Be Determined to Hit the Bullseye

Always focus on the things which take you to the person who you want to be in the future.

Vishruth Harithsa
6 min readDec 21, 2019


Drawing by Spoorthi Usha

With the long gap to catch up, I am writing this article as a reminder of what is to come in my life. In recent years, I have lost the focus I had toward my goal and vision which is now making me pay a hefty fee.

When I started my journey to become an entrepreneur, life was so easy and it filled with lots of dreams and zero effort in making them as real. From the beginning, I had this different opinion about life where things have gone not so well for me. When there should have been fun, I was there teaching philosophy to my friends who eventually left me for being the counter-funny person. There was something in me that was going on and it was telling me that what I was doing is not right.

I kept writing plans and dreaming about them. Nobody supported my work in my college and finally threw me away and considered me unfit to complete my graduation. This happens in everyone’s life. We get knocked down for being different. This fear of getting knocked down prevents us from thinking big and staying efficient.

After some time, things went wrong in my entrepreneur career as well and we got bankrupt because of poor choices and failing to hit the bullseye in our approach to our plan. I failed to do things that needed to be done when I was a student and as a CTO, I failed to live up to my company expectation and took it to bankruptcy.

I blame myself every day for what happened in my life and where I missed out on my previous attempts.

If I studied in the right way and struggled to get good grades, right now I would be in some better companies working as a team leader with a six-digit salary. If I helped my company to focus on commercial growth rather than providing students free education by investing its own money expecting good will happen, our company would still be striving. Remember in life, we come across an infinite number of situations where small choices hugely affect our future.

Success is not about hitting bullseye all the time. If I knew to stay focussed all the time towards my goal without any distractions, I never know what happens when I lose that focus toward it. Either way, focussing toward the goal so hard only makes you take unrealistic decisions. In both of my situations, I was so focused on my goal of becoming an entrepreneur, on the way I completely forgot what it takes to be the one.

As Stephen Covey says in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,

We are proactive by nature. But, we become reactive based on our choices to allow conditions to control us. Proactive people aren’t really affected by external stimuli like the weather, they are value-driven.

We choose to be reactive in deciding as I was so focussed that it made me reactive due to my obsession with it.

What can you do to achieve?

There are 1000s of ways to teach you how to reach your goal and hot the target. According to my experience, we have to be self-driven in the process to achieve the target which we love to reach.

Here are those steps,

  1. You are the born leader meant to invoke leadership in others around you.
  2. Be creative enough to know the beauty of the road you are yet to reach.
  3. Don’t try so hard, just let the flow of your passion drive you through.
  4. Cultivate highly effective habits to understand yourself.
  5. Think of Win-Win situation for you and the people around you.

You are the born leader meant to invoke leadership in others around you:

Everyone is a true leader. According to Robin Sharma, he writes in his book Extraordinary Leadership,

If you are breathing the oxygen, then you are a leader. Every person is a leader in this world with their own skills and consents.

We are born to lead in every aspect of our life. To live a life which we expect, we need to think like leaders and let others around us see us as a leader. This is only possible when we make them feel that they are also the leaders of their lives.

Be creative enough to know the beauty of the road you are yet to reach:

There are a few creative ways you can be to boost your creative thinking.

You don’t have to be a creative thinker to be able to think outside the box, you just need to do more stuff that stimulates creative thinking.

This was the opinion of Jason Zook in one of his articles where he has written 6 beautiful ways to boost out creative skills. He is the founder of

We just have to stay outside of the comfort zone, write some random words, watch a movie in a theatre, talk to a stranger over a phone call, eat differently.

Don’t try so hard, just let the flow of your passion drive you through:

Be a free soul, it is hard to find. You don’t have to work late nights and pledge your health to reach your goal or hit the bullseye in your career.

I was reading an article written by Ayodeji Awosika this morning, he nailed it about how you need to lead your life and finding its purpose. He says,

No anticipation of the future whatsoever. No grand master plan. Just begin to do the thing messily until you can do it professionally.

I say it is a very true fact. Until we do it professionally, we just need to be consistent. Create something that you like and be consistent with it even there is zero sales or no visitors on your site.

Your passion will take you wherever you want to be until you are consistent and disciplined toward your goal.

Cultivate highly effective habits to understand yourself:

It’s the time for Influencing people around you. We discussed it at the first point. It was all about making others around you feel good about them. This point is about making the people around you to see how you are.

How it affects getting to your goal? You are living in a world where every help matters when you need them and that help may come from anywhere we don’t know. So, earning people and their trust is one important factor in succeeding and hitting the bullseye of your target.

To make yourself likeable, smile, listen and remember the names of others. People crave appreciation so shower them with it and talk about what’s important to them. Avoid arguments and never criticize others as this will not help you get your way. If you want someone to change, be lavish and generous with your praise, encouraging them for every bit of progress they make. Admit your own mistakes openly and only call attention to the mistakes of others indirectly.

This was the summary of one of my favorite books How to Win Friends & Influence People, written by Dale Carnegie.

Think of Win-Win situation for you and the people around you:

To master this education, you need to understand what you want to become clear. It is difficult to think of a Win-Win situation many times. It is almost like going against your will number of times but still, it pays you off one way or the other.

For example: Think of your business partner when the person tells you to stop your idea which is under execution. At the time, you may feel offended but if you come up with an idea that is better than this one by halting the idea that is currently under execution leads to Win-Win situation. You get your idea executed and your partner earns more money from your idea.

Just to land in that particular situation, you had to give up your previous idea and it feels injustice for you. If you think of a bigger perspective, you expanded your knowledge and also understood your partner more about what he/she is expecting from you.


To stay on track and hit the bullseye of your target goal, you need to learn 5 basic things to start with, be the leader that no one has seen, be creative by adopting things that are done differently. When you feel you are stressing yourself hard, stop doing that and let your passion drive you through cultivated highly effective habits that get you rapport. Be an empathetic listener and thinker where you ultimately land on the Win-Win situation.



Vishruth Harithsa

A Software Engineer with half a decade of experience toward observability and a decade of experience with programming. Sometimes I Write, Listen and Talk.