A Story of Happy and the Pappy

2 characters that our life depends on the pursuit of happiness

Vishruth Harithsa
9 min readDec 3, 2019


Drawing by Spoorthi Usha

Among all the way we grow and we spend our time in life, we should have the conscience to pursue the thoughts and to accept life more like it is. As long as we persist in resisting sadness or being remorse, our life gets to choose difficult paths. The pursuit of happiness could indeed lead to greater happiness if people are given the right tools — “The Paradoxical Effects of Pursuing Positive Emotion” This research paper was published by Brett Q. Ford & Iris B. Mauss. They say,

“Those pursuing happiness may set high standards for their levels of happiness. When their happiness falls short of their standards — which is likely when the standards are high — the resulting disappointment and frustration impede the experience of happiness.”

They do understand the concept of happiness quite well and their research is one of the most important papers to understand the physiology of happiness.

To understand the basic instincts of happiness and being normal in life, let me tell you a story about Happy and Pappy.

Happy is a small-town girl and Pappy is a rich and crazy girl from Manhattan. We have to understand here that there is a lot of differences between people who live in Manhattan and small townies. I am just trying to say that the story deals with all kinds of minds and those people are compared to the mind of every human on this planet.

There was a moment in New York City and every human being around the city was called upon. Happy was in the VIP seat and Pappy was at the general seat where all other small-town girls sat. The moment was to find a worthy person who is happy in their lives along with all the satisfactory job, peace and money.

At the moment, Happy has been selected as the happiest person. She got selected not because she is rich, has the job she earns in six figures or is satisfied with life. There was more to it. Pappy was stereotyping the decessions of reviewers as they got corrupted and it was a planned moment where Happy arranged for showing her pride in front of the people of New York City. There is more to it than that. You may have read a lot of stories from a person who is from a small town are the happiest and people with money are stressful. In this story, I am trying to explain your life with happiness from another perspective. Let’s get ahead and start understanding what that is.

Drawing by Spoorthi Usha

Pappy’s Life

Let’s take a peek at Happy and Pappy’s life. Pappy is a kind, generous and also a great looking girl. She is too good at considering circumstances and living with it. She is a simple, calm and crazy minded who is willing to take fewer risks in life and always wanting to be satisfied no matter what. As life goes on, she started to adopt what she has and started to get what she wants after she grew up. She started to think that she can get whatever she wants in her life, it gives her and always has her back. So, she started to play holy moly with her life by taking it for granted. She was unknown to her changes and ignorant of serious philosophies of life. She thought that she is a kid and started to behave like a child. Since she was cute, crazy, kind and helpful, everything that she has done made her happy in her life and life has given her those except money and luxury.

On the way in her life, she made a friend name Shappy. She was also like her in every aspect except few whereabouts. They were together for years and shared a pretty close relationship. Shappy was smarter and cleverer than Pappy but Pappy was different and special than her. They both felt something missing in their life. Their lifestyle was like thinking about going for a job earning money, keeping their parents happy, going for dates with their boyfriends, attending functions. Pappy usually stayed isolated from functions and attending ceremonies more. Pappy just wanted to have fun and enjoy life also she was in a fantasy that everything good will happen without being out of the comfort zone.

She was not so dedicated, determined, and inspirational about leading an exemplary life. She never wanted that. As she grew older, her childishness grown and also she was not in the position to listen to any words from her good wishers who opposed her wrongdoings. She kept taking decessions that impacted her life all the way through. We can observe here that as we grow up in life, we become like children but that won’t save from life-giving harder tasks for us. Up to some point it forgives us and soon after if we don’t learn from our mistakes, it hits us and teaches us our purpose.

It is hard to explain the life of Pappy in simple words. I can say, as she got older, her decision-making power got hit and she started to take a series of wrong decisions. This was influenced by Shappy as well. Shappy’s craziness added to Pappy by making her crazier than she ever was. Her influence was impacted Pappy to do a lot of things that stopped her to grow in life. Pappy’s parents were very good and they gave all the freedom in the world until she grew up to become a professional.

The people at her age started to make a life for themselves hence Pappy decided to think of herself and make things on her own. She has been very smart until this moment but the decision now has changed her whole life. Pappy thought of finding a life partner for her and started to align herself in finding him instead of doing things that mattered. She had no clue about life and what might come in the future.

Drawing by Spoorthi Usha

She found one and committed with a guy. He was quite settled in his life with a better job and he had that freaking attitude of great principles. His name is Mappy. Mappy is a good looking, responsible, kind, devoted and engaging personality. He is settled in life with no requirement of taking risks in life. Pappy found him interesting and they both fell in love with each other. But Pappy’s parents disagreed and started to find the other boy for her. To be frank she had no idea about real commitments in life and she taught to be childish and took things lite. Her life started to take over turn from crazy and childish to cruel and responsible. As she never knew how to deal with the cruelty of life, she became paranoid about it and began to think about negative things that might happen. She had everything in her life until that point but all got lost because of life deciding to teach her a lesson for being crazy and thinking about what she doesn’t have all the time.

She was thinking negative, lost hope, lost confidence, turned to pessimist and delusional. This story about Pappy, tells us that a person who wants to be happy all the time cannot be happy and expecting from life under the influence of someone can ruin their life as well. To Pappy become Happy, she had to reinvent herself and to change her lifestyle. The confusion between Childishness and Innocence can make our life miserable. As we grow by age, we need to work on our innocence and let the child in us rest and rise less often.

Happy’s Life

Happy’s life is exactly opposite to Pappy. She grew up in life all alone, less treated by humans and more treated by guards. Her parents were billionaires that is the reason they were living in Manhattan. All of her childhood was about being responsible, less crazy, less childish and more forceful to live like a professional. She always wondered about how life is and how can she get out of that kind of situation. Happy found herself a way to develop and started thinking about herself and doing good for others. She started to go to places where people with more emotions exist like churches, Old Age homes, Parks and several places where there is the presence of more people. Instead of attending parties and pubs, she thought about attending welfare programs. She never donated money for anyone or any cause. She was just appearing to those events as a normal girl.

Drawing by Spoorthi Usha

She was being positive about her life and optimistic that good things will happen to her one day. She never dreamt of having a great life and to become one of the greatest. She never dreamt of being happy always. She just insisted to watch people around her and to learn from them.

Easily, she started to notice compassion, kindness, happiness, and empathy inside her. It made her more valuable than Pappy. Pappy was kind as well but she was being kind to herself rather than Happy who wanted to be better in life. Every day she started to find something new in herself by observing what is going on around her and started to draw a picture of it.

She started to like art, paint and other creative things. To express the emotion of happiness that she was experiencing in her every day, she painted a lot of drawings. She helped herself to express the emotion out of her in the form of art. In her career, she became a great artist and a meaningful helper of people.

Why Happy got the award?

Happy got the award because of her reinvention. Pappy never got the time to reinvent herself and she destroyed her life all the way through by being pessimistic.

Surprisingly Happy is the future version of Pappy where from the small town, she became herself rich and powerful. The loneliness I expressed in Happy’s life is the childishness of her and the Happiness part I expressed was the innocence towards herself and she kept learning about the people around her by visiting them. The transformation of Pappy to Happy made her happy.


We live in our lives every day with a lot of pressure around us. That pressure may be from our parents or society doesn’t matter. All that matters is, how we handle it. Every day is a challenge for us and we need to keep ourselves ready for all types of outcomes. Sometimes, we have to take bold decisions to make our future worthy and safe. If we hesitate to make a move that makes us proud in the future, we can never become what we thought we would. Every step we take changes our destiny and what we become.

Ultimately you need to choose what kind of life you need. Happy is all about innocence and honest to yourself by not letting yourself down for anything that affects your freedom but Pappy is about hesitating to take the right decision at the right time by being self-centered. It is left to us to decide what we need to become. Be the one who helps you to be happy and others around you happy instead of being yourself in a predicament where you are not proud of.

Life is about taking right decision at the right time instead of regretting our past and fearing our future. We cannot change the past and also we cannot live the future. All we got is the present and we must make most out of it by helping others like us who suffers every day. Key is in putting ourselves in the situation where we are better than at least 90% of the people around us rather than competing for 10% who are above us. This is how we can find happiness to live. Aiding others to grow is the biggest happiness you can get.

Voice by Varun Gn



Vishruth Harithsa

A Software Engineer with half a decade of experience toward observability and a decade of experience with programming. Sometimes I Write, Listen and Talk.