize responses based on user preferences. So, if you are ready to begin a journey where your coding skills meet the magic of NLP, this chatbot project is your ticket to chatbot greatness!

Source Code- Natural language processing Chatbot application using NLTK for text classification

  • E-Commerce Chatbot Using RASA NLU And Python

In this exciting project, you are in for a hands-on journey into the world of chatbot development powered by the open-source conversational AI platform Rasa. Your mission? Create an advanced yet user-friendly AI-powered chatbot custom-made for e-commerce businesses. This chatbot will be your digital assistant for handling product, location, and order ID queries. You will dive deep into the mechanics of Rasa NLU, fine-tuning it with the magic of spaCy and TensorFlow as the pipelines. This means your chatbot will understand user inputs and respond intelligently and contextually, offering a seamless and personalized shopping experience. So wait no more, and jump right into building this innovative and super helpful chatbot now!

Source Code- Create Your First Chatbot with RASA NLU Model and Python

  • Customer Service Chatbot Using Keras

In this fascinating project, you will create an AI Chatbot entirely from scratch, and your toolkit of choice is the Keras Sequential Model. Your data playground? ProjectPro’s customer service inquiry chat logs. These conversations capture real-time interactions between human customer agents and ProjectPro’s website visitors, filled with inquiries about services, prices, location, and sign-up information.

What’s on the project agenda? First, you will tackle the challenge of processing unstructured data, transforming it into a structured goldmine. Then, you will label the data using unsupervised and supervised techniques, clarifying the conversation flow. Finally, the last step involves building an AI Chatbot using the powerful Keras Sequential Model for customer assistance.

Picture this: your chatbot becoming the go-to helper for ProjectPro customers, answering queries, providing information, and enhancing user experiences. If you are ready to master the art of building AI-driven conversational agents and turning unstructured data into actionable insights, this project is your gateway to chatbot wizardry!

Source Code- Build an AI Chatbot from Scratch using Keras Sequential Model

  • Intelligent Banking Chatbot Using Python And Flask

This project uses Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, Javascript, and Natural Language Processing (NLTK). It includes some basic neural networks for processing updated data (.json format) to train the chatbot to update its responses. This chatbot is focused on helping companies within the financial industry onboard employees faster by providing them with a tool to understand company-specific knowledge processes and terms. This tool was built to help save team leads time as the chatbot’s knowledge base continually grows to retain the most up-to-date information. This chatbot was made to save team lead time and smooth the onboarding process for new employees.

Onboarding to a new company takes time and new knowledge of terms, processes, and company-specific ‘lingo’. The chatbot helps employees gain a baseline knowledge of information while helping experienced developers gain knowledge from other projects. This chatbot mainly focuses on helping the banking/financial industry, specifically knowledge of mortgages and loan processes.

Source Code- Intelligent Banking Chatbot

  • Healthcare Chatbot (‘HealthBot’) Using Python

HealthBot emerges as a powerful ally in dealing with human symptoms and foreseeing potential outcomes in healthcare. This project is a fusion of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML), designed to enhance the chatbot’s effectiveness in understanding and responding to user queries. It’s not just a chatbot; it’s a health companion. The technical toolkit for this project includes Python, TKinter for creating a user-friendly desktop application, and SpaCy for NLP tasks such as sentence tokenization and lemmatization. The magic happens when you integrate a Huggingface pre-trained model, which excels in extracting disease names from user inputs using Named Entity Recognition (NER) processing.

Imagine users describing their symptoms and HealthBot swiftly and accurately identifying potential health concerns. It’s not just about providing information; it’s about promoting early awareness and proactive healthcare. So, if you are ready to explore the integration of AI, NLP, and healthcare, you must build this project from scratch!

Source Code- Healthcare Chatbot Using Python

  • Document-Based Chatbot Using LLMs

Imagine a chatbot that’s not just smart but also context-savvy! This project combines the genius of Langchain, LLM (GPT-3), and Chroma to create a chatbot that’s a conversation maestro. It’s like having a chat with a digital wizard!

Here’s the magic- It generates responses based on your input and the context you provide. Langchain works its preprocessing magic, getting everything ready. Then, LLM (GPT-3) steps in to craft responses that are not just relevant but contextually brilliant. To top it off, Chroma highlights the crucial bits in the document or context, making sure you never miss a beat.

The best part? It is built with Python and Streamlit, making it easy to deploy and demonstrate. It’s a glimpse into the future of chatbots, where technology combines seamlessly to give you conversations that feel like magic! So, wait no more, and try building this project yourself!

Source Code- Document-Based Chatbot Using LLMs

  • GPT-Based Banking AI Virtual Assistant

This fascinating and super helpful project will let you dive into the world of virtual assistants, and it’s not your ordinary AI chatbot. This project leverages the immense capabilities of OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 model to build a virtual assistant with a remarkable twist.

This assistant works with a vast knowledge database featuring some of the most popular products from Banorte, Mexico’s largest bank. What sets it apart is its ability to decipher complex, implicitly phrased, poorly structured, or grammatically incorrect questions. Traditional virtual assistants often stumble in such situations, but not this LLM-based virtual assistant!

Accessible via Telegram, this digital companion is primed to handle both text and voice messages. It can receive voice messages, transcribe them with the help of Whisper by OpenAI, and respond with insights from its knowledge base. It’s like having a knowledgeable friend always ready to assist, regardless of how you phrase your questions. This project exemplifies how future AI-powered virtual assistants will make complex interactions feel effortless and intuitive!

Source Code- GPT-Based Banking AI Virtual Assistant

Remember that the world of chatbots and Natural Language Processing is teeming with opportunities for innovation. To master this dynamic field, dive into the vast range of NLP projects on platforms like Github, ProjectPro, and Kaggle. These real-world projects offer a playground for honing machine learning and data science skills. So, seize the chance to build chatbots that make a difference, explore cutting-edge NLP techniques, and be at the forefront of the AI revolution. Your ML journey awaits!



Daivi Sarkar

Tech enthusiast, IT Geek, Content Writer, and Wanderlust! :)