Day 1.

I’m not sure how to start a blog, here’s a short and sweet intro about myself.

Pulkit Arora
2 min readOct 17, 2016


Tim Urban: Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator

I am a procrastinator, I relate to Tim Urban’s TED Talk (If you haven’t seen it yet, go do it. I’ll wait.). There are a couple of constants in my life. I read whatever book I find, I take apart whatever I can get my hands on. I have horrible grammar, even worse spelling. I’m curious. Curious about space, about artificial intelligence, about how to bring back a woolly mammoth, the best way to cook a steak. I believe music should always be playing in the background.

My goal in life is to be the second smartest person in the room, if I’m not I haven’t been around long enough, if I’m the smartest it’s time for something bigger. I don’t think numbers should matter but they do. Age, grades, experience is all subjective but its all what we have to assess people with so be it. I got my first certification at 17 and quickly realized its pointless, that’s all I have to say about it.

I have a pretty cool job, I’m part of the Research Computing Team at the New York Genome Center and that’s going to be a big part of this blog. We’re going to look at cool technologies I discover and ideas on how to use them. I’ll also drop in some thoughts that have helped me along the way, let’s see how that goes. Keep in mind nothing here will actually be reflective of NYGC it’s purely my thoughts. That being said send stuff my way, I love nights where I get carried away working on cool shit.

In conclusion my life is a work in progress, I’m out to experience and discover new things. Here’s somewhere to put my ideas.

